Underrated sexual practices.

Pause. As we strive to get an orgasm as soon as possible, the pleasant effect of the pause remains underestimated. But the pause does not mean three hours of tantric sex, for which you need to have a huge supply of patience like a yoga guru. It's all just hot kisses, "dirty" or affectionate compliments, a short massage, a change of position. Such a pause brings variety to the sexual act and kindles desire.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

Fast and dirty. Couples prefer planned sexual intercourse with foreplay, a change of positions and a "suffered" orgasm to quick and spontaneous sex without preparation. But fast sex has its advantages: it is wild, sudden, very intense and explosive. Partners do not waste time on caresses and gentle words, but, like tigers, pounce on each other in a fit of passion. Isn't it great? Men especially like this kind of sex, especially if the initiator is a woman. This is a good way to surprise him in bed.


September 30, 2022

Signs that you are good in bed.

5. He can't help but hug you. Have you had sex and even after a few minutes he won't stop touching and hugging you? No wonder, because you drove him crazy, and now he cannot free himself from your spell! 6. He says how good it was. A classic from film and television: a man asks about sex "Was I good?". But if you are the bomb in bed, then your lover will tell you how good the sex was, rather than ask how you rate his skills. This compliment can also be taken personally. Because what he really means is, "Honey, you're incredible in bed!"


September 29, 2022

Signs that you are good in bed.

3. He loves to try new things. Is your partner always looking for new sexual practices and interesting positions? This does not mean that he is bored with you. Rather, he feels so comfortable in bed with you that he enjoys exploring new worlds. This is a clear sign that he considers you adventurous or at least open to him - and this is extremely important in sex! Maybe you should buy a Kama Sutra! 4. He flirts with you after sex. After sex, does he send you a tender or frank message? Does he smile and flirt with you after an act of love? Then you are definitely worth a lot in bed!


September 29, 2022

Signs that you are good in bed.

1. Grabbing a partner. Whether it's the buttocks, breasts or other parts of the body: if a lover grabs you tightly and even spanks a little during sex, this indicates that he really likes what is happening and he is very excited. Congratulations! This is a clear sign that you are a good lover. 2. He wants to do it again. He can't get enough of you and after sex he wants to have it again. Wow! This speaks volumes! By the way, happy couples, according to the study, often have sex.


September 29, 2022

Three sexy top games.

1. Throw the dice. Take them out and take them to the bedroom. Get Started: The number rolled is the number of minutes your partner will spend giving you oral pleasure. 2. Draw fantasies. Draw the sexual fantasy or pose you want to try. Did your boyfriend guess? Then get started! Wrong? It's his turn to draw! 3. Sex traffic light. Use only the words "red", "yellow" and "green" to explain to each other what you like. Try kissing, massage, biting, whatever comes to mind.


September 29, 2022

After sex.

Let's talk about how to get closer with your partner after intercourse. There are many options, you can choose for every taste: Take a shared shower. Lay in bed, cuddle, talk and just enjoy each other's touches. Watch a light, relaxed film. Come up with some entertainment, watch a comedy show, bring cards to bed and play "fool", leave the pillows at last!


September 29, 2022

Subdue your rider.

An effective way to test a girl for subordination is to fix her hands in the “rider” position. 1. First, diversify the “rider” position: put the girl with her back to you. 2. Then grab her wrists and pull slightly towards you. If she doesn't object right away, it's a sign that she likes being in control.


September 29, 2022

Waist and tummy.

Many erogenous zones are hidden around the abdomen, which create pleasant sensations not only during sex, but also during foreplay. For example, you can gently stroke the waist. It also promotes a closer physical connection and builds trust, a sense of community, and a pleasurable experience - a win-win situation!


September 29, 2022

Most women are capable of vaginal orgasms.

Not all, however, from early youth. For many, a vaginal orgasm occurs after 30 years, earlier - in those who have undergone pregnancy and childbirth. And it is not so important, natural childbirth or by caesarean section. This is due to the activity of the sex glands, the activity of the receptor apparatus. But if in childbirth there were ruptures of the perineum, vagina, episiotomy followed by suturing, then the branches of the pudendal nerve may have been traumatized - in such women, sensitivity in the vagina generally decreases. With this problem, you have to consult a doctor.


September 29, 2022

Is a younger lover equally amazing intimacy?

Many people assume that the younger the bed play partner, the better. After all, he has energy, high stamina, imagination and much more! But in fact: a young lover does not mean a better lover. According to numerous sociological surveys, satisfaction from intimacy depends on many things - relationships before the act of passion, the “chemistry” of a particular couple, and behavior during intimacy.


September 29, 2022

On a bar stool.

Standing sex is very interesting because you are very close to each other. However, the partner has to hold your body, and the legs quickly become numb. But there is an interesting way to make this pose much more comfortable - using a bar stool. You sit on it and push your pelvis forward so that it is convenient for your partner to enter. The chair takes on the weight load, thanks to this you have a lot of strength. In addition, in this position, the G-spot is well stimulated, and the hands are freed for mutual caresses.


September 26, 2022

Male hips and ears.

In addition to the classic erogenous zones, men have many other sensitive areas. For example, the inner thighs and earlobes. The inner side of the thigh should be caressed very gently, preferably in the direction of the intimate area. Of course, language can also come into play. Well, light biting and licking the earlobe can excite a man even without simultaneously touching the genitals.


September 26, 2022

Phone sex.

Both of you should want to try it: phone sex is as new a practice as any other experiment in bed. That's why we need to discuss all this first. Yes, it’s great if everything happens spontaneously for the first time, and after your “Your voice turns me on so much”, the man will answer “What are you wearing?” - then everything will go like clockwork. But still, it should be discussed that this (or next) telephone conversation will not be quite ordinary, but with a touch of intimacy.


September 26, 2022

Some statistics

According to research from independent companies, 40% of men surveyed shoot fast. And 90% of respondents admit that they would like this time of their sexual intercourse to be longer. Do you agree? The average duration of sexual intercourse is from two to six minutes. And there is also a moment when a man believes that the act lasted 10-15 minutes, but this is purely personal, subjective feelings of a man. But in fact the act lasted all the same 6 minutes. The whole bitterness is that we women need an average of 15-30 minutes to satisfy. If you're interested, strain yourself and note the time. What if you're fast too and you don't even know it?


September 26, 2022

Unusual bar.

In the Shibuya district in Tokyo, there is the only The Vibe Bar Wild One - a bar where for 3,000 yen (~ 1,700 rubles) women and couples can test any of the 300 vibrators displayed in wall niches right behind the bar.


September 26, 2022

These tricks will not let him relax.

Make him want you with his head, not just his body. A man needs foreplay no less so that his emotional intensity does not lag behind physical excitement. Don't rush to get naked. Pull back slightly and, looking into the eyes of your loved one, slowly take off one piece of clothing after another. Touch electricity. Before sex, warm up his penis by stroking from the base to the head. So you wake up a lot of nerve endings so that he reacts even to mild stimulation.


September 26, 2022

The benefits of sex for the skin.

What does sex have to do with complexion? Pretty significant! Because if you have sex regularly, your skin becomes healthier and more beautiful. The reason is an active blood supply. The faster the blood circulation, the faster the cells are renewed. As a result, the complexion improves. Those who have sex often don't need expensive skin care products. Take note and don't overspend.


September 26, 2022

Learn to have an orgasm.

Women have many organs that are especially active during orgasm. When aroused, the clitoris and labia, especially the small ones, enlarge and swell - like erectile tissue in men. The vagina is moistened to ensure slip. You need to listen to your body and then you will definitely be able to understand how to achieve maximum pleasure.


September 26, 2022

Learn to have an orgasm.

Since the stimulation points are different for women, orgasm is also very individual. Some have vaginal orgasms, others have clitoral orgasms. A third has both, a fourth has none. No one knows exactly why this is, and so far it cannot be explained medically.


September 26, 2022