The True Story of the Missionary Position

The missionary position, also known as the matrimonial, mama-papa, Anglo-American, and male dominance position, has a fascinating history. Contrary to popular belief, there is much more to this face-to-face position than meets the eye. Over the years, it has been called by different names. However, the most well-known name for this position seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Interestingly, it is the only allowed position in the state of Florida, although there is no information available regarding arrests for those who dare to violate this rule.


September 24, 2023

Embrace and Express Pleasure: The Power of Moaning During Sex

Do not be afraid to moan during sex, do not hold back or hide your pleasure. There is no need to exaggerate. The writhing and screaming body may confuse you. Doubts may arise if everything is okay, and you may even want to interrupt the contact to make sure. Seductive moans, loud sighs, muffled screams like 'more, harder, like this, take me' stir and bond stronger than any movement, even the most skillful one. Perhaps because during sex, all sensations, not only tactile but also auditory, become intensified. Interestingly, British scientists have come to the same conclusion. Loud sex equals quality sex, they are convinced. And those couples who remain silent during such actions simply do not know how to enjoy, not only sex but also life.


September 14, 2023

Loud Sex or Silence: Which Gives More Pleasure?

Loud sex. Better to stay silent than moan? Except during sex. Sweden is a country of liberated individuals. Perhaps that's why Swedes became interested in the question and investigated which type of sex is better. Loud, accompanied by moans, or quiet, soundless. Researchers invited men and women to watch erotic movies. One group enjoyed muted scenes with the sound turned off, while the other could see and hear the sighs, sobs, moans, and breaths of their partners. It turned out that those who watched and listened were more aroused and more frequently than those who simply watched. It seems that loud sex brings more pleasure to people than silent movies.


September 14, 2023

The Economic Situation and its Impact on the Sex Lives of Young People in the 21st Century

Surveys have shown that young people born in the early 21st century are opting out of sexual relationships due to the economic situation. They are forced to live with their parents as the cost of renting accommodation is extremely high. Representatives of the younger generation note that this allows them to work less and focus on social and university matters, but the lack of personal life is a drawback.


September 9, 2023

How Your Anatomy Affects Orgasm Achievement

Many factors that contribute to orgasm are within our control, while others are not. According to a 2011 study published in the journal 'Hormones and Behavior,' the distance between the clitoris and the urethral opening may influence the likelihood of orgasm. At least during vaginal penetration. If it is less than 2 centimeters, the probability of 'winning' increases.


September 6, 2023

Importance of Relationship Status in Achieving Orgasm

One of the factors affecting orgasm achievement is your relationship status. According to research, the partner plays a significant role in achieving orgasm, rather than sexual technique. Although good technique is also important, relationship quality is still more prioritized for women. Studies conducted in 2016 and 2017 have shown that relationship satisfaction - whether you have found your soulmate or just the perfect partner - is linked to orgasm chances.


September 6, 2023

The Power of Focus: Unlocking Sexual Pleasure

Your focus on success. Movies make us believe that mind-blowing orgasms happen effortlessly: a warm gaze and a gentle touch, followed by shuddering pleasure! But in reality, achieving climax takes a bit more concentration. Women with heightened orgasmic abilities have simply learned to concentrate on sex. Before engaging in lovemaking, give yourself time to rest from everyday worries. Set aside thoughts of tasks, work, and everything else around.


September 6, 2023

Sexual self-esteem: The Key to Bedroom Success

Sexual self-esteem. It may seem that orgasm is the partner's duty. Yes, their movements definitely affect the sensations. However, researchers have also found that self-esteem and body satisfaction are incredibly important factors for bedroom success.


September 6, 2023

Factors Affecting Orgasm Achievement

Communicative Skills. How well you communicate with your partner also plays a major role in the likelihood of reaching the finish line. Clear and direct communication with your partner is key to success. Additionally, three little words significantly increase the chances of climax. The phrase 'I love you' has the power to work wonders!


September 6, 2023

Take on a Challenge: Exploring New Adventures in the Bedroom

Challenge yourself. For example, engage in daily intimate encounters for a whole month. Additionally, you can try a new position, a different location, an adult toy, or a role-playing scenario every week. This will stimulate your mind, encourage you to innovate, and ignite some healthy competition, adding excitement to your intimate life.


September 4, 2023

Variety in the Relationship

Un-typicalness. The longer a couple is in a relationship, the more boring sex becomes. This leads to less frequent engagement in sexual activities, which can result in infidelity. Therefore, we use variety: changing positions, places, accessories, and inventing thematic games.


September 4, 2023

Rules for Perfect Virtual Sex

Make sure you are truly ready for this. Before engaging in virtual sex, you should ensure that you feel comfortable communicating with your partner. Ask for consent and give it. It is important to discuss each other's desires, needs, fears, and concerns, as well as establish basic rules you would like to follow. Start slowly. Discuss your desires and take note of how interests evolve, gradually adapting to them.


September 4, 2023

What to Do If a Man Has a Big Penis...

▫️ Pay attention to foreplay. The more aroused the woman is, the less discomfort she will experience. ▫️ Don't skimp on lubricant. To facilitate easy penetration, use as much lubricant as possible. ▫️ Don't rush. Hot, penetrating sex in an elevator or on a work desk in a quick format, unfortunately, is not for you.


September 4, 2023

Get Close to Him

Press yourself against him. It should not just be a kiss - it should be your desire to get into maximum contact with him - at least that's how he should understand and perceive you.


September 2, 2023

Spontaneous sex was no better than planned

A new study disproves the common belief that spontaneous sex brings more pleasure than planned sex. Psychologists have proven that this stereotype has no substantial basis. Researchers observed participants' sexual lives and levels of sexual satisfaction for 21 days to see if these beliefs were somehow connected to reality. The results showed that sexual satisfaction can depend on both our biases and actual experience, meaning that planned sex is not always worse than spontaneous sex.


September 1, 2023

Contemplation of the Female Breast Extends Men's Life

German scientists have concluded that if you stare at a woman's breast for 3 minutes every day, it is equivalent to 30 minutes of physical exercise. The reason is that sexual arousal activates the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke by half, thereby extending life by 5-7 years.


September 1, 2023

Alcohol - an Enemy of Sex, but a Helper of Seduction



August 31, 2023

Engineer Creates Mind-Controlled Sex Toy

Engineer has created a sex toy that can be controlled by the power of the mind. It reads brain activity and sends a signal to a device that attaches to the penis. Autoblow AI+ uses the brain signal data to speed up or slow down movements depending on how aroused the user is. It also recognizes when the user wants to achieve orgasm. Currently, the device is a prototype and not available for purchase. However, in the future, the technology could be improved for mass usage.


August 30, 2023

Waist and Tummy😋

There are many erogenous zones around the waist and stomach, which create pleasurable sensations not only during sex, but also during foreplay. For example, gently stroking the waist can enhance physical intimacy, build trust, a sense of connection, and pleasant feelings - a win-win situation!


August 26, 2023

The Role of Erotic Underwear as a Stimulus for Men

Erotic underwear is one of the factors of arousal that men associate with scent and explicit language during sex. Intimology


August 23, 2023