"Hot spot"

There are many nerve endings in the sacrum, the stimulation of which contributes to active blood circulation in the pelvic organs: 1. A man lies on his stomach so that the penis does not interfere with him. 2. The girl begins to massage the coccygeal section with her hand, first clockwise and then against.


October 28, 2022

Know yourself and awaken.

Orgasm occurs only when the awakened erogenous zone is stimulated. Unawakened zones give a very weak signal - therefore it is logical that you will get an orgasm either after a very long time, or not at all. But desire does not arise by itself - only as a result of active actions. Therefore, you have to learn how to find your own erogenous zones and awaken them.


October 28, 2022

Vivid feminine sensations.

During orgasm, the muscles of the vagina pulsate, and this gives a pleasant sensation. Moreover, the stronger the muscles, the more powerful the pulsation will be. To develop the vaginal muscles, do Kegel exercises. They need to be done daily - in the morning and in the evening. Just rhythmically squeeze the muscles of the vagina 10-20 times in a row.


October 28, 2022

Sex on webcam.

Have sex in front of a webcam by arranging a broadcast on one of the specialized online services. Yes, such a step is not easy to decide, but it can make you look at each other in an unusual situation, from a completely different perspective. To remain incognito, use masks that cover your face.


October 28, 2022

Sex facts you didn't know.

1. You are getting smarter. Regular sexual activity not only promotes the formation of new cells in the brain, but also improves cognitive abilities - that is, you think faster and better. 2. During sex, your memory improves. Sex increases the number of cells in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for long-term memory. 3. Sex helps fight depression. Orgasm accompanies the production of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which is responsible in our body for pleasure and happiness.


October 28, 2022

How to surprise your husband in bed?

Girls, to hell with your morals when a family falls apart! You can cry as much as you like, complain to your friends, blame your husband. It just DOESN'T WORK! I will reveal to you the secret of a universal technique for maintaining passion in family relationships: Think about your nipples before your husband comes home! The female state is a feeling of one's own sexuality and charm. Thinking about your nipples, you will quickly become aroused: the pupils will dilate, the cheeks will turn pink. That is, your body will release into the bloodstream a stormy cocktail of neurotransmitters (dopamine, oxytocin, testosterone) responsible for your attractiveness. In a man, your feminine state will include the instincts of courtship and reproduction. And the most difficult task: not to surrender to a partner right away! Otherwise, you will simply satisfy his testosterone (sexual) surge without anticipation of pleasure. Distance: "Honey, let's not now!". He will immediately have a grasping reflex: "Mine, I will not give it to anyone!" And that's it, love chemistry works! Just? Quite to yourself! But not boring and trite!


October 28, 2022

How do you meet your husband from work?

Or an ideal scenario, from which a man will be crazy. Evening, he opens the door with his key, knowing about it, because you told him in advance that tonight the children are with their parents, and at home a surprise awaits him. Then he enters the bedroom, where you are lying in chic underwear with a glass of white sparkling wine. Your delicious dinner is languishing in the oven and he can smell its aroma. But he is more attracted by the aroma of his woman, who, very confident and fresh, tasty and warm, comes up to him and relaxes him after a working day ... How this evening will end is up to you!


October 28, 2022

How to do an erotic massage?

Erotic massage can be done not only with hands, but even with loose hair or lips. Light kisses, stroking, using the tongue - all this will literally drive your partner crazy. When you feel that "the time has come", you can shift the initiative to a man or take it into your own hands. The ending will be quite logical, and believe me, sex after an erotic massage should be simply enchanting!


October 27, 2022

How to do an erotic massage?

The next step is to massage the rest of the body. While the man is lying on his back, massage his legs from the feet up. Have the man roll over onto his back and continue massaging his abdomen and chest (or vice versa). The abdomen in men is considered the most sensitive area. But no matter how your partner pushes you lower, try not to touch the genitals - the whole "salt" of erotic massage is precisely in delaying the moment of pleasure. And do not let a man touch you - this, by the way, is an indispensable condition for professional masseuses from salons.


October 27, 2022

How to do an erotic massage?

Do not forget that the massage will be erotic, so it is not so much the correct muscle massaging technique that is important here, but your intimate mood and the ability to convey this mood to your partner. For starters, it’s good to do a back massage - it will help a man relax. Not too comfortable to massage on a low bed? Climb on top of your partner, sitting on his buttocks - this should already help the intimate mood. Start with light strokes with the palm of your hand, and then you can work out more intensively each area of ​​​​the back - from the shoulders to the lower back.


October 27, 2022

Competitor of point G is point A or zone AFE.

It is located deeper - between the G-spot and the cervix. In addition to the excitability of this zone, its advantage is also that its stimulation increases the production of glandular secretions. In the ideal case, thanks to the friction of point A, you will be able to experience a very intense orgasm, while temporarily losing control of the muscles and even ejaculating with a secret. To reach this magical point, the partner must insert the penis very deeply.


October 23, 2022


The presence of the G-spot and its ability to bring a woman to orgasm has long been an indisputable fact. To stimulate it, a penis is not needed, a finger is enough, because the treasured point is located about 5 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina on its front wall. It contains many nerve pathways. The G-spot will begin to "act" only if the woman is already aroused. For sex, you need to choose positions in which the anterior wall of the vagina is actively stimulated, for example, the "Viennese oyster".


October 23, 2022

Contraceptive pills: now also for men?

Perhaps very soon there will be birth control pills for men. University of Washington scientists presented at the annual conference of the Endocrine Society a report on the successful completion of the first phase of research on a new format contraceptive. The drug 11-beta-MNTDC is aimed at reducing the level of hormones that stimulate the production of sperm and testosterone. Also now, scientists are working on a new drug based on alpha-blockers. They have an interesting property - at the time of ejaculation, they contribute to the entry of part of the sperm into the bladder. Experts want to take advantage of this and create a new contraceptive for men.


October 23, 2022

Bald men are the sexiest! True or myth?

Imagine this is absolutely true! Of course, unless the baldness is caused by a diagnosed specific health problem. The whole secret of the sexuality of bald people is in the male sex hormone - testosterone. It is noticed that it has an interesting effect on the human hairline. The increased content of testosterone can cause excessive hair growth on the body and face, but the hormone negatively affects hair growth on the head! As you know, testosterone plays an important role in the formation of male sexual desire. So there is indeed a connection.


October 23, 2022

The best scents to arouse desire.

• Ylang-ylang is considered ideal for foreplay. This is an excellent antidepressant that can lift your mood. In addition, ylang-ylang oil has an anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect. Therefore, now you will not be able to refuse a partner, motivating this by the fact that your head hurts. • Patchouli and sandalwood are also good for uplifting and stimulating sex drive. Do you want to try something new? Use these oils and show your wildest fantasies. • If you have a romantic evening, and both partners prefer gentle, affectionate and leisurely sex, use rose oil. It relaxes, calms the nerves and pacifies. • Do you want sex to be long? So, you need toning, and you can achieve this effect with the help of basil essential oil. True, it has a rather pungent smell, but you can add a couple of drops of jasmine oil to it - its aroma will delay ejaculation.


October 23, 2022

The best scents to arouse desire.

Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to increase this attraction, ignite desire and increase the pleasure of sex. This can be done with the help of various substances contained in food and in essential oils. Aromas through the sense of smell, by the way, will reach the desired part of the brain faster than the foods we eat. Once in the pituitary gland, they will stimulate it to produce endorphin - the hormone of happiness, which is responsible for raising mood, and for sexual desire, and for achieving euphoria from caresses and sexual intercourse.


October 23, 2022

Not expected?

Arrange an unexpected surprise for your man! Creating some new details to shake up your sex life is a good idea. You can make a surprise: “unexpectedly” meet a man in the corridor and turn this meeting into a small sex session. Those moments when he can not fully control the situation are very pleasant.


October 21, 2022

The prelude is very important.

An experienced man, of course, knows what a woman likes in foreplay. But no one can read minds. Therefore, if it seems to you that his kisses are intrusive and the touches are rude, do not hesitate to tell him about it. For example, when you realize that your partner is in too much of a hurry, gently stop him. Tease your lover: then move closer, then move away.


October 21, 2022

Morning sex.

58% of men are not averse to having sex between morning coffee and going to work. But for women, the picture is different. Their libido is greatly affected by stress and interference. The more pressure and extraneous factors, the more cortisol in the blood and the less desire to have sex.


October 21, 2022

Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

3. Trust comes first. This is why trust is so important in a relationship. It is necessary to trust each other and discuss every problem that arises so that it is not too late later. But even if there is trust, everyone still has a fear that the other will think about perversion, “abnormality”, some unusual inclinations, will not understand sexual desires and fantasies in the same way. At the same time, psychologists argue that terms such as “perversion” are very relative - they only reflect the rejection of one person by something that would be quite normal for another.


October 20, 2022