4. Stretch the foreplay.

Professionals believe that foreplay is not three minutes before the start of vaginal sex, but a game that can be stretched for the whole day. Turn on the passion in the morning and warm it up until the night: sex messages, touches, kisses, candid photos ... Everything that keeps the fire inside.


October 3, 2022

3. Schedule sex.

For many, this will sound strange - they say, how can you plan a sudden desire. But those who have children or a lot of work understand perfectly well what this is about. Finding time for yourself is not so easy, but if you write it in your diary, it will be easier. And both of you will not feel the influence of the plan on sensations: on the contrary, you will be glad that such a simple thing has made sex more frequent in your life.


October 3, 2022

2. Find out what each of you considers "good sex".

Talk frankly with him, what each of you expects from the other in bed, what you like and what you don't. Even if it will be very small changes, you will subconsciously improve everything.


October 3, 2022

1. Keep the "sex lantern" on.

It may sound funny, but it explains the meaning well. Tired at work? Has the day been long? Don't let these little things affect sex! Of course, falling into bed and falling asleep is the easiest, but if you do not turn off your inner desire, intimate life will sparkle with new colors. Hug and kiss, read motivating stories and watch explicit movies. Sex is not a routine, but a pleasure.


October 3, 2022

Everything can be improved! 5 rules for really good sex.

Everyone wants great sex, but as the Rolling Stones sang, we can't always get what we want. However, we can try to influence the statistics! Here are some tips from sexologists on how to have great sex every time.


October 3, 2022

How the size of the penis affects the character.

Scientists decided to find out the difference in a person's character depending on the size of his penis. Men with a thicker or longer penis are perceived as extroverted, sexually active and good in bed, open to new experiences, who also have more sexual partners. If we take short or thin ones, then the owners of such types seem to be neurotic, who in many ways strive to please others. Men with thick pubic hair appeared to the participants to be unpleasant to interact with, closed to new experiences, and with few sexual partners compared to penises with trimmed pubic hair or completely shaved.


October 3, 2022

Let's play Stripper and Strip Bar Visitor today.

What could be more seductive than the role of a stripper? It captivates and arouses desire without a single touch. The role-playing game "The Stripper and the Visitor" does not at all look like a woman who obeys and a man who pays for entertainment. A man is seduced by a woman, but she decides where to draw the line.


October 2, 2022

Pose variations 69

69 side - a man and a woman lie next to each other, their heads are located opposite each other's genitals. 69 lying down - the man lies on his back with his legs slightly apart, the upper position is reserved for the woman, who arranges herself so that her genitals are directly above the partner's face. 69 lying upside down - similar to the classic lying position 69 with the difference that the partners change places - the man takes the position on top. 69 kneeling - a man, kneeling with legs slightly apart, holds his partner so that her head is at the height of his genitals, and her clitoris is in front of his mouth.


October 2, 2022

The curse of long sex.

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that makes it possible to maintain libido and erection. The amount of testosterone decreases - both the erotic mood and excitability decrease, the time of sexual intercourse increases. At first, these men experience difficult ejaculation. It is difficult for him to cum and get an orgasm. At the same time, there is an erection, but there is still no ejaculation. With an even greater drop in testosterone concentration, the ability to complete sexual intercourse is generally lost. In addition, the amount of sperm depends on the amount of testosterone.


October 2, 2022

The curse of long sex.

It is believed that a good lover is able to stretch the sexual intercourse so as to enable the partner to get an orgasm earlier. I totally agree. But it happens that a man's sexual intercourse is stretched not at all because of special skill, but because of certain problems. Normally, sexual intercourse should be 15-30 minutes, which is enough to satisfy a woman. Most often, a longer sexual intercourse on an ongoing basis is extremely tiring for both a man and a woman. The reason may be testosterone, or rather its low level. Most often, the problem occurs in men after 40 years, because. the concentration of the test falls with age, but young guys are not immune from this.


October 2, 2022

Oral sex: how to make her feel good too.

What is possible: Enjoy the process: Women love it when their actions drive men crazy, so don't skimp on the praise. “The more you moan and tell her how good you are, how sexy she looks, the more pleasant she will be.” And if you remain silent, she may think that she is doing something wrong. Do everything to make her comfortable: the more comfortable she is physically during the process, the longer it can last. “If she is on her knees, give her a pillow or move onto the bed. Choose positions in which she will not get tired.


October 2, 2022

Oral sex: how to make her feel good too.

Do's and Don'ts (continued): 3. Order: Orders such as "deeper" or "slower" sound like criticism. Therefore, try to rephrase, for example: “I am so pleased when you do ...”, and further down the text. 4. Leave her unsatisfied: You got your orgasm, didn't she? Don't just zip up your fly and go about your business. Now it should be her turn. Well, or you can tell her something like: “I had such a good time that I need to take a break. Give me a couple of minutes (or an hour)." Most importantly, don't cheat on her.


October 2, 2022

Oral sex: how to make her feel good too.

What is not allowed: 1. Put pressure on her: if you put pressure on pity to "deceive" her, she will only be offended. Better tell her (more than once) about how you love oral sex, and give her the right to decide when to give you such pleasure. 2. Hold her head: this way you can hurt her neck and cut off the air supply. “Let her control the depth and rhythm,” says sexologist Jill McDevitt. You're better off: some women get turned on by blowjobs because it gives them a sense of control over a man.


October 2, 2022

Оральный секс: как сделать, чтобы ей тоже было приятно.

Что можно: Наслаждаться процессом: женщины обожают, когда их действия сводят мужчин с ума, так что не скупись на похвалы. «Чем больше ты стонешь и говоришь ей, как тебе хорошо, как сексуально она выглядит, тем приятнее ей будет». А если ты будешь молчать, она может подумать, что делает что-то не так. Делать все, чтобы ей было удобно: чем комфортнее ей физически во время процесса, тем дольше он может продлиться. «Если она стоит на коленях, подложи ей подушечку или переберитесь на кровать. Выбирай такие позы, в которых она не будет уставать».


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

Hence the conclusions: 1. Do not be afraid to moan during sex, do not hold back or hide pleasure.⠀ 2. There is no need to overdo it. The writhing and screaming body plunges into bewilderment. Because doubts arise whether everything is in order, and you want to interrupt the contact in order to make sure that no one has done “too good” to anyone.⠀ 3. Languid moans, loud sighs, muffled screams, breaking out “even stronger, like this, take me” excite and bring together more than any movement, even the most skillful one. Maybe because during sex all sensations are aggravated, not only tactile, but also auditory.


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

The researchers invited men and women to watch erotic movies. One group enjoyed the "silent" scenes, with the sound turned off, the other could both see and hear the sighs, sobs, groans and gasps of partners. It turned out that those who watched and listened were aroused more and more often than those who simply watched. It turns out that loud sex gives people more pleasure than silent movies. It is curious that British scientists came to the same conclusion. Loud sex is quality sex, they are convinced. And those couples who are silent during such an action simply do not know how to enjoy, not only sex, but also life.


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

Is it better to be silent than to moan? Just not during sex. Imagine a couple having sex in complete silence. Yes, it's hard to imagine. Still, one of them snores. Sweden is a country of liberated people. Maybe that's why it was the Swedes who became interested in the issue and investigated which sex is better? Loud, accompanied by groans, or quiet, silent?


October 2, 2022

At the peak of tenderness.

Is it possible to stroke the body, avoiding intimate areas, in order to come to an orgasm? UNDOUBTEDLY! You should know that intense stroking of different parts of the body and kisses create such a strong feeling of bliss that orgasm comes completely unexpectedly and as if by itself. It turns out that gentle and prolonged caresses of the whole body stimulate the nerve endings. Because of this, the brain sends certain signals that bring excitement to a peak.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

New places in the apartment. Yes, the bedroom is the most convenient place for carnal pleasures, but sooner or later it gets boring. Take a closer look at other rooms and places in the apartment - you can have sex in any of them. A kitchen table, a set, a window sill - why not a playground for love? What about bath, shower, washing machine? You can do "it" even in the pantry and on the balcony. It all depends on your imagination.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

Personal photo album. No, we are not talking about photographs of grandmother, distant relatives or colleagues. And not even about the photo from your birthday. And about the pictures of the hottest moments of sexual relations - an intimate album just for you and for him. Why not enjoy the memories of great sex in a few years? Feel free to turn on the camera in timer mode. You can go beyond static shots and switch to dynamic ones - create a movie with your participation.


September 30, 2022