Impotence was among the consequences of COVID-19

Scientists have found a coronavirus in the tissues of the penis of people who have had an infection, and signs of impaired vascular function. The study was published in the World Journal of Men's Health, Medportal writes. In the tissues of the penis, which are responsible for erection, the endothelium is the same as in other vessels. COVID-19 can cause widespread endothelial dysfunction in various organs and systems, not only in the lungs and kidneys, but also in the penis. Men who had not previously complained of erectile dysfunction developed quite severe impotence after suffering from the coronavirus. Previously, the same group of scientists showed that the coronavirus can infect the testicles of some men, potentially leading to infertility.


August 16, 2022

Do not overdo it!

Too frequent (especially promiscuous) sex can lead to hormonal depletion, when the body does not have time to renew spent energy and biochemical resources. Signs: - Increased irritability. - Earthy complexion. - Chronic fatigue and inattention. Conclusion: Man is a highly developed being, so sex for him should be not only a physiological need, but the embodiment of feelings for his partner.


August 14, 2022

For whom is abstinence harmless?

Abstinence is harmless and even beneficial for young people under 20, since the psychosexual side of their personality has not yet been fully formed. Teenagers often find themselves in difficult situations due to early sexual intercourse. With abstinence, more sex hormones enter the bloodstream, which creates favorable conditions for the physical and mental development of a young man.


August 14, 2022

When abstinence is necessary:

- Before the spermogram. - To normalize the hypersensitivity of the spinal nerves. - To refresh the feelings of partners. - To restore normal ejaculatory reflexes after prolonged masturbation. - Before fertilization.


August 14, 2022

The consequences of abstinence.

Some men note that in the absence of sex, the testicles swell, hurt, break and harden. The pain may radiate to the abdomen. This happens due to the overflow of the seminal vesicles, which swell and provoke discomfort. This condition does not pose a danger, it passes on its own with the decomposition of unclaimed spermatozoa. The body can independently regulate the process through nocturnal emissions.


August 14, 2022

In some cases, abstinence has a negative impact on physical health.

The problem is especially relevant for men leading a passive lifestyle. The consequences of abstinence for a long time (more than a year) can manifest themselves in a number of diseases: - Development or exacerbation of congestive prostatitis. Irregular emptying of the gland leads to blockage of the ducts and the multiplication of pathogens; - Varicocele (scrotal varicose veins); - Decreased libido; - Deterioration of erection or impotence. Long-term abstinence against the background of a passive lifestyle after 40 years can result in the development of adenoma, cardiovascular diseases.


August 14, 2022

Partial and total abstinence.

Forced abstinence gives a man much more problems, because psychologically he is not ready to put up with the lack of sex. The reason may be detention, illness, features of work, absence of a partner. If the tension is periodically removed with the help of masturbation or wet dreams, then such abstinence is called "partial abstinence". Complete abstinence (lack of sexual activity and ejaculations) - total abstinence.


August 14, 2022

Examples of reasons for voluntarily not having sex:

- Asexuality, when a man does not need sex. Libido is compensated by sublimation, for example, in creativity or sports; - Vow of celibacy, spiritual practices; - Preparation for sports competitions; - Psychological barrier.


August 14, 2022

Is abstinence good or bad?

Abstinence is more dangerous for men with excessive sexual appetite, due to the presence in their body of a high level of the hormone testosterone. Not being able to have an active sex life and constantly thinking about it, you can become depressed, become hyper-irritable, aggressive and experience mental discomfort. In these cases, abstinence can provoke hormonal disruptions and cause erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, and deterioration of reproductive functions.


August 14, 2022

Why is the right composition important?

So that the aroma and texture do not distract from sensual practice, and the composition stays on the skin for a long time and glides well. If you want to give someone close to you a set for nuru massage, then you should pay attention to Shungu - a beautiful gift box and a waterproof sheet in the kit. The gel is diluted in the right proportion with water and it turns out almost 4 liters of pleasure (do not pour out all at once, try to start with a small part, you can add less or more water for the desired consistency).


August 13, 2022

Ideal for nuru massage oil - special.

So if you want to do everything right, and the procedure was close to traditional, take nuru massage oil. It will also be a nice addition that the skin is very well moisturized with the help of a gel used for massage. Odorless, colorless, non-marking and very pleasant to use, it is hypoallergenic so it can suit anyone. We especially recommend Mixgliss, a well-formulated nuru massage oil.


August 13, 2022

Comfortable temperature for NURU massage.

Take care to maintain a pleasant temperature and avoid drafts, you can preheat the room and close the doors and windows. Everyone is comfortable under different temperature conditions, but it is optimal to stick to 20-23 degrees Celsius. If there is no heat, the person you are doing the massage will experience discomfort and freeze, then no caresses will help him relax.


August 13, 2022

Preparation for erotic massage.

First, decide where you will massage your partner. Any place will do - even a table in the kitchen, the main thing is that nothing distracts or disturbs you. Although we still recommend the most comfortable place so that you can really relax. Ideal conditions are, of course, your own bed, subdued light or even candles, aromatherapy, relaxing background music, a warm room and a place where you can lay out all your “outfit”. But the massage is pleasant even without decorations, so if suddenly you didn’t think everything through so carefully - nothing!)


August 13, 2022

You can do it in a salon, or you can do it at home.

Nuru massage can be purchased as a service at the massage and erotic salon. Porn sites have a number of videos and even separate sections dedicated to nuru massage. And of course, like any other erotic massage, you can try to reproduce it at home yourself! After that, the skin becomes glossy, moist and soft as silk, so that the sensations during the massage will be even more pleasant. In addition, the complete absence of the smell of the gel does not distract attention from a portion of vivid sensations. Smooth slides of a naked body over the body of a visitor can ignite the fuse and excite, give inexpressible sensations and reveal all corners of consciousness.


August 13, 2022

What is NURU massage and how to do it.

Nuru is a Japanese erotic massage technique originating in the city of Kawasaki. The technique requires one or more naked massagers to rub and slide over the client's naked body after all participants have smeared themselves with a tasteless, odorless massage lotion. The word comes from Japanese and translates as "slippery/smooth". Nuru practitioners use a tasteless and clear lotion that is made from seaweed leaves. The gel is applied by hand, all over the body of the client and masseur. During the massage, participants will try to get as much physical contact as possible, masseurs often use their entire body and even touch their face.


August 13, 2022

Condom prejudice.

Using a condom does not affect the quality of orgasm. The only way a condom can affect sex is to prolong it. The sensations of a man are slightly smoothed out, which helps to keep premature ejaculation.


August 13, 2022

Interesting Facts.

1. Women's breasts actively respond to heat and cold. The warmer the room, the softer and larger it will be and the larger the nipples will become. 2. The clitoris is the only organ of the female body created exclusively for sexual pleasure. 3. Only 8% of the world's inhabitants have sex every day.


August 12, 2022

Influence of smell when choosing a partner.

The unique smell emitted by the immune system of each person is the second most important factor (after character) by which women choose potential partners. However, even with the absence of pheromones in the classical sense (as in animals) and a lower sensitivity to aromas, in comparison with many other animals, people still have physiological tools for capturing and evaluating the smell of a partner, and this assessment, if you do not delve into neurophysiology, “flies past” the intermediate stages of analysis, and is immediately perceived as a “pass” or “fail”. And then a person considers as an optimal sexual partner only those who received a “credit” at the first stage. This is due to a number of mechanisms that are evolutionarily beneficial for obtaining the most healthy offspring.


August 12, 2022

A little about orgasm.

The female orgasm is a powerful and necessary stimulation of the ovaries, which secrete estrogen. This hormone has a very positive effect on the skin, hair, nails, softens the course of premenstrual syndrome, reduces pain and irritability.


August 12, 2022

Sex helps to strengthen the immune system.

Sex is one of the ways to strengthen the immune system, because. the percentage of immunoglobulin antibodies increases significantly and this increases the body's resistance to viruses. It is also one of the most effective ways to relieve depression and stress. And of course, sex helps to cope with headaches, insomnia and fatigue.


August 12, 2022