Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

2. Difficulties in talking about sex. It's all pretty pessimistic, isn't it? However, this is how most modern people really live. And in sex, everything is about the same. Even more difficulties arise due to the fact that a second person is also involved in intimacy. And to understand what both of you want, a frank conversation is needed, and many today, despite the progress in sexual emancipation, are still embarrassed to talk openly about sex.


October 20, 2022

Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

1. Getting out of your comfort zone. As you know, in order to achieve some kind of success in life, to reach a new level (income, social status, personal relationships), it is necessary to leave the comfort zone. Being inside it, unfortunately, we will not be able to achieve anything new. And the fear of the new often leads to the fact that we live in a routine, constant, the same, not enjoyable, but so safe! And, in the end, this routine "eats" us - we become grumbling, obnoxious, joyless, apathetic, and do not notice how year after year of our life flies by in this mode.


October 20, 2022

On the first date.

The last relationship ended a long time ago, but do you want intimacy so much? Yes, sex toys replace genitals, but not a person, his caresses and hugs. If absolutely unbearable, then why endure? Do not suppress your desires - this leads to neurosis and diseases. Drop all prejudices and let off steam with pleasure.


October 20, 2022


Did you know that sperm acts as an antidepressant? Sperm contains many mood-enhancing compounds and hormones, such as endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin. Women who don't use condoms are generally happier than those who only have sex with rubber bands.


October 20, 2022

Did you know?

Studies have shown that nipple play causes or increases sexual desire in at least 52% of men. Given that this part of the body does not carry any special functions, the likelihood that your man will like it is high. In addition, nipple stimulation can enhance orgasms.


October 19, 2022

We ease the pain.

Thanks to the hormones released during orgasm, the pain becomes less acute. And with the help of frequent orgasms, a person becomes even less sensitive to pain. But even pure stimulation without an orgasm can relieve headaches, backaches, cramps, menstrual ailments, and other pains.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

4. Lack of enthusiasm or disgust. Nothing can push a man away more than a disgruntled or squeamish expression on a girl's face during a blowjob. The skin of the partner’s face may turn red from the effort, the makeup may be smeared, saliva may flow down the chin, but this will not dampen his excitement in the least. In contrast to the realization of the fact that what is happening is unpleasant for a girl, in this case only a partner with any sexual deviations will be able to enjoy.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

3. Ignoring a man's body language. When oral sex is important to look at the response. Everything is quite simple here, if the partner groans, moves the pelvis, starts to grab you by the hair and tries to make the contact deeper - you are on the right track. If he is tense, the erection subsides, the man begins to fall asleep, it is definitely worth changing tactics.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

2. Lack of moisture. If there is not enough saliva, there is no good glide, which means that the sensations from such movements will not be very pleasant. This can lead to microtrauma on sensitive delicate skin, discomfort and pain. Therefore, in this case, it is best to use a lubricant.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

1. The girl applies her teeth. The fact is that many women like it when a partner bites their clitoris a little during cunnilingus - usually closer to orgasm. Therefore, the idea arises that he will be just as pleased with a little pain. In fact, the teeth on the penis feel very painful, and therefore, you should only perform such actions if you are sure that your man likes pain (there are some).


October 19, 2022

Which destroys the sex life.

3. Sexual desire is also reduced due to overwork, worries and poor nutrition. After work, many barely have the strength to walk to bed. What kind of sex is there. 4. Conflicts not only cause unpleasant feelings and reactions such as anger, anger, disappointment. No, conflicts have a lot more power over us than we think. The fact is that conflicts create a lot of stress and therefore also affect our condition. The lack of internal balance changes our needs, relationships with a partner and sexual desire.


October 19, 2022

Which destroys the sex life.

1. One of the reasons is understatement, namely the lack of open and complete communication between a man and a woman. Do not be afraid to talk about your desires in sex and problems. Partners are brought together by trust and openness. 2. Being forced to have sex can negatively affect your sex life. Of course, few people will like constant failures, but a compromise must be found. Without sex, a couple's relationship, especially a young one, will fall apart sooner or later.


October 19, 2022

Spontaneous sex.

Fast and spontaneous sexual intercourse makes sex life more vibrant and flexible. If a couple willingly takes the opportunity to do “it” right now, then new doors and facets of sex open up for her. “There was a desire - don’t think, but grab a partner and do it right now!” - this is the motto of lovers of spontaneous play. The main thing in it is action, excitement, courage. There is simply no time for preparation! Another significant advantage of this type of sex is the ability to realize secret fantasies and desires. Dreamed of making love in the shower, on the kitchen table, in the car or at the office? Spontaneous sex will come to the rescue and fulfill the most passionate dreams!


October 19, 2022

Turn off your mind and immerse yourself in the process.

We think a lot about how we look, whether we sweat, whether the last sound was indecent, whether we moan loudly, whether we are doing everything right. But good sex can be wild, passionate, animalistic. Turn off your head and let your body and feelings take center stage.


October 19, 2022

Favorite moves.

Surely there are certain movements that drive your partner crazy. If you remember your best lovers, you will surely think about what they did or how they moved so that you could rise to new sexual heights. Choose a move that you enjoy that excites your partner, and include it as often as possible in the love game, adding small changes.


October 19, 2022


Of course, we all breathe, but you probably didn't know how much breathing can affect the ability to have an orgasm. Deep relaxing breaths don't sound particularly sexy, but they ensure that your attention is returned to your body and erotic sensations. An excellent recommendation for those who are distracted during lovemaking by extraneous thoughts.


October 19, 2022

Make a sex film.

No, it's not what you think. You don't need to open a porn studio or film your sex scenes on camera. It's about a different movie - one that happens in our head. You need to think in advance about what you would like to do with your partner or how you want to seduce him. Imagine a scenario that looks like a scene from a movie or an erotic book.


October 19, 2022

New poses.

Be bold and open to trying different sexual positions. Each of them creates a special penetration option, which in turn affects the excitation of both partners. Different positions not only make lovemaking passionate and hot, but figuring out which position your partner will especially like is also quite an exciting process.


October 18, 2022

We're filming.

Make your own video! This pleasure is not for everyone, but if you dreamed of acting in a movie, then you should take this chance! Do your hair, put on nice underwear and stockings, prepare the room and camera. The partner, of course, must also be prepared and inspired by the shooting.


October 18, 2022

Separate dream.

British researchers conducted a survey that showed that separate sleep can save romantic relationships. Nearly half of the 1,500 people surveyed said they were experiencing serious inconvenience from having to share a bed with a partner. Among the main reasons are annoying snoring, the inability to take a comfortable position and a sleep pattern that does not coincide with the mode of the second half. 16% of couples decided on a "challenge" and refused to sleep together in the same bed. And this had a positive effect on the development of their sexual relations. Survey participants confirmed that they began to have sex more often after they "parted" in different bedrooms.


October 18, 2022