Game for the evening: truth or dare

4 questions and 4 actions, choose the most intimate. What will be the end of this game? Truth ▪️What is your most erotic dream? ▪️ Favorite part of my body? ▪️What is your least favorite pose? ▪️What would instantly give you an orgasm? Actions ▪️Remove underwear only with your mouth. ▪️With the help of kisses, walk from the wrist to the ear. ▪️ Draw a picture with your tongue in the lower abdomen. ▪️Show movement from porn.


August 8, 2022

How much time do you spend on sex?

Too short is considered sex lasting 1-2 minutes, and too long - from 10 minutes to half an hour. The desired duration is 7-13 minutes.


August 8, 2022

Foreplay will help you turn sex into a desirable, passionate action, and not into an evening obligation.

It will be what is called sex on a platoon. By the way, this is the main reason why Italian couples are so happy in marriages - passions and violent quarrels.


August 8, 2022

When a woman has sex in socks, she gets an orgasm 30% more often than without them.

The reason lies in the work of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. She is responsible for anxiety and fear, and cold feet give a signal of danger. For this reason, a woman cannot fully relax. In addition, 75% of women do not have an orgasm during penetrative sex without additional stimulation of the clitoris.


August 8, 2022

A selection of films with sex scenes for evening viewing.

▪️ "Temptation" 2001 The duet of Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas passionately excited then, excites now. The scene in the bathroom, filled with tenderness and erotica, shows what sex can be in this room. Why not try again, mm? ▪️“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” 2011 The hero of the film, played by Daniel Craig, is tired of sexual victories without obligations and succumbed to a seductive lady. And he did not lose - the sex, especially in the Swedish version, is very good. ▪️“Diary of Memory” 2004 Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, under the pressure of rain and passion, showed how to give each other even on the dinner table.


August 8, 2022

Make time and space for sex.

To maintain passion, it is important to allocate not only time, but also a place: not everyone has a red room from a well-known film, and the space of an apartment associated with everyday life and routine is not the best place to create an erotic atmosphere. Think about how you, based on your financial capabilities, could solve this problem.


August 8, 2022

Just because he wants you less than you want him doesn't mean he loves you less.

It means he has a weaker libido, that's all. Nothing personal, just a difference in temperament.


August 8, 2022

Guys like sex for the same reason girls do.

They want to let off steam, they want to be enchanted and they are looking for passion. Sex is a great vehicle for intimacy, and everyone knows how guys love real intimacy (even if they never admit it).


August 8, 2022

How many positions do you have time to change while having sex?

Count and try to make your act more varied (by the way, this is a great way to make it even longer). Have you set a new record? Check it out and see if you can beat it.


August 8, 2022

Secrets of the male orgasm.

Men can't control their emotions when reaching orgasm During sex, 94% of men have a desire to do it again, but after an orgasm, this desire disappears. The amount of seminal fluid secretion depends on the mood. Restoring the body to the readiness of a new sexual intercourse takes an average of 18 minutes. The best time for a male orgasm is early in the morning.


August 8, 2022

A woman's sexual desires are related to her cycle.

Nature so ordered that a woman experiences the greatest sexual desire on the days of ovulation. Hormones and an increase in testosterone levels during this period are to blame, which cause a strong intimate attraction to a partner. The work of this sexual mechanism, of course, is not accidental: in this way, nature does its best to ensure that a woman becomes pregnant.


August 8, 2022

Sex after 50.

Oddly enough, but according to the latest data, one in four men over 50 years of age, sexual activity improves compared to the previous period. On the physical side, this is due to the fact that a man is less stressed at work and in bed than before. Although a number of men at this age lose their sexual activity, due to health problems and a deterioration in their general physical condition and a decrease in activity in general.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality from 35 to 50 years.

If a man had a regular sexual life up to this age, then no special changes will occur during this period. Sexual preference, behavior and temperament of a man will remain at about the same level as in 30 years. Some physical illnesses that have worsened by this time can affect sexual behavior. A mature man at this stage in bed thinks more about the interests of his partner, knows how to please her, is affectionate, courteous, can have sex for a long time, holding back ejaculation.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality from 25 to 35 years.

Closer to 30 years, testosterone levels begin to fall, the desire for sex decreases and is controlled by the mind. Sex becomes better, a man can have several sexual intercourses per night. A man is ready for experiments and can realize his partner's fantasies in bed. In bed, a man is gentle, inventive and knows how to surprise his partner. Sexual intercourse itself can last from 10 minutes or longer.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality up to 25 years.

Usually boys begin to get acquainted with sex at the age of 15-17 years. Therefore, by the age of 20, the guy already has a certain sexual experience - from time to time successful, from time to time not quite. In their youth, guys have excellent physical shape and general well-being, so they need regular sex. A high level of testosterone spurs sexual arousal and guys are ready for sexual contact at any opportunity. Excitation grows quickly, but the duration of sex can upset the girl, it is unlikely that the guy will last more than 5 minutes.


August 6, 2022

Male sexuality at different ages.

There is an opinion that men constantly think about sex and at any opportunity they are already in sexual fantasies. But thinking and acting are completely different things. Passion, flirting, sex and love go with a man through life at any age. But if in women the peak of sexual activity occurs closer to 30 years, then in a man the sexual curve looks a little different throughout life. How exactly male sexuality changes with age, let's figure it out.


August 6, 2022

More guys - wider vagina.

Surprisingly, many men think so. Allegedly, a large number of partners can loosen the vagina like a window frame. In fact, the size of the vagina is an individual feature, and the number of partners does not play any role. You can be a prostitute with the narrowest pussy in the country, or you can be a shy little girl with a very roomy pussy. In fact, the size of the vagina does not change. Changes in the tone of the vaginal muscles due to childbirth, abortion, health problems and due to a sharp weight gain / loss. A member of a partner is not so omnipotent that because of him the size of the pussy changes. And the loss of tone of the vaginal muscles can be restored by performing special exercises.


August 5, 2022

Tough enough.

Hard sex is an essential attribute of BDSM. However, surveys in recent years have shown that choking, spanking and other behavior that can be attributed to rough sex is often found in couples who are far from BDSM practitioners.


August 5, 2022

Pregnancy and sex.

Sexual attraction does not disappear during pregnancy. In almost half of pregnant women, the desire to have sex does not weaken at all - rather the opposite.


August 5, 2022

Get enough sleep before sex.

If you have an irregular schedule, a lot of stress at work, then nighttime sex can become problematic. Try to sleep at least a couple of hours first, and then make love. It also helps to change the schedule of sex. Just love each other in the morning after sleep and before work.


August 5, 2022