Learn the Kama Sutra!

The more positions you practice, the stronger your couple and the more pleasure you get from each other.


June 18, 2022

Help pillow.

Place a pillow under your buttocks while lifting your pelvis. This will change the angle of penetration and add new sensations. In this position, your bodies will be closer than usual and the penetration will be deeper, which is good for owners of a modest size.


June 18, 2022

Arrange a sex diet.

This method can also be reached intuitively. So, if from time to time to deny yourself sex, it coolly helps to build up a strong desire, thanks to which the first act after such a “hunger strike” becomes simply awful. This is practical advice from my personal life. Do not forget that masturbation is also excluded for a while. However, it is important to take into account the nuance that many people forget about. If the couple is used to frequent and daily sex, it is enough to skip one or two days.


June 18, 2022

Don't forget the condom.

For anal sex, as well as for vaginal sex, it is very important to use a condom. Only he can protect against sexually transmitted diseases. And even if you're in a long-term relationship, don't forget to use a condom anyway, as gut bacteria aren't very "good" for your penis.


June 18, 2022

Girls can't stop thinking about size.

According to surveys: 75% of girls think about the size of a guy's penis during the first sex. And more than 50% do not agree to continue sexual relations if they are not satisfied with the size of the penis.


June 18, 2022

Men, take note.

Only 3 out of 10 men can fully satisfy two girls at once. Because, girls love sex no less than guys, and to satisfy them, they need two visits per sexual intercourse.


June 18, 2022

4 zodiac signs with the strongest guardian angels. Capricorns.

Capricorns. Capricorns do not consider themselves lucky and are used to achieving everything themselves. And the earthly guys do not even know about the defender, who is constantly behind his back, protects from danger and suggests the right decisions. Wards of Saturn often complain about their fate, and the guardian angel only sighs - oh, what disgruntled wards he got, but work is work.


June 18, 2022

Scenic Sex

What you need: white cotton canvas, body paints, protective film, body sponge. Technique: spread out the film and canvas, make sure you have enough space... And you can create! The most interesting thing is that the paint is applied to the body or canvas and you start having passionate colorful sex right on the canvas. Unforgettable impressions are guaranteed!


June 17, 2022


1. Choose in advance the angles that show your body from the most advantageous side. 2. Choose an angle for shooting - a little from above, so the proportions of the body will remain the same as in life. 3. Direct the light at you, in moonlight or in total darkness - will not work. It is important to become screenwriters, not just actors.


June 17, 2022

Symptoms that help distinguish a true orgasm from a sham:

• Breathing becomes more frequent, becomes deep and intermittent. • Before the climax, the vagina is compressed, tightly clasping the member in a ring. • Before the cherished denouement, there is always an abundant release of vaginal lubrication. • Face and neck flush with excitement, eyes close or roll back. • The body and limbs may make unusual movements that resemble convulsions. • Someone makes inarticulate sounds, others swear or just moan.


June 17, 2022

Masturbation is a completely normal sexual activity.

In women, there is no decrease in sexual desire from regular self-gratification, this is just an additional way to get sexual pleasure.


June 17, 2022

Men love to watch.

A man likes to look at his partner during sex. And a woman giving a blowjob is triple exciting. Therefore, ask him to kneel, and you yourself settle under him. If you do this in front of a mirror, it will further sharpen his sensations.


June 17, 2022

Obey him.

By nature, men are more accustomed to dominate and feel in charge, the same is true in sex. Let him spank you, choke you a little. Let the body be used for its pleasure. Give him the opportunity to be the main in sex.


June 16, 2022

The smell in the bedroom.

The fragrance has a cosmic power of attraction and thanks to this your sex life will be filled with bright colors. What do you need? Choose a fragrance in your bedroom and let it be familiar to you and your brain will set you up for an intimate atmosphere as soon as you smell it. But don't mix too many scents to avoid the opposite effect.


June 16, 2022


In order to avoid failed sex, it is necessary to exclude the following actions: Fast transition to the genitals; Concentration only on your arousal; Try to do everything right; Be silent about your desires; Build a modest self.


June 16, 2022

Don't be afraid to change places.

Opportunities to diversify your sex life are inexhaustible, so do not miss them. Forget about the days, months, years spent on the matrimonial bed. Try out the interior of a car, the back seat of a bus, a resort beach, the roof of a skyscraper, and anything else your inventive fantasy suggests. This will help diversify your sex life.


June 16, 2022

Food and sex!

You can not make love on a full stomach, burdened with a hearty dinner. The man will be lethargic and sleepy, and the blood will rush to the stomach, and not where it should be.


June 16, 2022


Undress and stand opposite each other. One of the partners starts the game by kissing or stroking the other. The second answers him, synchronously caressing the same places. Thus, you can show your partner without words what you expect from him.


June 16, 2022

"Wheel of Passion"

Draw a circle on a piece of paper and divide it into 8-12 segments, in each of which write frank wishes: kisses, massage, oral sex, etc. Then close each other's eyes and randomly fall into one of the magical sectors.


June 16, 2022

About the female orgasm.

For many women, regular penetrative sex is not enough, and they definitely need additional clitoral stimulation. For them, caressing with hands and tongue is not a cherry on the cake, but the only way to experience sexual release. And that's okay. If this is about you, feel free to tell your boyfriend.


June 15, 2022