How is sex going?

Excitation in girls comes more slowly - there is no need to rush. Give yourself time to enjoy the caresses and be attentive to each other's desires. The excitation of the girl is expressed in moistening the vagina, swelling of the clitoris (a small mound at the place where the labia are closed). Only after the vagina has become wet can the penis be inserted carefully. Rhythmic movements will increase desire and lead to orgasm. In guys, this is expressed in ejaculation, in girls - in involuntary contractions of the muscles of the pelvic floor. Don't expect much from your first sex - it doesn't have to be perfect. For sex, the principle “Repetition is the mother of learning” is relevant, that is, everything comes with experience. If you were disappointed for the first time, this is not a reason to refuse sex, you just need training and knowledge of your body. Talk frankly with each other about preferences, desires and doubts - it's easier to establish a sexual life and find harmony.


February 15, 2023

How is sex going?

There are no clear instructions for sex. It is important not to allow yourself to be forced and not to do what your partner does not want. Kissing, stroking, gentle touching lead to sexual arousal. The girl's vagina is moistened, the guy's penis becomes strong. If you're using a condom, it's time to put it on - it takes experience. Therefore, it is quite advisable to practice before sexual contact on a penis or similar object.


February 15, 2023

Top 5 ways to get horny fast

5. Don't give up on sex. In paragraph number 2, we mentioned that there should be as much sex in life as possible. But it’s not too good if it is “on schedule” - then sex will become routine. Therefore, do not forget about spontaneity and catch every opportunity.


February 6, 2023

Top 5 ways to get horny fast

4. Sexting. Do you think it's almost the same as sex, since the words are so similar? But no! Sexting is intimate correspondence between a man and a woman. The so-called prelude at a distance. For example, in the morning, you can write various spicy messages to your husband who left for work - starting with completely innocent ones, and “warming up” them by the end of the day.


February 6, 2023

Top 5 ways to get horny fast

3. Love and pamper your body. To be more relaxed, get rid of some complexes and become even more attractive in the eyes of men, you need, first of all, to love yourself. A great way is to accept and love your body, whatever it may be. And for this, it is worth pampering yourself as often as possible with something pleasant (and useful).


February 6, 2023

Top 5 ways to get horny fast

2. Have more sex. The law “the more sex, the more you want it” applies here, and vice versa. Regular intimacy will never get bored - it will provoke you to have sex even more often. By the way, sex should be “let in” not only in your daily life, but also in your thoughts. Consider handsome men around and imagine having sex with them - believe me, all the representatives of the stronger sex do just that in relation to women.


February 6, 2023

Top 5 ways to get horny fast

1. Train intimate muscles. This, of course, is not an express method for arousal, but a very useful practice that, if performed regularly, will not only help you instantly turn on, but also get much more vivid sensations from sex. Intimate muscle training is called wumbling, and this exercise program is also known by the name of Dr. Kegel.


February 6, 2023

What not to talk about in bed.

Very sad statistics on cases of breaks due to the assessment of sexual activity or the skill of a man directly in bed. Know that a humorous hint, haste, instruction or a mentoring tone can break even the most skillful ladies' man in bed. Men usually, after such a fiasco, will prefer to leave, so that they will never sleep with you again - not even make eye contact. Make it a good habit to do what you need with your hands, silently and smiling. Tactfully pointing out some inconsistency of a partner in an intimate way will not work, men have their own beliefs in this regard. And they are too serious for a funny episode to be played out of such a case.


February 6, 2023

What not to talk about in bed.

Not the best way to call a man to frankness with his stories about previous experiences. Like a child, a man can be very nervous if he needs to tell something secret, even if he treats you with reverence and tenderness. Do you want to know how much better you are than your predecessors? Wait for the stabilization of relations, and do it as delicately as possible, without excitement. And certainly not in a romantic moment of intimacy.


February 6, 2023

What not to talk about in bed.

In the first place in the list of unnecessary background topics for intimate pleasures are references to former partners by a woman. Incredibly, even today there are such individuals who sincerely believe that their revelations at this moment can improve their sex life with a new partner. This is far from being the case, and in a significant part of cases it entails psycho-traumatic effects, albeit invisible ones. For a man, of course. The last thing he is looking forward to intimacy with you is wondering why John or Victor could not do one thing with you, and Michael another. It is easy to guess that in some cases such a confession can spoil not only the current sexual intercourse.


February 6, 2023

Passionate sex in the car.

Hot and spicy. Sex in the "spoon" position is the most comfortable option for the back seat. She is very intimate and hardly anyone can catch you. Move the front seats forward and place the backrests in an upright position. Your partner should lie on their side in the back seat, and you need to lie in front of him so that your back touches his chest. If the seat is narrow, stretch your arms out and hold your body against the back of the front seat.


February 6, 2023

Passionate sex in the car.

Temperature. You can play in heat and cold, including either heating or light blowing with cool air. Or turn on the seat heating while the air conditioner is running. The transition from hot to cold makes the skin extremely sensitive. Car rider. Tilt one of the seats fully back. Lay your partner on it and control the love game while sitting on it. A look in the mirror. Adjust your car mirrors to show you your movements.


February 6, 2023

Passionate sex in the car.

Don't raise your expectations. Accept in advance the fact that sex in the car will not be as comfortable as on the bed. But tune in to the fact that it will definitely bring both of you pleasure. Belt games. All cars are equipped with the perfect BSDM accessory: seat belts. Have your partner sit in the passenger seat while you fasten your seat belt. Tell him to raise his arms above his head and tie them to the headrest with a scarf, bikini or dog leash.


February 6, 2023

Passionate sex in the car.

Parking a supermarket on a Friday night is absolutely not an option. If you're going to do "it" in the car, think about a quiet, private place beforehand. Tight jeans are erotic but create unnecessary obstacles. It is better to wear a wide skirt or dress - they are beautiful and comfortable. Remove only clothing that covers the genitals. And put it in one place. Nothing kills the mood after sex as much as looking for underwear under the car seat.


February 6, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

Plan ahead. Spontaneous sex can be exciting. But just as exciting is the evening that you have planned for carnal pleasures. Use the time you save to prepare everything exactly the way you like it best: take a relaxing bath or eat something delicious together, and then gradually tune in to the upcoming love game!


February 1, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

See. Many people close their eyes during sex almost automatically. But whoever does this is missing out on a lot. Because studies have shown that eye contact between two people at a short distance has a calming effect. Visual stimuli also play an important role in sex.


February 1, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

Maintain order. There are only two things you should do in the bedroom: sleep or have sex. Everything that you do not need for this should be removed. For example, a computer desk, children's toys, a sewing machine and so on. Things that are not directly related to the bedroom will distract attention and switch thoughts to completely different topics. The same goes for sports equipment.


February 1, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

Unplug. "Switching off", that is, eliminating external interference during sex, is easiest if you remove all devices away. The TV must be turned off, as well as the cell phone or smart watch. This is a reliable way to create the most favorable atmosphere for good sex!


February 1, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

Breathe consciously. A very simple but effective technique for a more vibrant sex life is to breathe together. Pay attention to how your partner breathes and adjust to it. This is taught in tantric sex in order to find a common rhythm and feel a new brightness.


February 1, 2023

These little things make sex brighter.

Say what you want. If you keep your mouth shut and don't make a sound, you're missing out on a great opportunity. Instead, you can tell your partner what you like, what you want from them, and what you would like to try. You will find that it will become much easier for your partner to stimulate and satisfy you, which will immediately make sex more intense.


February 1, 2023