Be careful with the intake of pathogens!

Viagra and other pathogens can cause a decrease in sexual desire in men. And in women, loss of sensitivity and hormonal failure.


September 4, 2022

Leader in pornography.

About 90% of all pornographic material in the world is produced in the USA. More than 70,000,000 relevant search queries are registered here every day - this is a quarter of the requests from all over the world.


September 4, 2022

That's the secret trick!

Since ancient times and still, to enhance passion, Japanese and Korean women use their “crown” technique - a prick of the groin with a golden needle.


September 4, 2022

Interesting facts about sex.

According to surveys, on average, foreplay takes about 11-13 minutes, and sexual intercourse 6-10 minutes. Athletes have sex longer than non-athletic people, probably physical activity makes them more enduring in the bedroom.


September 4, 2022

What is the difference between masturbation and sex? Continuation.

Briefly: physiologically and mentally, sex and masturbation differ in the load that they put on the body, but in general they are very similar. Masturbation almost always turns on the Coolidge effect, but sex does not. Sex covers the need for companionship and intimacy, masturbation does not. Both sex and masturbation can be abused, but the risk of developing addiction to masturbation is much higher, especially in men.


September 3, 2022

What is the difference between masturbation and sex? Continuation.

Both sex and masturbation physically evoke the same reactions. The main difference is mental. Sexual pleasure is a natural motivator to reproduce and build bonds with other people, competition for the object of desire. Masturbation allows this mechanism to be abused to a greater extent than sex: the rewards and costs are incomparable, which leads to the danger of addiction, both physical and mental. A person receives powerful doses of neurotransmitters of pleasure, and their volume is less limited than during sex (the Coolidge effect also helps). This causes inhibition of the relevant receptors, resulting in a weakened response to standard sexual stimuli, dependence on super-stimuli (hard pornography for example), depressed mood due to a reduced response to positive events, not only sexual ones.


September 3, 2022

What is the difference between masturbation and sex? Continuation.

4) Sex involves less freedom and variety than imagination or porn masturbation allows. 5) Masturbation, unlike sex, allows a person to fully feel the effect of the Coolidge effect (I will talk about it later), the work of which is due to sexual novelty. The effect is especially strong on men. 6) The mental perception of sex and masturbation differs depending on the worldview of a person, which leads to a different assessment of their actions. 7) Masturbation does not help to establish social bonds, is not a form of communication.


September 3, 2022

What is the difference between masturbation and sex?

Let's try to figure it out: 1) During sex and during masturbation, a person is able to receive both physical and mental sexual stimulation. 2) Sex involves interaction with another person, therefore it requires more concentration and a greater level of arousal for successful intercourse. 3) Sex requires more effort from the body, therefore it affects it physically in a different way (the best cardio training).


September 3, 2022

"Feel like a porn star"

Choose porn to your liking. It can be both good old classics and feminist porn. Watch it with a partner. Now choose something that both of you find very sexy. Try repeating this in your bedroom. Let your performance turn out even more passionately!


September 2, 2022

The nipples are a very sensitive organ.

In order for a girl to feel pleasant excitement, and not pain, during nipple stimulation, you must follow the rules: Do not pull the nipples sharply - from unexpected pain, the girl may scream. During contrast sex - do not drive too cold or hot object for a long time. Do not keep your teeth around the nipple without interruption.


September 2, 2022

Turn on the lights.

To some extent, complete darkness turns on, because you do not know what to expect from a man. But sex in the light gives an amazing feeling of greatness and desire, and allows you to fully enjoy your partner.


September 2, 2022

Oral pleasure.

In 90% of cases, a girl does not ask for cunnilingus during sex, since it is important for her that the man himself takes the initiative and wants to give her oral pleasure.


September 2, 2022

Being perverted in bed is normal.

Studies have shown that people who are fans of kinky sex are mentally healthier than those who are conservative in bed.


September 2, 2022

Believers get more pleasure from sex than atheists.

Norwegian scientists analyzed the questionnaires of 15,000 Britons aged 18-59 and came to the conclusion that religious people are more satisfied with their sex life than fans of a secular lifestyle. At the same time, believers have sex less frequently. 11% of participants and 16% of participants in the study called themselves religious. The most satisfied of them were married women. The general conclusion of scientists is that people feel less satisfied if they have sex too rarely or too often.


September 2, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

8. Remove from the bedroom all those things that can distract you. One of the most effective ways to bond with your partner is to get rid of all the distractions. Put away the TV and don't use phones in the bedroom. Disconnect for a minute from the world around you and focus only on each other. Block out anything that might prevent you from giving your partner your full attention.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

7. Bring your partner breakfast in bed. Maybe it's a little trite and you've seen it in movies before, but there's something intimate about two people eating together. It becomes more intimate if the food is prepared and served with love.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

6. Have a little fun in bed. Be kids and have a little fun. Play, have fun and laugh. Enjoy each other's company and don't be afraid to get a little crazy.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

5. Go to bed together. After a hard day at work, you return home to the only person who can make you feel better. No matter how stressful your day is, you look forward to lying in the arms of someone you can trust and who will always give you strength and inspiration.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

4. Sleep together. It means really just sleeping together. There is something special about falling asleep next to your loved one. The most pleasant thing is, of course, waking up together in the morning. The first thing you see upon waking up will be the face of the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.


September 1, 2022

8 things you can do in the bedroom besides sex to get closer to your partner.

3. Give each other a massage. You don't have to be a professional massage therapist to do this. Everyone likes a massage, especially if a loved one does it.


September 1, 2022