What should be in a girl's bedroom.

1. Condoms. Protection is everything! Especially if you don't have a permanent partner. 2. Lubrication. Choose a water-based lubricant - you can't go wrong. It is compatible with both mucous membranes and sex toys, and is easily washed off. 3.Sex toys. And even if you have a partner, then such a gadget will help bring new sensations into your sex life. 4. Intimate simulator. Almost everyone knows about intimate muscles. Yes, you need to work with them and they need to be pumped.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

5. Improve relationships. Sleeping naked next to each other increases oxytocin levels. This hormone is called the love hormone. Its increase helps to strengthen the connection between partners, that is, it helps them to love each other more strongly. 6. Good and frequent sex. This is also another wonderful side effect of boosting oxytocin. The researchers found that people with high levels of the hormone tended to have stronger orgasms and had more intense sex lives.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

3. Stress levels will go down. Sleeping without clothes is more comfortable for our body. As we sleep well, levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease. 4. Confidence enhancer. When we are naked, we feel our body better - and that's good. Therefore, do not be ashamed to sleep naked. It's sexy and inspiring, which in turn boosts self-confidence.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

1. The cooler, the better sleep. Wearing pajamas and a thick blanket can be harmful to your sleep. Your body temperature needs to drop so that you can sleep in optimal conditions, which means that blankets and clothing can disrupt your sleep. This is not entirely good, given that the lack of coolness is unhealthy and means a very unpleasant morning. 2. Younger every morning. Well, not exactly, but the aging process will be much slower. While we sleep, we secrete growth hormone (a natural anti-aging substance), and when sleep is disturbed by high temperatures, we produce less of it and age faster.


August 18, 2022

A difficult but effective way to annoy a woman:

With one hand, press it against the wall (but without excessive pressure), with the other, unfasten everything that is unfastened, and move away everything that interferes. All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.


August 18, 2022

With or without a condom.

In order for a man to finish slowly, it is necessary to use a condom, this is how he does not feel the heat and moisture of the vagina. But if you add lubricant to the condom, then the sensations will be more pleasant and you can get an orgasm twice as fast.


August 18, 2022

Mistake 3. Find the remote, turn on the TV and forget that she is behind you.

You must not destroy the atmosphere of intimacy. Does this mean that you will never be able to watch TV after sex? Of course not. In fact, SHE may want to watch something. The main task is not to break the closeness that arose between you during sex. You can easily look for the remote control with one hand while hugging your woman with the other. And the simple question "do you mind?" will play a lot more in your favor than if you ignore her and watch TV silently. Just don't forget about her. Ask if she wants to watch something with you, what she thinks about what is happening on the screen. Questions about anything that show that you remember that she is around are appropriate.


August 18, 2022

Mistake 2. Jump out of bed and do something else.

If instantly falling asleep after sex says that you are insensitive, then running away from bed and switching all your attention to something else (for example, work) says that you don’t put your woman in anything at all. It may seem to you that you are so cheerful and full of energy after the orgasm you just experienced that you can move mountains straight, but for her this suggests that the time you spent together means nothing to you. You didn't make love, it was just sex. What to do in this situation, especially when you really need to do something? Just stay in bed a little longer. A few minutes is unlikely to kill you! You can just hug her silently for a while, and then slowly start to “remember” these damn things! It turns out that you completely forgot something very important and now you are forced (!) To get out of a cozy bed. Do it reluctantly!


August 18, 2022

Mistake 1. Turn away from her and fall asleep immediately after orgasm.

You may think it's "natural". After all, didn't you have a long day at work, and weren't you the one who just worked hard to get her to orgasm BEFORE you? But, for your woman, the ability to fall asleep immediately after means only one thing - insensitivity. In fact, women think: “he only needs this from me, he got what he wanted, and now he is sleeping!” What do you do when you really really want to sleep? Come close to her and hug her. You can also stroke her hair (generally the best way out, because it will make HER want to sleep.)


August 18, 2022

Man's mistakes.

Men make unforgivable mistakes after sex. You thought everything went great. You gave her enough attention and I'm sure she reached orgasm before you came. So why doesn't she want to "meet" you again? Chances are you've made one of the three mistakes that most men make after sex. While men are more likely to only care about what happens DURING sex, women pay more (MUCH more) attention to what you do after it. If you have never thought about it before, then you could very well have done something because of which women do not want to have sex with you a second time.


August 18, 2022

Phallus Museum.

This unique phallus museum is located in the capital of Iceland - Reykjavik. This is home to the largest collection of mammalian penises, wildly expensive! Among the most striking exhibits is a part of a blue whale organ. As a whole, it has a length of more than one and a half meters and weighs about 70 kg. The smallest sample is also presented, which is examined through a magnifying glass (and it’s interesting to someone!). And its "happy" owner is a hamster. A funny exhibit - a composition of casts of the penises of the national handball team! By the way, they are not signed, and the fans are wondering whose dignity is the most modest)


August 16, 2022

Improving the missionary position.

Get higher. By placing a pillow under the buttocks, you thereby slightly change the angle of penetration - it will be deeper, and therefore will give new sensations. Move your hips. By squeezing your legs, you will make your pelvic floor muscles tighten, and his cock will be able to stimulate your clitoris. Look at him. The missionary position is also good because it can give lovers that intimacy that will never be, for example, in doggy style.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Reluctance to experiment in sex.

If offers of new positions and role-playing games scare you, then the thrill of having sex with you is definitely not going to be achieved. Sexual fantasies are not divided into “good” and “bad”, so let them go. Try to start by discussing your preferences in sex with a partner over a glass of wine - this will help you begin to translate them into reality.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Habit of analysis.

It is unlikely that a person can be reproached for the fact that he prefers to think and weigh everything properly before deciding on any act. But in sex, sometimes you just need to give in to desire, experts remind. So to speak, without a second thought. If you analyze every step, then the relationship is deprived of spontaneity - the main quality of memorable sex.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Too loud or not loud enough expression of emotions.

Revealingly loud moans or mooing, repeated repetition of some words - all this is annoying in bed as well as complete silence. But the manner of simpering and giggling like a schoolgirl can also turn sex life into a child's game, and there is nothing good in that.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Passivity.

There are no hard and fast rules about who should initiate sex and be active. This does not mean that you should immediately switch roles with your partner and be active all the time. Just take the initiative from time to time.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Predictability.

In long-term relationships, sex often becomes a chore. If it has come to the point that a partner can predict your every move, this is a dangerous symptom and a signal that something urgently needs to be changed. For example, if your usual foreplay lasts no more than five minutes, try increasing the time of foreplay before satisfying the desire.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Caution.

When a partner precedes all his actions in bed with a polite question “Can I?”, This is not inspiring. The fear of shocking your half by frankly admitting what you really want also impoverishes your sex life. Of course, it can be difficult to decide and tell about your desires, but how else would a loved one know about them?


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Embarrassment.

As scientists from the University of Leeds found out, in order to increase the chances of seducing a man, women should give up modesty and bare almost half. The study showed that 40% of the open body makes a woman the most attractive to the opposite sex. But if undressing in front of a man is problematic, or you are afraid to make love in the light, is it any wonder that you are bored in bed with you? To enjoy intimacy, you do not need to have a perfect body. You need to love yourself the way you are.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex.

Over time, sex in a couple, no matter how passionate it may be at the beginning, ceases to be as exciting as at the moment of meeting, sexologists confirm. But how to understand that it has become boring in bed with you? Read the next posts.


August 16, 2022