Learn to have an orgasm.

Relax, immerse yourself in sex, trust: for women, the influence of the environment is crucial for getting an orgasm. One sight of a naked man is far from enough. Therefore, it is very important that women know their needs and find out what they like about sex. And also reported this to your partner.


September 26, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

6. Pornography. It would seem that it should be the other way around: films for adults should stimulate the desire to have sex. But in reality, our brain prefers to take the path of least resistance. And if you are addicted to porn, sex with your partner can be a burden for you. According to some studies, pornography creates misconceptions among those who watch it, and in this regard, real sex ceases to meet their expectations.


September 25, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

5. Smoking. Many are convinced that smoking has a detrimental effect only on the lungs and respiratory system, while it has a negative effect on the body as a whole. Basically, this problem is relevant for men: in them, smoking doubles the risk of erectile dysfunction.


September 25, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

4. Medicines. Some drugs that help relieve depression, regulate blood pressure and are used to treat a number of diseases can cause sexual dysfunction. Before you start taking an unfamiliar medicine, check if its side effects include a decrease in sexual activity.


September 25, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

3. Lack of sleep. Few things can compare in terms of benefits to the body with eight hours of sleep. On the physical level, lack of sleep also leads to a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood and, consequently, to decline in the intimate sphere. If by the evening you feel like a squeezed lemon, try changing the schedule of your sex life and try to have sex in the morning.


September 25, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

2. Stress. As trite as it may sound, stress and depressive disorders change hormone levels. Our body reacts to stress by releasing special hormones - cortisol and adrenaline. Elevated cortisol levels negatively affect sex drive. Simply put, our brain refuses to think about procreation when it thinks our body is in danger.


September 25, 2022

Enemies of your sex that you didn't know existed.

1. Alcohol. Many are convinced that alcohol awakens desire, but in reality it is not so. A glass of wine or champagne can really set you free on a date if you can't relax, but it won't make you a sex goddess if you don't feel like intimacy at all. If you feel that something is wrong with your libido, give up your traditional Friday booze.


September 25, 2022

Things about sex that only happen in movies.

2. Lack of foreplay. Lover heroes don't know what foreplay is. And why, if passion boils, and both ignite like a match?! We believe that there have been situations in your life when you wanted to “give” right in the toilet of a nightclub, when the desire was overflowing, and the butterflies in your stomach performed wild pirouettes. But, as a rule, in reality, in order to get excited, long foreplay is necessary.


September 24, 2022

Things about sex that only happen in movies.

1. Perfect undressing. There will be two main options. First, the heroes begin to rip off each other's clothes right in the elevator, and when they get to the apartment, they forget about the wardrobe items left on them and just start having sex. Beautiful and passionate, don't you agree? Second: undressing is slow and ... just perfect. The dress slips off the woman's shoulders, and the man does not get confused in his trousers, jumping on one leg.


September 24, 2022

About prostate massage.

The prostate is a lump of sensations for men. Erotic prostate massage is a sexual practice that causes prejudice of heterosexual men and women. However, for those couples who have overcome their fears, it gives not only physical, but also psychological pleasure. Done properly, such caresses foster moral rapprochement and help build trust. Prostate massage is very pleasant and brings incredible orgasms.


September 24, 2022

How do you like the mattress?

Of course, a large inflatable pool would be more comfortable, but not everyone has it. To experiment, and the mattress will do, just a normal size, not a child's one. Pour a good amount of massage or cosmetic oil on it and lay down. Try different poses and see how you slide. Frictions will definitely seem unusual, and the skin will receive additional hydration and nutrition.


September 24, 2022

Should you share with a partner?

However, the overwhelming majority of fantasies about rape are considered the norm, because almost all women are aware of the difference between a real threat or an imaginary imitation. Should she share her feelings with you? It's up to her to decide. But if trust and love reign in your relationship, if both of you are sympathetic to each other’s weaknesses, sometimes it’s worth bringing this game to life in order to refresh your feelings a little.


September 24, 2022

5. Tendency to masochism.

Finally, one more reason for fantasies on the topic of rigid domination of a partner may be hidden in the masochistic inclinations of the lady, be the result of her experiences of violence repressed by her. Most likely, such women, as children, experienced humiliation, pain, or restriction of their freedom, which the brain, for some reason, associated with care and love. When the girl grew up, her body began to react with excitement to the inflicted suffering, reinforcing this: physical violence is equal to passion and sexual pleasure.


September 24, 2022

4. Relationship between stress and sexual pleasure.

Yes, yes, sexual desire can be artificially increased by teasing your nerves a little. Light stress increases the moment of arousal, helping to increase sexual appetite. When we are frightened of something, when we are forced to experience strong conflicting feelings - interest and fear, passion and hatred, attraction and disgust - the fuses in our brain break down, forcing the heart to beat faster, the lungs to breathe deeper, increasing the excitation and hydration of the mucous tissues.


September 24, 2022

3. Biological program laid down by nature.

This theory is also valid. So, some psychologists believe that the nature of men and women contains instinctive programs of the animal world, which are transmitted to us genetically. For example, have you noticed how the process of intercourse between animals occurs in nature? Most often, the male hunts the female, she runs away, he catches up with her and subordinates her to his desires.


September 24, 2022

2. The result of a conservative upbringing.

Another category of women who often present scenes of sexual violence with their participation are those who were brought up in strict Puritan families, where sexuality was banned for a long time, and even condemned in every possible way. Parents of such girls from childhood teach them to be ashamed of their body and desires, forbid them to communicate with boys, go on dates, make up, dress femininely, read love literature. Needless to say, instincts do not go anywhere, the hormonal boom still makes itself felt. And then the girl begins to actively fantasize that she is being forced to have sex by force in order to avoid feeling guilty for her desire, in order to punish herself for "dirty" thoughts. It was not she who succumbed to temptation, she was forced against her own will!


September 24, 2022

1. Desire for unconditional love.

Oddly enough, fantasies with a similar context are often inherent in insecure women who are full of a variety of fears and complexes. In fact, this feeling haunts them even from puberty, especially if they have not been able to accept their new body, looking for flaws in themselves. In society, such women do not feel part of the team, they live with a constant feeling of loneliness, not feeling support even from their parents.


September 24, 2022

Male sexual dominance.

One of the most common female erotic fantasies is the theme of male sexual dominance. So, every 6 woman out of 10 at least once was aroused by thoughts about staged rape, although in real life this is completely uncharacteristic of her. Why is this happening, and what is it connected with? I suggest looking into it in more detail. Women's imagination is stirred by scenes of violence, although in reality none of them would like to experience this experience. What are the reasons?


September 24, 2022

Proper breathing.

With the right breathing technique, you can achieve success not only in yoga, it is also very important for sex. If there is no desire to learn proper breathing in yoga courses, then for a start it is enough to inhale and exhale deeply and calmly during sex. If you feel the approach of orgasm, then take a deep breath and hold your breath. Then let the air gradually come out of the lungs. Try this technique and you will notice that the orgasm becomes brighter.


September 22, 2022

A set of rules for using a condom.

No matter how many accolades are written about the strength of Durex or Vizit condoms, one awkward movement can instantly make you a parent. And in order not to shake in horror over a pregnancy test, follow a number of rules: 1. Do not overheat or refrigerate the condom. To do this, store the condoms in a cool and dark place away from direct sunlight. And if possible, do not let them cool down too much (for example, in a car in winter). 2. Do not use oil-based lubricants. Vaseline, coconut oil, lotion are not suitable - they lead to micro tears in the condom. 3. Don't wear two condoms at the same time. No need to wrap the penis, you are not his grandmother - the contraceptive warrior in the field should be alone. Condoms can break from rubbing against each other. 4. Wear it properly. To do this, first practice - check if the condom is intact, gently take its ring with one hand, and pinch the tip with the thumb and forefinger of the other, then - roll the condom down.


September 22, 2022