Facts about kissing

Kissing triggers a real explosion of hormones: serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, endorphin, and, of course, the hormone of tenderness oxytocin. The concentrated charge of happiness hormones suppresses the stress hormone cortisol, which, under the pressure of such a cocktail, prefers to disappear.


October 4, 2023

Blindfolded: Why You Should Give It a Try

Blindfolding. Why should you give it a try? During sex, you will experience sensations more intensely than ever before. Touch, whispers, scents, and tastes are perceived much sharper than usual when blindfolded. When you can't see what your partner is about to do, every movement becomes a surprise. All of this increases excitement to the limit and accelerates orgasm. A first step towards new techniques. Sex with blindfolds can easily become the first cautious step towards BDSM if, of course, both of you are willing to try this sexual practice.


October 4, 2023

Advice for girls and women. Don't hide your face during oral sex.

Many girls feel shy about the process of oral pleasure. They cover themselves with a blanket, hide behind their hair and hands, and avoid eye contact. Let go of inhibition and prudery. A man enjoys seeing the process - otherwise, it's not interesting!


October 3, 2023

Gynecological Terminology: Overcoming Discomfort in the Bedroom

A woman does not want to feel like she is at a gynecologist's appointment in the bedroom, so words like 'vagina,' 'vulva,' or 'clitoris' can irritate her. She immediately recalls her last visit to the gynecologist, and it greatly spoils her mood. What about arousal and passionate sex in this situation...


October 2, 2023

The Pitfalls of Fishing for Compliments

Fishing for compliments. Such tactless questions from a man, like 'Well, how do you find me?' or 'Am I not the best?' - are a bad idea for intimacy. Begging for a compliment means stroking one's own ego, but an honest woman's response can quickly become as uncomfortable as the question itself.


October 2, 2023

The Consequences of Misnaming During Sex

Misnaming during sex is one of the fastest ways to get kicked out of the bedroom. There's hardly a quicker way to ruin the mood than calling someone by the wrong name in the heat of passion. Of course, if it's a one-night stand with a stranger, the disaster may not occur. If men can't remember the name of the lady they're pleasuring, it's better to stay silent or stick to generic terms like 'baby,' 'honey,' and so on.


October 2, 2023

Socks in bed - a Turnoff for Women

Socks in bed is a separate topic. And it seems to have been discussed countless times. But that doesn't stop a certain category of men from ignoring it indifferently. Dear men, please remember: socks in bed cause dislike and disgust among women. Moreover, they don't always smell fresh. Men should always take off their socks before getting into bed with a woman, no matter how branded and cool they may appear to you!


October 2, 2023

The Impact of Unusual Underwear on Women's Desire

Strange underwear also does not contribute to women's arousal. Hearts, Bart Simpson, comic book characters, and other characters do not evoke tenderness in women. How can we perceive you as a lover if you resemble more of a schoolboy? Such underwear is a desire killer.


October 2, 2023

The Importance of Personal Hygiene in Sexual Intimacy

Another key and annoying aspect in sex - untidy men. Women are more sensitive to smells, so any unpleasant odor can completely kill their desire. Every man must take a shower before having sex, even if he has been sitting in front of a computer all day. Those who stink will never be popular with women.


October 2, 2023

What Irritates Women During Sex

One of the main things that irritates women during sex is the lack of time for foreplay. Foreplay is simply a part of good sex. So, men, don't rush with caresses - the keyword here is 'slow sex'. Of course, sometimes you can have quick and spontaneous sex, but it shouldn't be like that all the time.


October 2, 2023

Interesting Facts About Condoms

Interesting facts about condoms. If we divide customers into men and women, it is women who provide as much as 40% of the revenue from sales. A couple of years ago, special condoms for teenagers were introduced, which are smaller in size than even the smallest 'adult' ones. In the United Kingdom, one of the most developed and cultural countries, according to statistics, about 40% of the population feel embarrassed to buy condoms.


October 2, 2023

Condom Usage Statistics: A Global Perspective

According to statistical data, only 6% of the male population on our planet use condoms. Yes, we are not talking about developing countries right now. But considering how many countries already know about and have easy access to condoms, the statistics are quite sad, aren't they? However, out of all these 6% of the global population, the Japanese are the ones who use condoms the most. If we take the initial number as 100%, it is in Japan where approximately 75% of condoms are used.


October 2, 2023

Erogenous Zones: Fascinating Statistics

Erogenous Zones. Fascinating Statistics. 35% of girls consider nipples to be the most erogenous zone on their body. The neck came in second place with a result of 28%. The buttocks took the bronze prize, according to 15% of the surveyed ladies.


September 30, 2023

The Power of Eye Contact During Sex

Do you usually turn off the lights during sex? Then you're missing out on a lot. Eye contact can make sex more intense. We see our partner and feel seen ourselves. This creates intimacy. Of course, such closeness can sometimes be intimidating. Because when do we become the most intimate if not during sex? But if you try it, you'll find that eye contact can be very sensual.


September 30, 2023

Why Every Woman Should Have Sex Toys

To discover her own body and learn how to achieve orgasm. To be satisfied so that others don't recommend vitamins E, B, and C. To radiate positivity, health, and sexual energy. To not depend on male desire. To choose the number of orgasms herself. To use for experiments with a man in bed.


September 30, 2023

World Record for the Longest Kiss Set by Thai Couple in Bangkok

The world record for the longest kiss at a competition held in Bangkok, coinciding with Valentine's Day, was set by a Thai couple in 2013. Ekachai and Laksana Tiranarata kept their lips locked for 58 hours, 35 minutes, and 58 seconds. As a reward for their perseverance, the winners received two diamond rings and a cash prize of $3,300.


September 30, 2023

Researchers find a way to treat sexomnia

Researchers have found a way to treat sexomnia, a disorder where a person unconsciously engages in sex or exhibits other sexual activities during sleep. The research findings indicate that sexomnia can be regulated through hypnosis, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and adherence to sleep regimes.


September 24, 2023

Interesting facts about the Missionary position

The Missionary position has some interesting facts. It can be used not only for vaginal sex. For example, it can be used to stimulate the penis by moving it up and down, while trapped between the woman's legs. Anal sex is also possible, although not always. This position is the third favorite among men. Doggy style holds the leadership, and the second place goes to the woman on top. However, statistics may vary in different countries. It can be called the Armadillo position, because armadillos also do it, although it sounds unusual.


September 24, 2023

The Authentic Story of the Missionary Pose

No one knows for sure why it was named that way. The idea that missionaries were teaching people in subordinate territories is nothing more than a common myth. The term appeared in the 1950s and is possibly linked to translation errors in historical documents. Anthropologists mention in books about the Papuan tribe of Trobrianders that after the arrival of Christian missionaries, tribe members started displaying their emotions towards each other, such as kissing and hugging. Others criticized them for this, calling these new habits 'misinari si bubunela' (missionary fashion) - what these very missionaries showed them.


September 24, 2023

The Authentic History of the Missionary Position

The authentic history of the missionary position is probably the oldest. It is believed that even our ancient ancestors - primates - did it this way. And primitive humans in caves surely lay face to face, with one on top and a campfire nearby. Who knows... This is the most popular position. In a well-known study of male behavior (Kinsey Studies, 1948), 90% of surveyed women reported using this position, and 9% engaged in sex only in this position. Much has changed in the world over the past 70 years, but unfortunately, the statistics are unlikely to have changed much.


September 24, 2023