Night sex. Pros and cons.

3. Freedom from business and household chores. A person can relax only when he has done all the necessary things. As you know, it is during the day that we rush to work, study or a business meeting. The night is left for sleep and time for a loved one, when we can completely be alone with him. Despite the pleasant and convenient side of nightly sexual pleasures, there are obvious disadvantages for this time of day. These include excessive fatigue, loss of energy, drowsiness. At such moments, there is no time for sex. Scientists do not really recommend making love at night, because by exhausting yourself with such a thing instead of sleep, people risk getting sleep deprivation or chronic fatigue.


October 8, 2022

Night sex. Pros and cons.

It is customary to have sex at night, as favorable conditions contribute to the romantic process: 1. Atmosphere. It creates a specific mood. Darkness, subdued light, associations with passion and romance... At such a time, sensitivity, seductiveness, and emancipation are more acute. 2. Hiding complexes. Many have sex at night because of shyness or any existing complexes. At night, partners can hide what they do not want to show in daylight. Basically, this phenomenon is inherent in women, since they do not want their man to see the already existing folds on the tummy, manifestations of cellulite, stretch marks and other imperfections. Also in the dark you can not see the face, so you can easily hide your emotions.


October 8, 2022

How to properly discuss sex with a partner?

Remove irony and sarcasm. Talking about sex is a rather awkward conversation and not the most pleasant one. Sometimes you just want to hush everything up or, on the contrary, laugh at your partner or at yourself. But for the duration of this conversation, it is still worth removing all the humor, sarcasm and irony so that the man does not take it personally. Leave the jokes for later, remember that now is a crucial moment in which both of you must deal with it in all seriousness.


October 6, 2022

How to properly discuss sex with a partner?

Choose the right tone. It is likely that something in your intimacy does not suit you or annoys you. This is normal, this happens to most couples, ideal relationships, like ideal sex, simply do not happen for many years. But in order to discuss all the shortcomings of your partner (which, by the way, are shortcomings only in your eyes), it is not at all necessary to speak in raised tones. Discuss everything calmly, without presenting claims, without "attacks" and reproaches.


October 6, 2022

How to properly discuss sex with a partner?

Choose the right moment. You definitely shouldn't start a conversation about sex "on the sly". And you don’t need to do this immediately after sex, starting with something like this: “But you know what I don’t like? ..”. It is best to conduct such conversations at home, in a comfortable environment for both of you, and at a time when your partner is as relaxed as possible. It could be some day off while you're still lying in bed in the morning. Or cozy gatherings in the kitchen. The main thing is that nothing bothers you, then you will be able to delve into a really serious conversation and touch on the most burning topics.


October 6, 2022

Three types of perception in sex in men. Kinesthetic.

This type of men is literally "turned" on tactile sensations. They prefer not to see or hear anything, but to feel by touch. In kinesthetics, nerve endings are very developed, and all over the body - at the fingertips, along the surface of the skin, and even there, in the genital area. This means that such individuals are very easily aroused and just as easily achieve orgasm. Massage can give men of this type incomparable pleasure - in some cases, they don't even need sex! Recognizing a kinesthetic is quite simple: he always strives to touch you, and even puts your hand on his knee or on his waist to feel the presence.


October 6, 2022

Three types of perception in sex in men. Audial.

As the name implies, this type of man loves with his ears. There are fewer of these among the representatives of the stronger sex, statistics say that about 10-15%, no more. But these "rare individuals" need a certain approach. We are not talking about talking during sex or discussing the day. But various "audio effects" will be quite appropriate. Auditory men like hoarse breathing, groans and even screams, and the very voice of a partner can excite them in any, even the most inappropriate situation. Music can also set you up in a romantic mood: it will not be superfluous to find out which one your man prefers.


October 6, 2022

Three types of perception in sex in men. Visual.

Among men, this is the most common type. Most representatives of the strong half of humanity love with their eyes. It is quite easy to understand this from a man: notice how he looks at you, and this does not have to be looking at the body, it can also be a close eye-to-eye gaze. The more compliments your partner gives you regarding your appearance, the more it indicates that he is a visual type. This can be replayed to your advantage even in conflict situations.


October 6, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

5. The main thing is your convenience. Do not be shy! Choose the position in which the body is sure to receive the highest pleasure, and confidently, if necessary, firmly move into it, regardless of the initial reaction of the man. Over time, he will get used to it, and at the same time he will learn to caress you in the most pleasant and useful way: after all, you will tell him about it and even show it.


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

4. A woman decides everything. For almost a million years, the initiative in sex belonged to the lady - this is what distinguished human society from the animal herd. And only the last, already past three thousand years, this initiative was seized by force of arms by the peasants (and even then not everywhere), who began to fill the female head with all sorts of absurd male ideas. Weaklings!!! A normal man, if he does not understand, then feels the need for instructions from his beloved, because his self-esteem depends on the opportunity to make her as happy as possible. Here you are and let's. What exactly? - Those that are useful to you!


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

3. Ladies - go ahead! Coming to the finish line together is great. But to put such a task is stupid. Do not let ridiculous accidents leave you unsatisfied!? Almost any man after an orgasm is filled with such apathy that it is impossible to stir him up and "catch up" with delight. But after the peak of pleasure, it is easy for you to satisfy your loved one.


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

2. Sex must be of high quality. Sexual intercourse without deep satisfaction is nonsense. Of course, you can, or even must, feign delight if Prince Charming wants you more often than it is personally useful to you. But in her own rhythm, the lady should receive orgasms. Not "moral satisfaction", I emphasize, but a powerful catharsis of passion!


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

1. Sex must be. The idea that a modern, busy woman has no time to engage in such stupidity as panting and sweating in unprintable poses is extremely harmful. It's like not taking care of yourself, but only applying war paint. As long as you're 18, it'll do. But in 10 years you will be 25, and in 30 - as much as 40 ... And without a healthy body, your successes in work and defense will wither, like a water lily taken out of water. Not to mention self esteem...


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

Moral satisfaction, physical relaxation and just a great mood, perhaps, each person receives after sexual intercourse. But is it possible to comprehend the basics of perfect sex? How to do it for women?


October 5, 2022

Opinions of different men about oral sex.

▪️ “A blowjob without sound is not something you can dream of. Someone inspired my young lady that groans during sex are for prostitutes. I try to convince, but to no avail ... " ▪️ “During the blowjob, she psychologically put pressure on me. I did it with a favor and clicked displeasedly in the process ... I still didn’t understand what I did wrong ” ▪️ “Interrogation + blowjob should not be combined. But my girlfriend in the process decided to ask me 100500+ questions about sensitivity and whether I feel well. I never finished.” ▪️ “Defiantly, in front of me, she spat out the sperm on the floor after ending in her mouth (she herself wanted to) Well, I understand, maybe you don’t like the taste, but you can spit in the bathroom. Weird. Haven't seen you again :(" ▪️ “The blowjob was awesome, I am relaxed and closed my eyes. And then, without warning, she inserted her finger into the anus. No clarification "Can I?" and at least lubricants. Now I'm afraid to close my eyes


October 4, 2022

Ideas for surprises in the distance:

- send him a tasty treat prepared by your own hands by courier, - sex on video, phone. - while he sleeps, write him compliments in the messenger, - video of you dancing in underwear, - play with him the game "truth or dare" by video, - a certificate for the implementation of any of his fantasies with you.


October 4, 2022


It is important to pay attention to one point. The man should first gently stroke his fingers everywhere, and not just rub the woman's clitoris. Then blow gently, make light kisses. When a woman is sufficiently excited, groans and presses her hips together, start sucking on her labia, clitoris, play with your tongue, insert your finger into the vagina, kiss your thighs. Neat and gentle! You will be rewarded with a very horny partner who is ready for anything!


October 4, 2022

In the eyes.

Women love it when men look into their eyes during sex. They need to know what you think of them when you are really "hot". A deep look says: yes, I want you, and it is important for me that you feel good.


October 4, 2022

Your mistress.

A woman who knows what she wants is very sexy, as men say. If a woman manages the process, this does not mean that she should take a whip and leather straps (although this is also possible). It is enough to initiate sex, push the partner onto the bed, put your hands on his head and "saddle" him. Everything, you are on top! And he is at the pinnacle of bliss. So easy!


October 4, 2022

5. Don't copy his mood.

In a long relationship, it often happens that the sadness of one partner is transferred to the other (or it seems to the second that the first is offended by him). Not worth it. Each person has the right to his own mood and energy release, and if you adopt only positive emotions, negative ones will quickly disappear.


October 3, 2022