Be mindful of lubrication.

It takes men on average 4-8 minutes to reach orgasm. Women - 20-40 minutes. The difference is from 12 to 36 minutes. Fill it with good foreplay. And remember to lubricate! Sex without lubrication is like porridge without oil - satisfying, but lean. The more lubricant you put on the genitals before sex, the brighter your sensations will be in the process.


September 13, 2022

Valuable advice.

Ask your partner to show you how to masturbate properly. You have been entrusted with the most intimate, so take the trouble to ask about desires and preferences. Ask to be shown how he masturbates when he is alone. Watch your movements, grip strength and speed. First, you will know how he likes it. Second, it's exciting. You can ask the man to put his hands on yours to guide you.


September 12, 2022


Try for 30 days to make a simple thing a rule - kiss every morning, regardless of the rush and quarrels the day before. This practice will strengthen your relationship, reduce the number of fights, and establish a whole new level of sexual trust between you.


September 12, 2022

We're going to a new level.

In order to take your sex to a higher level, you need to talk about vulgar topics and share your most perverted fantasies with your partner. Do you want something like that, but are too shy to admit it? Then write to the guy the day before in the messenger: "I want you to ...". At the end, put a winking emoticon or light. Send. Wait.


September 12, 2022

The best prelude.

For arousal, a woman needs at least 10 minutes of foreplay, both in fact and for “fading out” after sex. 74% of girls called the best foreplay when a man plays pranks with his skillful fingers between her legs.


September 12, 2022

Quick sex.

For some reason men love it. The instinct of the male wakes up in them, when he pounces on his not yet “awakened” female, takes possession of her powerfully and rudely, and dissolves in his affairs. Do not refuse such sex - this is your bonus in favor of the future of real sex. And then - well, isn't it wonderful to feel at least sometimes weak and supple?


September 12, 2022

There is no need to be silent if something goes wrong.

If the movements, rhythm or spanking of your man gives you discomfort or even pain, by no means be silent! It is better to gently ask him to change his position than to permanently lose the desire to have sex with a particular man. Well, it’s clear in this case what interferes with orgasm - if you feel uncomfortable, what are we talking about?


September 10, 2022

No need to "powder your nose" before sex.

There is nothing worse than when one of the partners interrupts the intimate mood and goes to brush his teeth, wash or put on sexier lingerie. What difference does it make if two people are already on their way to pleasure? Who cares at all? You don't send him to shave before you kiss. Leave all the beauty treatments for later, and for now just tell him: “Yes!” And, of course, with such problems - not until the enchanting ending. What interferes with the female orgasm is the disappearance of the desired mood.


September 10, 2022

Feel more.

Masturbation is a great sexual technique to have some fun with yourself. Thanks to her, we learn what we like and what we don't, and we can use it during sex with a partner. The next step here can be consciously touching yourself. Difference: the goal is touch, not orgasm. Why does it make sex better? Sex becomes more sensual, you will want to be in the process more than just cum. Your body will respond to your actions and let you enjoy the process itself. Therefore, do not be afraid to delay the process, this will only help you experience more pleasure.


September 10, 2022

First step.

Why not? Even if you are a woman! You shouldn't be too intrusive, but in today's world, being the first to call or ask for a date is quite acceptable for any woman. Such courage and self-confidence will definitely be appreciated. In addition, most men are very happy about this, as it lets them know that you are interested in him and therefore he can show attention to you in the future.


September 10, 2022

Mood is not a hindrance!

Each person gets tired at work, constantly solves some problems and sometimes gets into an argument with someone. And of course, burns out But! At such moments, saying “no” to sex is a big mistake. Moreover, this pleasant activity will only help relieve stress and distract from everyday worries. The mood will magically improve, and even the mental faculties will be activated, which will help solve current problems.


September 10, 2022

On the washing machine.

Any washing machine creates a strong vibration like no other device in the house. A large number of people do not use it properly and miss out on incredible sex on the washing machine. How it works: Turn on the washing machine and wait for the spin cycle. Get on the washing machine. Let the partner stand in front of the partner and enter. The vibration is transmitted through the pelvis and turns the penis into a life size vibrator. An even stronger vibration is obtained in a pose when a man sits on a typewriter, and a woman is on top.


September 10, 2022

Does abstinence make sense?

There are several sides to this issue. On the one hand, abstinence is meaningless and even harmful. The suppression of sexuality leads to problems not only of psychological thinking and a shift on this basis, but also to a deterioration in health, which is important for women. The ideological and physical changes during sexual abstinence in them are expressive. But undoubtedly, there is another side - this is the benefit of abstinence. After a long abstinence, sexuality can develop into frigidity. Short-term sexual abstinence accumulates and then results in sensitivity with a vengeance. It is up to each individual to decide whether he needs it or not. Therefore, if you feel that it will only benefit, why not? And vice versa.


September 10, 2022

Kegel exercises for women.

Inhale deeply through your nose to contract your abdominal muscles and fill your lungs with air. During inhalation, the pelvic floor muscles should be relaxed. Take a slow, deep breath in through your mouth and at the same time gently contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the pelvic floor muscles in a contracted state for 3-6 seconds (until they begin to tire) while you exhale. This is called a cut. Inhale again and stop muscle contraction. This will allow the muscles to relax. Relax your pelvic floor muscles completely for 6-10 seconds. It is very important to completely relax the muscles between each contraction and not hold your breath. Always keep the muscles relaxed for the same amount of time as they were contracted, or a little longer.


September 10, 2022

Let's get him on.

Earlobe. This is the most effective way to "turn on" a partner, the impact on this zone causes goosebumps and instantly turns on. Correct compliments. The phrases “How good you are in bed” or “You have such a big and hard penis” will turn any man on with a half turn. Undress him. Even more than a homemade striptease, men turn on when a girl removes everything superfluous from him herself.


September 10, 2022

One of the most common problems in sex.

One of the common problems in sex between partners is that a girl cannot cum, and a man cannot hold back his orgasm. Why is this happening? In simple terms, partners have different levels of arousal (the female gender is less sensitive) What to do? Extend the foreplay for more arousal of the girl. Psychologically hold orgasm to the last. Technique 9 to 1, nine short pushes and one long push. Lubricant with a cooling effect.


September 10, 2022

Sexual attraction.

German scientists have found that sexual desire in women who have a strong relationship gradually decreases. After 4 years of marriage, only half of the respondents feel the desire to have sex as often as their partners.


September 8, 2022

Sports and dancing help to find sexuality.

Stretching, dancing, going to the gym: develop your sexual side. That is, flexibility increases, muscles become stronger, and you will also psychologically feel more desirable.


September 8, 2022

Sex and intelligence.

Frequent intimacy has a positive effect on mental abilities. Sex speeds up blood flow and makes the neurons of the brain more active. Regular sex life can increase a person's intelligence.


September 8, 2022


Phenylethylamine, the euphoric chemical found in chocolate, is the same chemical that is produced in a person's brain when they fall in love.


September 8, 2022