At the US university began to study pornography.

Temple University in the United States opened a course dedicated to pornography. It aims to study how porn affects viewers, is reflected in pop culture and in scientific research. Students study legal intricacies, watch documentaries and read historical texts. Viewing pornography is not part of the curriculum. Prior to this, other institutions introduced pornography courses, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vanderbilt University, and Arizona State University.


April 12, 2023

Sex in a hotel.

Take a new sex toy. Hotels are interesting places for new exciting adventures. Be sure to bring along the sex toy you want to try. A penis ring or vibrator is ideal for hotel sex. A new item and a new environment will create a special mood. Sex in the pool and jacuzzi - no! Perhaps the hot tub is in or near your hotel room. But give up the idea of having sex there, even if it's very tempting. Jacuzzis and some pools are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. Skin flakes and dirt being lifted up should never touch the mucous membranes of your bodies.


April 10, 2023

Sex in a hotel.

Use unusual surfaces. The great thing about hotels is that you get access to many previously inaccessible places and surfaces that are perfect for sex. Marble minibar, rain shower, desk chair. Another nice bonus is that hotel rooms are usually equipped with full-length mirrors. Ideal for role playing. You are on vacation in a place you have never been before. This is a great opportunity to play erotic games: fresh environment - fresh ideas. You can be reincarnated as a maid, and your partner as an evil manager or a disgruntled guest.


April 10, 2023

Sex in a hotel.

Choosing the right hotel. The first step is choosing an adult-friendly hotel. Hotels for families with children are not the best choice. Having sex while small children are playing in the hallway is not very convenient. Many hotels are for couples. Take "romantic scenes" with you. Often hotel rooms have an impersonal atmosphere, so you can bring items with you that will create a special mood: erotic robes, pillowcases or even a whole set of linen, an aroma lamp with oils, scented bath bombs, massage oil.


April 10, 2023

People without regular sex become dumber.

US scientists conducted a test and found that those who have sex several times a week have better results in verbal and spatial exercises. And those who rarely encounter sex are more likely to experience depression and severe stress, which reduces a person’s mental abilities.


April 9, 2023

Australian scientists have created a nasal spray for erectile dysfunction.

It works ten times faster than Viagra. Viagra causes an erection by relaxing the muscular walls of the vessels of the cavernous bodies in the penis, which causes them to fill with blood. The effect occurs in about an hour, so men are forced to take the pill in advance. Spray SPONTAN allows you to be ready for unplanned sex. Erection appears 5-15 minutes after use. The drug could go on sale in 2025 if it successfully passes large-scale trials.


April 2, 2023

Clitoral stimulation.

Roller. Use 2 fingers: thumb and index. Place these two fingers on your clitoris and roll them back and forth. Now you can increase the pace and/or pressure depending on how you feel and what suits you. There can be no universal guideline here. Just try...


March 26, 2023

Pose "Classic rider"

How does she look? The woman sits on the man face to face. Also, a woman can squat down. At the same time, she determines the rhythm of movements and decides how deep his penis can penetrate into her vagina. What is the advantage? In this position, the man's penis touches the clitoris. For many women, this is extremely important because the clitoris is very sensitive. In addition, the anterior part of the vagina is more affected in this position, which is nice for women whose G-spot is very excitable.


March 26, 2023

Orgasm prolongs life!

What was long considered a myth turned out to be true. According to various studies, this thesis seems to be true: regular orgasms prolong life. People who constantly experience orgasms are less stressed and suffer less from heart disease, breast and prostate cancer.


March 26, 2023

Sex and pregnancy.

Sexual attraction does not disappear during pregnancy. In almost half of pregnant women, the desire to have sex does not weaken at all - rather the opposite. Everything depends on you. Doctors do not prohibit making love until a long time.


March 26, 2023

Sexy dinner: what to cook?

5. Avocado. And meat, and fish, and scrambled eggs can be safely supplemented with avocados. And you can make delicious sandwiches, salad from it (by the way, with seafood it will be just a “bomb” for libido!) Or eat it without anything. In any case, avocado is considered the most useful vegetable (although, in fact, it is a fruit), rich in substances indispensable for our body.


March 17, 2023

Sexy dinner: what to cook?

4. Еggs. Who eats eggs for dinner? We were also surprised, but it turns out that the benefits of eggs for male potency have been known since ancient times. A dish of eggs fried in butter, flavored with honey, is described in the medieval Arabic treatise "The Fragrant Garden", dedicated specifically to sex! Eaten for dinner, it was considered a real salvation for sheikhs who wanted to satisfy their entire harem.


March 17, 2023

Sexy dinner: what to cook?

3. Meat. Meat is essential for muscle strength. It is rich in protein, which is the building material for muscle fibers. Well, where does male strength come from, if not from muscles? Therefore, a meat dinner is also the best fit for a nightly continuation. Just remember: meat dishes are quite heavy and take a long time to digest, so you should not cook too large portions.


March 17, 2023

Sexy dinner: what to cook?

2. Fish and seafood. A quick dinner option is oven baked fish. Prepared in this way, it will retain an abundance of nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are especially important in marine (preferably red) fish - they add energy, including for sexual pleasures.


March 17, 2023

Sexy dinner: what to cook?

1. Strawberries. The easiest option for an erotic snack. In case you had dinner a couple of hours ago, and now you just want to have a snack. Open a bottle of champagne, and for a snack, take a fresh strawberry. Yes, by the way, there should not be a lot of champagne, otherwise love exploits risk turning into a fiasco. But strawberries are simply an irreplaceable option. In addition, you can take whipped cream, both natural and plant-based. They are ideal to taste with juicy, ripe berries. An unforgettable light and tasty dinner is ready!


March 17, 2023

Facts about the female orgasm that you may not have known.

5. Is the female orgasm a guarantee of fidelity? French researcher Catherine Solano found that the hormone of happiness oxytocin affects the strengthening of communication with a partner. Since it is actively produced during orgasm, we can conclude that the more pleasure a woman gets, the more she becomes attached to her partner. 6. Ejaculation. Women are also able to ejaculate. In a state of excitement, the swollen urethra is squeezed by the legs of the clitoris, and the bladder secretes a clear, odorless secretion, which is carried out by the muscular contractions that occur during orgasm.


March 17, 2023

Facts about the female orgasm that you may not have known.

3. The myth of the vaginal orgasm. It is quite difficult to achieve it. The fact is that the classic "forward-back" friction very rarely gives a woman a pleasant feeling. There are only 20% of such lucky ones. 4. Size doesn't matter. If the importance of the size of the penis is still in question, then the size of the clitoris absolutely does not touch the public. The reason is simple: small and large clitoris are equally sensitive.


March 17, 2023

Facts about the female orgasm that you may not have known.

1. Women want feelings. Sex is at best a pleasure that brings joy and cannot exist outside of a relationship. 42% of women are not interested in pure sex. If it is not decorated with feelings, then it seems to women very boring. 2. What sex does to us. Good sex not only improves your mood, but makes your skin smoother, your breasts firmer, and your body stronger. American scientists have found that couples who have sex at least once a week look 3-4 years younger than people who rarely have sex.


March 17, 2023

A difficult but effective way to annoy a woman:

▪️ With one hand, press it against the wall (but without excessive pressure), with the other, unfasten everything that is unfastened, and move away everything that interferes. ▪️ All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.


March 16, 2023


Surprisingly, even the penetration process can be varied. Wise Taoist practices will help here. In the Tao of love, there are 2 types of penetration: deep, fast, intense and short, slow, teasing. They alternate as follows: 1 long - 8 short, 2 long - 7 short, 3 long - 6 short. Have you already understood the pattern?


March 16, 2023