Maybe a drug!

Not every person realizes that from a medical point of view, sex can be compared with a drug. During intercourse, a person releases the hormone endorphin, which stimulates the same areas of the brain as psychotropic substances. And the very addiction to sex can be equated with the same addiction to narcotic drugs, such as heroin. And unfortunately, this can be a big problem.


July 30, 2022

Interesting fact.

Based on statistics, the Greeks are the world leaders in the number of sex sessions. They have sex about 138 times a year. And the most dissatisfied nation in terms of sex is the Japanese, they do it only 45 times a year because of the high employment at work.


July 30, 2022

The most exciting drink, according to scientists, is pomegranate juice.

They explain this by the fact that it contains substances that affect the hormonal background, causing attraction and passion. Studies also show that coffee drinkers have more regular sex.


July 29, 2022

Healthy sex - healthy teeth.

Only dentists know that sex can greatly improve dental health. Male sperm not only smoothes wrinkles, but also helps prevent caries by 40%. During kissing and sexual intercourse, the secretion of saliva increases. And saliva is a natural mouth cleaner. This is how we combine business with pleasure.


July 29, 2022

More weird moments.

The popular Take it easy collection of the European sexual wellness brand Lola Games has been replenished, which many have been waiting for. The well-loved Dea and Era vibroballs with a remote control and unusual functions have won the hearts of their users. Small, stylish and comfortable. But their secret trump card is the functions of vibrating rotation and vibrating pulsation, which surprise and fascinate. Why don't you try it too?


July 29, 2022

The frequency of orgasms.

Men in Russia and the UK are twice as likely to have an orgasm than their partners. Whereas in Nigeria men and women have the same number of orgasms.


July 29, 2022

Interesting fact.

In order for the average European man to feel like a "sexual giant", we advise him to visit Japan. The thing is that the average length of the penis in a state of erection in a Japanese man is approximately 12.7 centimeters. At rest, its length is 7.6 centimeters.


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 6. Be consistent.

Don't try it on the first try. Especially if you are not completely sure about your desire to have anal sex. To get started, include your fingers and tongue in your standard menu: let the man first caress the rear entrance with his fingers (preferably lubricated) or give you oral pleasure. This will help you relax and learn to trust your partner.


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 5. Don't forget the lubrication.

You don't have to go overboard with it either, but a little water-based or silicone-based lube applied to the anus will prevent tears, reduce pain, and increase pleasure. If you are afraid that it will hurt, use only special analgesic lubricants for anal sex. Lubricants reduce pain, and anesthetics reduce sensitivity.


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 4. The condom is a must-have accessory.

Yes, pregnancy and anal sex are not related concepts. However, you will need condoms! Because they protect not only from pregnancy, but also from infections. In this situation, they are even more needed than with normal sex. First, the risk of infections is higher, and you need to protect yourself from them. Secondly, what if you want to switch to vaginal contact? It will be enough to change the condom to a new one - and you are ready to continue.


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 3. It must be planned.

Almost all "manuals" on sex agitate us to "turn off our heads" and indulge in unrestrained sex. All this, of course, is wonderful. Only one caveat: anal sex is the only one where you need to turn on your head! More precisely, in preparation for it, and then you will notice what pleasure that forbidden fruit that you were even afraid to think about can give!


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 2. It shouldn't hurt.

It only hurts if it's done wrong. Many women enjoy anal sex and have an orgasm while doing it. If you start slowly and carefully, with small objects like fingers and sex toys, gradually moving to slightly larger ones and using a special lubricant, and you are aroused and not afraid, embarrassed and cringe, then it will not hurt.


July 29, 2022

Tips about anal sex for beginners. 1. Anal sex is not for the silent.

Bonding with a partner is a key factor for those who decide to try anal sex for themselves. The only way to know that everything is going according to plan is to be absolutely honest with each other, as well as to warn when you feel uncomfortable or just changed your mind about doing “it” now. Yes, this also happens, so in no case do not be silent about your desires! After all, sex against your will is never fun.


July 29, 2022

Use positive reinforcement.

Say nice things to him about what he does well in bed for your pleasure, and gently suggest new things. Express your joy after sex by encouraging the behavior you enjoy. If he does not listen to you, constantly ridicules you and refuses to change, think about breaking up. Surely his selfishness interferes with you not only in bed.


July 27, 2022

What to do with an egoist.

So, according to the answers to these questions, you found out that everything is not so simple. Here are a few tips on how to solve the problem without parting. Understand what you love. Maybe you like oral sex? Back caresses? Vibrator in bed? Say it to him. Not secretly under the covers, but in full voice and when he is ready to hear you. Not right before or after sex!


July 27, 2022

Does he consider your orgasm a trophy?

It's good when a partner makes sure that you reach the peak, but why does he need it? If he is happy for you, that's good. And if this is the measure of his personal success, then it looks like pure egoism.


July 27, 2022

Does he tell his friends about his intimate life?

It doesn’t matter at all to someone that a partner shares intimate details with friends, but many consider this a violation of personal boundaries. If you asked him not to do this, but he ignored it, this is a good indicator of selfishness.


July 27, 2022

Does he ignore your desires?

Think about how he treats you during sex. Does it help to realize your dreams, does it follow your wishes? Or maybe he laughs at your suggestions? If after sex he immediately turns away and falls asleep, then he really is not very interested in your pleasure. The same can be said about the situation when he tries to persuade you to have sex if you are not in the mood.


July 27, 2022

Is he in a hurry with foreplay?

Foreplay is one of the important elements of sex. Unfortunately, many couples treat her with contempt, trying to quickly move on to sex. Of course, the reasons for this may be different: for example, his ex-girlfriend did not like foreplay, or he is afraid that the erection will not be enough for sex. But if he's in a hurry because he doesn't care about your pleasure, that's another matter entirely.


July 27, 2022

Bed egoism: how to understand that only his orgasm is important for a partner?

Sex should be a pleasure for both, but if one of the partners is only interested in himself, the second is usually unpleasant. One cannot call egoism the desire to get one's orgasm, but when a person refuses it to another - is it good? In addition, sexual selfishness can affect other aspects of a relationship. Here's how to understand that a partner thinks only of himself.


July 27, 2022