Beer with vaginal microelements

Polish brewery plans to sell beer with vaginal microelements of streamer Amouranth. The Order Of Yoni factory has already established the process - they are capable of extracting vaginal lactobacilli and brewing beer based on them. Previously, the streamer sold water in which she bathed to her fans, but now she has taken it to a new level.


October 29, 2023

Berlin's Futuristic Cybrothel: Experience VR-Powered Pleasure

A futuristic brothel has opened in Berlin, introducing visitors to the world of Cybrothel. Customers are provided with wireless VR headsets and led into a room with a doll that comes to life through AI deepfakes in virtual reality, all for 129 euros per hour.


October 26, 2023

Variety in Relationships

Girls love variety. At first, you're rough and audacious, calling her names, grabbing her by the hair. And then you become tender, affectionate, romantic, kissing every inch of her body. These patterns of behavior can be alternated several times during one sexual act, or you can change your image once a month. The main thing is for her to see: you can be anyone, and she can be anyone with you.


October 19, 2023

Do you know why many people don't like oral pleasure?

It's quite simple - it's not tasty. Try any edible product for oral sex. It is important to understand that when you use oral lubricant, oil, or any other product for blowjob/cunnilingus, you don't need to produce your own saliva, and as a result, the process will be pleasantly slippery and non-traumatic. In general, it is necessary to use some lubricating element in such activities, saliva isn't considered as such, as it is difficult to produce in sufficient quantity and dries quickly.


October 19, 2023

What Ruins Your Sexual Life?

Sexual desire is also reduced due to fatigue, stress, and poor nutrition. After work, many people barely have the energy to make it to bed. Forget about sex.


October 14, 2023

What Destroys Sexual Life?

Forcing sex can have a negative impact on one's sexual life. Of course, constant rejections are disliked by most people, but it is important to find a compromise. Without sex, a couple's relationship, especially a young one, will eventually fall apart.


October 14, 2023

The Importance of Open Communication in Sexual Relationships

What destroys a sexual life? One of the reasons is unspoken words, specifically the lack of open and complete communication between a man and a woman. There is no need to be afraid of talking about your desires in bed and problems. Trust and openness bring partners closer together.


October 14, 2023

The Impact of Conflicts on Sexual Life

What destroys one's sexual life? Conflicts not only evoke unpleasant feelings and reactions such as anger, resentment, and disappointment. No, conflicts have much greater power over us than we think. The fact is that conflicts create strong stress and, therefore, also affect our well-being.


October 14, 2023

Can sex be enough to keep a man attached?

Some women believe that through consistent good sex, they can make a man fall in love with them. But is that really true? Sex, of course, plays a significant role in relationships, but if that's all you can offer a man, don't expect more. Such relationships will only last until the man finds a woman who can give him more than just good sex. A man becomes deeply attached only to a woman with whom he has an emotional connection.


October 13, 2023

Exploring Your Body: The Key to Great Sex

You can't expect your partner to be fantastic in bed if you don't know what you like yourself. To discover this, explore yourself through masturbation. There's no need to be ashamed of it: all women enjoy playing alone from time to time. Dedicate some time to yourself and try to explore your body.


October 13, 2023

How to Express Pleasure in Bed: Dos and Don'ts

Don't overplay it. Don't mimic passionate actresses from favorite movies with erotic scenes. Remember that it is all acting and stagecraft. Yes, you should show your emotions to your partner and demonstrate that you are truly enjoying yourself in bed. But it should not involve excessively loud moans that would make your neighbors bang on the wall. And definitely forget about making different 'animal' sounds, growling, and screaming. Avoid convulsions when orgasm hits you. However, if all of this is natural rather than staged, if you genuinely experience unparalleled pleasure, then why not?


October 12, 2023

Oral Sex Techniques: Pleasure Without Exhaustion

Although sex is pleasurable, it can be quite exhausting. To prevent jaw fatigue during oral sex and enjoy the experience, try not to overexert yourself. Perform oral sex gently using your lips. People tend to get more tired from activities they dislike. In oral sex, there are various techniques available to regulate breathing. You can caress the testicles or stimulate the penis with your hand. Switch to kissing, caressing, and fondling.


October 12, 2023

Nocturnal Erections: What Happens During the Night

Throughout the night, erections can occur multiple times. So morning erection is what you see since you also woke up (or were pleasantly awakened). During the night's sleep, erections can happen every 1.5-2 hours on average. And it doesn't depend on what a man dreams about at any given moment.


October 8, 2023

Full size: does it really matter?

Size doesn't matter! Despite the aforementioned statistics, the length of a man's penis will be individual – we are now talking about the length in 'full battle readiness.' Without this state, it is impossible to evaluate the genitalia and its dimensions, as it can significantly increase (compared to a calm state) in some men due to physiology.


October 8, 2023

The Male G-Spot: Discovering Pleasure Beyond the Penis

Men also have a G-spot. It is nothing more than the prostate gland. By stimulating it, one can achieve intense orgasms without even involving the penis. Finding this gland is much easier than in women because of its larger size (approximately that of a walnut). However, it can only be stimulated through the anus, so these kind of pleasures should be approached with caution when offered to your partner.


October 8, 2023

Favorite Positions for Maximum Pleasure

Doggy style and cowgirl position are the most beloved. And even if your man claims otherwise, you can easily check it by engaging in love in one of these poses. The thing is, men are visual creatures, and for quality sex and intense orgasm, they need to see their partner from the most advantageous angle.


October 8, 2023

Men Also Fake Orgasms: Surprising, Isn't It?

Men also fake orgasms. Surprising, isn't it? How can one simulate something that is clearly visible in its occurrence? It turns out, it's possible! This is proven by scientists who conducted a study specifically for one of the American condom manufacturing companies, claiming that about 25% of men regularly fake orgasm.


October 8, 2023

Male Orgasm: A Brief Moment of Self-Indulgence

Male orgasm is 4-5 times shorter than female orgasm. This is why they can be forgiven for that moment of selfishness before ejaculation, when they are solely focused on themselves. After all, the average male orgasm lasts only 5 to 7 seconds, while the female orgasm can last from 20 to 25 seconds!


October 8, 2023

Effective tip for prolonging erection: silicon rings from a sex shop

An effective tip for prolonging an erection is to purchase special silicone rings from a sex shop. They are worn on an erect penis and prevent blood from flowing out of it. Some of these devices are equipped with a small vibrator, which makes the experience enjoyable for both partners.


October 5, 2023

Biorhythms and Intimate Life

Biorythms. Your biorhythms should match. This detail is very important in the schedule of intimate life. 'Night owls', accustomed to a nocturnal lifestyle, prefer to engage in sex late in the evening or at night. 'Larks' will not be the most active participants in evening sex, as intimacy and semi-sleeping state are incompatible. However, in the early morning, they will be full of energy and freshness. Therefore, if you and your partner have the same daily routine and rarely refuse each other intimate caresses due to the desire to quickly get under the blanket and fall asleep, then you are very lucky.


October 4, 2023