Sexual problems and their solutions.

Sperm with an unpleasant aftertaste. This is what can repel a girl from licking and generally active contact with your “life-giving liquid”. A slightly salty taste is normal. But bitterness, acid, and so on already indicate a deviation. Perhaps the man drinks alcohol too often, overdoes garlic / onions, spices, takes antibiotics, or constantly eats steak for dinner, drinks too much coffee. Many girls are simply initially against the white “rain” pouring on their chest, stomach, or even more so on their faces. And if they agreed once, and then they refuse, then it really can be a matter of taste. It is worth hinting to the chosen one about the need to change your lifestyle and go on a diet in order to try again.


December 15, 2022

Things women want from men in sex

5. Caresses with the tongue. Many men shy away from cunnilingus. And in vain, because it is a real paradise for women. Therefore, please think again whether it is worth looking for a reason not to caress your partner. Sex is not a one-sided game. 6. Touch the clitoris during sex. There are many positions in which the clitoris is hardly affected. This makes it difficult to arouse and get an orgasm. So if you have the opportunity to touch the clitoris during intercourse, do it! If you don't know what to do there, here's a beginner's guide: Gently stroke your fingers everywhere first, instead of just rubbing your clitoris. Then blow gently, make light kisses. When a woman is sufficiently excited, groans and presses her hips together, start sucking on her labia, clitoris, play with your tongue, insert your finger into the vagina, kiss your thighs. Neat and gentle! You will be rewarded with a very horny partner who is ready for anything!


December 12, 2022

Things women want from men in sex

3. Touch your chest. Whether with fingers or tongue: these two beautiful hills are very eager to be caressed. But you can’t rush, the chest loves neat and gentle handling - and that’s when women enjoy caresses the most. By the way, it's also good to just put your hand on one chest. Only warmth and skin contact make us women happy and ready for more. 4. Surprise us. The bed is so boring. "Attack" us in unfamiliar places. Even if at first it is embarrassing to have sex in the hallway or in the car, the desire takes over: an excited woman is ready for a lot.


December 12, 2022

Things women want from men in sex

1. Start gently. Women need time to "warm up". But don't worry, it's actually not that hard: run your hands over her neck, chest, shoulders, legs, and so on. 2. Kiss. Many men forget about kissing when they get aroused. This is a big omission because kissing creates a special intimacy that women need during sex.


December 12, 2022

How to make a girl squirt

And that will be? The first time, most likely, nothing. Or the orgasm will become a little brighter. Point G can be compared to a dormant volcano. From one tremor, he will not wake up, but after a series of manipulations, he will disperse anywhere. G-spot stimulation increases arousal and orgasm over time, not immediately. This zone, as it were, gets used to caresses and each time reacts to them more and more responsively. And most importantly, faster. If for the first time the orgasm will simply become brighter thanks to 20 minutes of foreplay, the second time it will be more powerful and longer due to 10 minutes, then the third time you will spend only a couple of minutes on foreplay, and the girl will know what a real squirt is. And having achieved it once, she can always reach the highest peak of pleasure (if you remember to stimulate the point), because the body cannot forget this level of pleasure. Another advantage of a jet orgasm is that a girl can get it 7-10 times in a row with almost no interruptions. The body recovers instantly. So think about how you will keep the bar.


December 12, 2022

How to make a girl squirt

What to do with her? You just need to press and exert pressure on the G-spot so that it gives up and gives your girlfriend pleasure. And if you thought that it works like a magic button - you pressed it and you're done - you're wrong. It is necessary to stimulate the point (either press or stroke) during the prelude - these should be intense actions with acceleration for 1 to 20 minutes (and who said it would be easy). The easiest way is to use sex toys for this, but you can do it with your hands. I always write to you: when making love, what is more important than passion is trust. If it is not there, then none of your actions and stimulations will lead to excellent sex and orgasm.


December 12, 2022

How to make a girl squirt

Does she really exist? Several European studies have confirmed that jet and clitoral orgasms are similar in terms of reactions and behavior of the female body, so this may be true. In any case, don't think it's that easy to find the G-spot (if it exists) and stimulate it. Much depends not only on your actions, but also on the emotions and attitude of your beloved to sex and to you in general. Nevertheless, a jet orgasm exists for sure - at least many girls were interviewed and made sure that, fortunately for themselves, they encountered it. So do not stop trying to find a strong erogenous zone in the vagina (look outside it too).


December 12, 2022

How to make a girl squirt

What is the G-spot? The G-spot is something between heavenly Atlantis and golden El Dorado, only in the world of sex. If you can find her and find a common language with her, the girl will never leave you, because you will be able to bring your companion to squirt. Point G is the most powerful erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina. Every woman has it, but it is in sleep mode. The point is not deep (3-5 centimeters), so during sex it is practically not stimulated. You need to interact with her purposefully and diligently during the foreplay in order to bring the girl to a jet orgasm.


December 12, 2022

How to make a girl squirt

The jet orgasm is considered by many to be an urban legend. They say there are a couple of some women who managed to end up in such a way that the mattress then had to be dried on a radiator. But only a Master of Sexual Science with a PhD in G-spot stimulation can achieve this. We think you're just looking for excuses why you still can't get a girl to moan so that the neighbors, frightened, will immediately call an ambulance and the police. So here is a guide on how to make a girl squirt.


December 12, 2022

Dangerous sex: 5 reasons why people don't use condoms

Five main "why" 1. I am not afraid of infections. The notorious "maybe" takes first place. They don't even care about HIV! And even the fact that many infections can live in the body for a long time, without causing concern, but leading, for example, to infertility. And herpes and a HIV are not treated at all. 2. The partner does not insist. 33% of respondents use a condom only if the partner insists. And 72% respect the desire of a partner (and 28%, respectively, do not!). 3. I don't like to throw them away. Ridiculous but very real reason. Many men find it unpleasant to remove a condom, tie it up, wrap it in a piece of paper and throw it in the trash, although it all takes a matter of seconds. 4. I am menstruating. You probably won't get pregnant, but discharges don't interfere with infections. Plus, sex these days with a condom cuts down on washing after! 5. I take pills. But they do not protect against infections, it is a false sense that everything is under control. p.s. On a note: embossed condoms may especially appeal to women: with them, friction against the walls of the vagina is felt more intense.


December 12, 2022

Best erotic books

Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Cancer tells the story of one man in the form of a diary with a touch of autobiography. A book about the love of life, throwing off social shackles from any point of view, including sexual. The work is more vulgar than sensual. Sex in Tropic of Cancer looks raw and animalistic. The main character has casual dirty sex with prostitutes. Henry Miller portrayed him very accurately. Admittedly, passages from the novel are no longer as exciting today, but they made a lot of noise in their day.


December 10, 2022

​Best erotic books

Anais Nin "Delta of Venus" 15 short erotic stories are not about love, but about desire and passion. "Delta of Venus" describes the sexual experience of women from their point of view. Anais Nin described these stories very frankly, but at the same time sensually. Sexual intercourse is depicted very accurately, and the words "penis" and "pussy" are quite common.


December 10, 2022

​Best erotic books

Jonathan Franzen "Freedom" Walter and Patty are the average married couple of the 1980s. Patty discovers personal sexual freedom while cheating on her husband. Walter and common son Joey also face temptation. Complicated, tangled relationships threaten to destroy family life.


December 10, 2022

Best erotic books

Benoit Gru "Salt on our skin" A student loves a fisherman: Gavin and Georgie are a very unusual couple. However, for more than passion, Georgie is not ready. She does not want to marry Gavin - social differences are too great. But over the course of their lives, they meet again and again and secretly make love.


December 10, 2022

Best erotic books

Haruki Murakami "Norwegian Forest" Reading this book, you will get acquainted with the complex love story of the almost 40-year-old Tooru Watanabe. In the 1960s, as a student, he couldn't decide between Naoko and Midori. He created a love triangle with completely different girls, but also had sex with others - only to finally find out who he really loves.


December 10, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Inner thighs The inner surface of the legs above the knee is also one of the most sensitive. Massage with the palms of this zone will activate blood flow to the genitals. Do not be surprised that after just a few movements, a man will experience an erection. But do not stop: slowly but surely rise from your knees higher. All that blood that is no longer needed for an erection will go further down the legs, and this area will be hypersensitive!


December 6, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Breast Do you think that only women have so sensitive nipples and the breast itself? Wrong - men do too. Yes, of course, our sensations are “ruled”, rather, by the mammary gland, but men also have a lot of nerve endings in this area. Only here it is better to manage with your hands to a minimum. Going down after a neck massage, you can make a few light massaging movements, then give free rein to your lips and tongue.


December 6, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Ears The ears are also considered one of the most powerful erogenous zones, especially when you caress them with your tongue. The auricle is a very sensitive area, so you need to be careful here, but you can still afford some courage. The main thing is not to “fill” the ear of your beloved with saliva, move your tongue very carefully and with light touches, and not make loud sounds so as not to injure your hearing.


December 6, 2022

Erogenous zones of men that you did not know about

Nape and neck This is one of the areas of the male body, the massage of which can give a powerful impetus to arousal. Unless, of course, the man is too tired. Otherwise, he will simply relax, tension will subside, problems will recede, and he risks falling asleep right in your capable hands. However, massage of the back of the head from the crown and below, ending with the neck and shoulders, can give an unprecedented pleasure. Massage the back of the head, working out the neck muscles, you can even lightly pull your loved one by the hair. Go down, work the neck and shoulders, and then you can move forward - the neck area below the Adam's apple (approximately where the collarbone and thyroid gland) is directly related to the sexual function of a man.


December 6, 2022

How to restore virginity in 15 minutes?

In modern medicine, there is an operation to restore the hymen - hymenoplasty. The operation lasts only 5-15 minutes, and the body recovers after 5-6 hours. During the operation, the girl does not experience pain or discomfort. The operation is relevant in the following cases: - before the wedding; - to restore the severity of sexual life in a long marriage; - in accordance with ethical and religious considerations; - The grounds for intervention are also the loss of virginity through negligence and the need to restore the hymen after a sports injury. To achieve a long-term effect, long-term hymenoplasty is performed. The gynecologist takes into account the individual characteristics of the woman, her wishes and state of health.


December 6, 2022