8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

2. Hug. You can hug not only before sex or after it. In fact, hugging doesn't have to be about sex in any way. Enjoy each other's hugs. Let the warmth of your partner's body bring you comfort. Feel safe in close physical proximity.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

1. Talk. Communication is the most effective way to connect emotionally and spiritually with another person. Talk to your partner about each other and also about your couple as one. Connect with each other. Don't be afraid to bare your soul. Open up to each other. Be yourself and don't hold back. Don't hide anything from each other. Being alone in the bedroom with your partner should make you feel as secure as possible. You can express yourself and are not afraid of being judged or criticized. Talk and find more and more ways to get closer.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

9. The whole world prefers sex! It turns out that the most popular and preferred pleasure for people all over the planet is sex, even in comparison with food! Scientists conducted studies where the choice of respondents was presented with delicious food, walks, computer games, attending a concert and cinema. And, of course, sex. So, 55% answered that they would choose sex.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

8. Sexuality brings together. The better and more exciting the sex is for a couple, the closer they feel to each other. Even if they do not like each other's shortcomings, then life together, relationships still continue.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

7. Sex is a wonderful reward. If you want to reward your partner, pamper or reward for something - you will not find a better gift than your own naked body. Of course, it is not necessary to be bound by a bow, but as a note of diversity - why not? fantasies of your loved one.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

6. Sex builds rapport. If a couple lives together and is completely satisfied with their sex life, then, as a rule, it is easy for partners to discuss joint problems and, in principle, any necessary topics.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

5. Without complexes. Both women and men become much more confident in themselves from the feeling of being needed and desired. And sex is one of the highest expressions of love and desire.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

4. You look better! If you regularly have great sex, then you will be much younger in body and soul than your less fortunate peers.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

3. Sleep like a baby. The same endorphin relaxes our body, and oxytocin is a kind of sleeping hormone. Therefore, if a man passes out immediately after sex, you should rejoice! This means that he was so good that the hormones were produced in huge quantities. But if a girl is in no hurry to fall asleep after sex, she may have simulated an orgasm, take a closer look.


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

2. An evil bitch just needs to have sex. People who enjoy quality and regular sex get a lot of endorphins, therefore, they don’t tend to get upset and mope. So your boss - a grumpy, picky hysteric - just doesn't have enough sex).


September 1, 2022

Hidden properties of sex.

Usually we talk about sex as a means to get pleasure. But today we decided to tell a little about the unusual, hidden properties of sex. 1. If your head hurts, have sex! It cures all diseases and ailments, largely because you simply stop remembering that something hurt you;). The list of diseases that are treated with sex is long - colds, headaches, obesity, dermatological problems.


September 1, 2022

Sex and men's health.

Scientists have found out how many times a month men need to ejaculate to maintain health. You need to ejaculate from 22 times a month. Thus, the risk of prostate cancer was 33% lower than those who did it less often.


September 1, 2022

Reasons that kill sex.

You think only about yourself and do not take into account the desires of your partner in bed. You are afraid of experiments and are embarrassed to try what your partner asks and wants. Tell your partner how inexperienced he is or how bad he is in bed. Lack of passion in bed and turning sex into a routine. Disregard for a partner: ignoring his desires, hints.


August 28, 2022

Sex shops should not be avoided.

Vibrators, erection rings, anal stimulators help make sex brighter. 82% of users of sex items feel more satisfied with intimacy than those who do not use such things.


August 28, 2022

Sex games for a couple. Erotic reading.

A game based on poker face from American TV shows can be fun and exciting at the same time. The idea is to do mundane things like reading a book and have fun at the same time. The game is "two-sided", that is, after the first round you can change places. The rules are simple: one reads a book, and the other does cunnilingus! You need to read with feeling, with sense, with arrangement ... That is, with an expression, as in a literature lesson in the fifth grade. The more expressively you read, the more pleasant it will be to change places.


August 28, 2022

Sex games for a couple. Give control.

It's okay if you like to be in control, but if you want to establish a deeper and more trusting relationship, swap the "pleasure remote". Put your favorite sex toy in your partner's hands and, without touching it or him with your hands, tell how you like to caress yourself. Or you can test the toy on him and show him that your vibrator is not the enemy of your sex life, but a very friend.


August 28, 2022

Sex games for a couple. Any thing.

You won't believe how many things in your house can be adapted for erotic games. Make sure of it. Put your partner on the bed, and stand behind him. Take any thing that catches your eye (a book, a comb, a jar of cream), and ask: “This?” The partner must decide yes or no. As soon as he says yes, blindfold him and start caressing him with your chosen item. You will see, you will immediately invent many ways to give pleasure with the help of improvised means. An ordinary massage is ideal for spanking, you can touch your nipples with an ice cube from the refrigerator, and put a pillow under your hips to lift your buttocks. In general, it all depends on your imagination.


August 28, 2022

Sex games for a couple. Sex timer.

If you and your partner don't usually focus on foreplay and prefer to jump right into the "main course", you'd be surprised at the effect of reversing the priorities. Increase the pre-game time, set a timer for a specific time to enjoy every touch, every kiss. Do not proceed to penetration until the alarm rings. And maybe even then you don't want penetration, but you want to give your partner pleasure using only your hands. Or just kisses.


August 28, 2022

Sex in a relationship.

The value of intimacy between partners is significant. If there is a qualitative and frequent connection, then: - There will be a strong and trusting relationship between them: -Reduce the likelihood of cheating; -A woman feels desired, so she will show affection and care towards her partner; - A man will be self-confident, he will be able to achieve more success at work and move up the career ladder. Psychologists are sure that partners who have frequent and varied sexual intercourse swear less, they manage to build long-term trusting relationships.


August 26, 2022

Erotic game "Sex reading"

All you need is a book and some free time. The rules are simple: you read aloud while your partner gives you oral pleasure. In the process of reading, you will become more and more excited, and when you realize that you can no longer restrain yourself ... it's time to switch places! You can finish the game with classic sex, which will surely exceed all your expectations.


August 26, 2022