Slow sex is a new impulse in bed.

Immersed in unhurried caresses, you will notice that the feeling of pleasure increases steadily and intensely. Keep up the good work and admire your partner's body. Stroke your shoulders, neck, arms, hips, but do not touch the intimate area yet. If the purpose of a normal sexual intercourse is the intercourse of partners and an explosion of energy during orgasm, then slow sex is characterized by other standards. Partners just want to feel the connection and enjoy it for as long as possible and, above all, in a state of relaxation. No sudden movements, only slow ones. Even idle phases are desirable. At first, this will seem like a problem. But couples who have been having slow sex for a long time can do it for hours. A good workout for slow sex is picking. Often the peak of pleasure during slow sex is more intense than during “normal” sex. The lack of an orgasm doesn't matter. The important thing is that you had an intense and very deep contact. This is sort of another type of climax that can enrich a relationship. And if you like it, you can dive into slow sex every time and expand the horizons of physical love.


November 10, 2022

Slow sex is a new impulse in bed.

Long and deep breathing helps to calm down and tune in to the love game. A deep look, and then slow and curious touches and kisses. Explore each other with your hands and feet. Connect your whole body. And remember: this is not a classic foreplay. You are already in the middle of slow sex. Focus on your partner's feelings and your feelings. Listen to your body. What is good for you and what is not? Talk to each other and explain what you like and don't like. Explore the erotic map together. You can "go on a journey" far beyond the genitals.


November 10, 2022

Slow sex is a new impulse in bed.

Slow sex is different from spontaneous sex, at least in the beginning. Partners should be aware that they will be trying a different form of sexuality. And the conversation is inevitable. It should be clear that orgasm is not the measure of sex. If he comes, then it's good. If it doesn't, that's fine too. Once this becomes clear, you can move on.


November 10, 2022

For one night.

Forget high expectations! It's possible that a one night stand could lead to something more, but that can only happen if both want it. If you're feeling more than that, there's nothing wrong with asking for a second date, but don't get mad if your partner rejects the idea.


November 9, 2022


Be playful, live in the moment and have fun. This will reveal the true self, which is the most attractive of all. Naturalness, the absence of artificial layers of behavior always attracts hearts. Men notice this, they are attracted to such women. Do not be afraid to surprise your partner in sex, sometimes you can take control of yourself.


November 6, 2022

Female movements during sex.

Rocking the pelvis is one of the most important movements in sex. The pelvis moves back and forth, bringing the penis into and out of the vagina. The same applies, of course, to a hand, a dildo, or whatever. Moving the pelvis will help you increase sexual arousal during intercourse and bring it to orgasm. You can practice pelvic rocking while standing, lying down, sitting or kneeling. We recommend that you inhale and exhale deeply during sex: deep breathing has a positive effect on the strength of sensations and helps you focus on the process.


November 3, 2022

Female movements during sex.

Imagine how you smoothly move your whole body. You then spread the excitement throughout your body and intensify the pleasure. If you move your upper body and head, it contributes to the pleasure during sex. If you make circular movements during penetration, you are massaging the vagina. And in this case, sexual arousal can also spread faster throughout the body. The pelvic movements are also very important. They increase blood flow to the genitals and increase arousal.


November 3, 2022

Female movements during sex.

If you move during sex, your sex organs will be better supplied with blood. Therefore, the sensations will be brighter and more pleasant. You may feel much better during intercourse and your vagina will be more moist. The movement of the pelvis also helps relieve pain if it occurs during sex.


November 3, 2022

Kiss with tongue.

Here is another interesting tongue kissing technique: • Gently move your tongue into your partner's mouth and greet him with the tip of your tongue. • Gently but firmly press his lips. You can gently chew and suck them - but do not bite! • Move your tongue over the tip of your partner's tongue in a teasing motion—quickly and gently. • Change the degree of pressure: from strong and fast to soft and slow. • Play with your tongue and respond to your partner's tongue movements. Funny tongue teasers will be to your liking!


November 3, 2022

Kiss with tongue.

This is a very intimate kiss. You close your eyes, your lips almost touching. Hold this moment until it becomes unbearable. Your lips touch each other so softly that it tickles a little. Open your mouth slowly, the tongue does not move yet. After a while, gently lift it up and slowly connect it to your partner's tongue. Connect the whole body to the passionate game - wrap your hands around your partner's face or stroke his neck. Whisper something sweet to him in between. Turn off your mind and let yourself enjoy the kiss.


November 3, 2022

Orgasm simulation - why?

3. Not in the mood. Sometimes women are not at all in the mood for sex, but they still agree to please their partner. In this case, it is difficult for them to achieve orgasm, since getting it largely depends on mood and concentration. And in order not to spoil the impression of sex, they depict pleasure. Benefit: Many women claim to enhance their own sense of pleasure through orgasm play. And, thus, increase the likelihood that it will actually come. 4. To end sex. Sometimes sex takes too long, because a man is trying in every possible way to bring his partner to the peak. But this is not always possible, especially when a woman is experiencing stress. She prefers to fake an orgasm to end useless activities.


November 3, 2022

Orgasm simulation - why?

1. Make him happy. Women want their lover to be just happy, and to have a pleasant feeling that the partner has reached a climax. This is probably the most typical reason for faking an orgasm. 2. Good old ego. When a man thinks that he is not able to satisfy a woman, his opinion about his abilities does not change for the better. Therefore, a woman is ready to pretend, so as not to offend her partner and not cause doubts. In this way, she flatters his ego and maintains his self-esteem.


November 3, 2022

Interesting facts about sex.

Sex reduces stress and blood pressure - the hormones released really help improve mood and normalize blood pressure. This applies to both men and women. Improving the immune system is just one of the many effects that sex can have on the body. Sex improves sleep. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that sex has a positive effect on sleep and helps the body get better rest during the night. Sex burns up to 5 calories per minute, which is 4 times more than sitting on the couch and watching a movie. Sex enhances libido. Women are generally less interested in sex, and the easiest way to stimulate interest in it is through sex itself. Sex improves long-term relationships. A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that couples who have sex twice a week have more positive and trusting relationships.


November 3, 2022

How to reach an orgasm.

3. Change of position. Orgasm does not tolerate monotony. Only different stimulation of female desire has a chance to fully engage sensory perception and thereby lead to a climax. Therefore, we advise you to try at least 2-3 positions during intercourse. 4. Open your mouth. It sounds ridiculous, but it should help: if you open your mouth a little or even put your finger in it, orgasm will come to you faster. Even a quiet moan not only boosts the mood, but also increases the chances of reaching a climax. 5. Subtle difference. Orgasm can be either vaginal or clitoral. Both are great, but most women come to climax more easily through clit play. Instead of relying solely on vaginal stimulation, you and your partner should pay attention to the clitoris. Lubrication, fingers or a sex toy is enough for this organ.


November 1, 2022

How to reach an orgasm.

1. Concentration on sensations. Sex should be sensual. But orgasm is possible only if the sense organs are not overloaded during sex. Therefore, in order to prevent overstimulation, it is worth completely suppressing certain feelings. For example, wearing a blindfold reduces the ability to see, but increases susceptibility to touch. 2. Give a hand. Masturbation is a kind of helping yourself to achieve orgasm. Because someone who regularly caresses himself with his hand knows better where his sensitive points are, and can calmly show his partner what the path to orgasm looks like.


November 1, 2022


Can emergency contraceptive pills lose their effectiveness if taken frequently. No, they will always work and the risk of an unplanned pregnancy remains negligible. But such pills cannot be used as permanent contraception, as they can provoke a severe hormonal failure.


October 28, 2022

Ejaculation doesn't always equal orgasm.

It has always been believed that orgasm is achieved by a man only during ejaculation, that is, during ejaculation. In this, men are not too lucky: they will not be able to imitate pleasure. But not so long ago, scientists have identified another type of orgasm - "pre-ejaculatory", preceding the actual ejection of sperm. It turns out that about 20% of men feel the peak of pleasure a little earlier than ejaculation occurs - in about 20-30 seconds. But the "volcanic eruption" itself is not so bright. Therefore, these 20% of male representatives can easily carry out "interrupted" sexual intercourse (as a method of protection), without compromising their pleasure. Although 80% of men still experience orgasm exclusively during ejaculation and semen release.


October 28, 2022

How to improve your sex life in 6 minutes? Continuation.

In addition to the 6-minute rule, the study also confirmed what many of us already know: Couples who "warmed up" each other for at least 10 minutes before intercourse stated that the sex was very good and satisfying for both partners. Thus, the study proves that even a small change can significantly improve the quality of sex. If you spend as much time as possible on caresses, then your sex life will only benefit from it. Foreplay may take longer, and hugs and kisses should not be neglected.


October 28, 2022

How to improve your sex life in 6 minutes?

The 6 Minute Rule says you only need 6 minutes to significantly improve your love life. It sounds too good to be true, but in fact this simple rule has a noticeable effect on the quality of sex, especially for women. In a study of 1,500 Canadians, condom maker Trojan found that 6 minutes AFTER sex is like icing on a cake. 71 percent of the women surveyed said they perceived sex as "very satisfying" if their partner spent at least 6 minutes after intercourse for caresses. For comparison, only 44% rated sex as good if caresses after it were shorter or absent.


October 28, 2022

Intimacy on the washing machine.

You've probably heard that making love on a spinning washing machine is a special experience. Now it's time to check if this is really the case. Everything you need for this experiment is probably in any apartment, so it's up to you.


October 28, 2022