Five-Year-Old Chinese Boy Becomes Licensed Racer

Shao Ziyang obtained his license in a racing simulator, finishing 27th among 10,000 top racers. This makes him the youngest licensed racer in the world. By the age of 18, he will have 13 years of driving experience.


August 3, 2024

Rare Delahaye 135M Torpedo Roadster to be Auctioned in the USA

In the USA, a rare French roadster Delahaye 135M Torpedo, considered one of the most beautiful Art Deco cars, will be auctioned. The model was produced in 1938 with only 11 units made. Interestingly, this particular car was found in a scrapyard in Algeria, restored, and then handed over to the Petersen Automotive Museum. Now, this rarity is expected to fetch at least $2-3 million, but bids could easily go higher.


August 3, 2024

US Startup Creates Cute Kung Fu Robot Turtle

A startup from the USA has created a cute Kung Fu robot turtle that will entertain you if you get bored at the computer. It is the size of a matchbox, responds to touches, can do somersaults, and amusingly taps on the keyboard. It also knows 99 simple games, and if you get a pair of them, you can have mini-fights. It costs $99 on KickStarter.


August 3, 2024

Doberman from China Becomes a Model

A Doberman from China has become a model. The most interesting thing: the dog showcases clothes and accessories for people. Little is known about the owner and his pet—they are from the Chinese city of Chongqing and mainly post videos on Douyin, China's counterpart to TikTok. The four-legged one is named Xiaopai and became popular when a video of its shows appeared on YouTube.


August 3, 2024

Study Shows Dogs Can Smell Your Stress

Pets not only sense this smell, but it also depresses them. The pet's mood can worsen, and they become downcast. During the study, scientists collected human sweat after stress tests. When looking for the food bowl, the dogs were distracted by the smell of stress and were less trusting of the food.


August 2, 2024

Chimpanzee Sign Language Comparable in Speed to Human Speech

Chimpanzee sign language is comparable in speed to human speech, scientists from the USA and Europe have found. By analyzing over 8500 gestures made by wild primates, the researchers concluded that chimpanzees respond to their peers in approximately 200 ms, which is comparable to the average speed of our responses to remarks. Interestingly, the apes use gestures in almost all aspects of life: greeting each other, arguing, reconciling, and so on. Most dialogues are limited to a few gestures, but complex negotiations can contain up to seven. Sometimes chimpanzees even interrupt each other, understanding the meaning of the gesture before it is completed.


August 2, 2024

Man in China loses eye after swatting fly

A man in China swatted a fly and ended up losing his eye. He contracted a bacterial infection. Initially, the unfortunate man's eye became red and swollen. The doctor's medications did not help, and the man went blind in that eye. The infection did not stop there: the eye had to be amputated to prevent the bacteria from spreading to the brain.


August 2, 2024

The Global Seed Vault in Svalbard

It is securely hidden at a depth of 130 meters, and there is enough space inside for 4.5 million seed samples. The mission of the vault is to save the main agricultural crops in the event of a global catastrophe.


August 2, 2024

Jobs for Paralytics Created in Japan

A café in Tokyo hires disabled individuals who remotely operate OriHime robot waiters from home.


August 2, 2024

American Startup Skip Develops Electric Pants with Exoskeleton

The American startup Skip, founded by former Google employees, has created the world's first electric pants with a built-in exoskeleton. They ease movements by 40% and make you feel 14 kg lighter. The battery lasts for about 3 hours of intensive uphill walking, and it will recharge slightly when going downhill, when assistance is not needed. Currently, the team is taking pre-orders, with sales promised to start next year. The price is $5000.


August 1, 2024

Hide and Seek Tournament on an Uninhabited Island in Japan

A hide and seek tournament will be held on an uninhabited island in Japan. The competition, scheduled for November, will involve 100 participants – 90 will hide and 10 will seek. Each participant will pay 24,000 yen for the island rental. After the games, other entertainments are promised, including camping with barbecue and hot tubs. The best players will have the chance to represent the country at an international hide and seek tournament, which was previously held in Italy.


August 1, 2024

Tens of Thousands Listen to Taylor Swift for Free in Munich

Tens of thousands of Taylor Swift fans were able to listen to the singer's concert in Munich for free, thanks to the fortunate location of a hill - on the side of the open part of the concert venue. According to the city police, there were 40,000 people at one point on the grounds in front of the Olympic Stadium. By the way, 73,000 ticket holders attended the concert and later had to exit through the same park in queues.


August 1, 2024

KFC gifts streamer IShowSpeed a lifetime coupon for free food

The guy loves their chicken, and the company decided to reward him for his support. At first, he was just thrilled with the merchandise they sent him, and then he accidentally found the coupon inside the box.


August 1, 2024

Childless People Are Not as Unhappy as They Are Thought to Be

Childless people are actually not as unhappy as they are thought to be. American scientists have found that almost 80% of the childless believe that their lives are easier than those of people with children. They have higher incomes and larger pension savings, so they more often indulge in what they want and save for the future. For example, childless women over 50 earn about 25% more than mothers of the same age.


August 1, 2024

Smart Ashtray

Xiaomi has released the smart Pule ashtray combined with a desktop air purifier. Inside, there is a four-layer filtration system based on hydrolysis, which cleans the intake air from tar, nicotine, etc. Maintenance is simple: you need to occasionally change the water and the HEPA H12 filter. In China, the new product costs 199 yuan.


August 1, 2024

Japanese Invent Perfect Summer Blanket

The Japanese have invented the perfect summer blanket - it cools the body and prevents sweating. But that's not all - it dries instantly and absorbs any moisture. The manufacturer does not reveal the secret but hints that it's all about the fabric.


August 1, 2024

Man commits crime to prove he is alive

A man committed a crime to prove he is alive. Indian authorities had mistakenly declared the 40-year-old man dead. He tried in every possible way to prove he was alive, but nothing worked. Soon his apartment was due to be confiscated. Then he decided that there was nothing better than attacking teachers at a random school. The police would have to open a criminal case in his name and acknowledge him as alive. That is exactly what happened. Baburam Bhil was arrested, and the police began investigating his claims.


July 30, 2024

New Full-Scale Prototype of Electric Air Taxi

Electric aircraft manufacturer Eve, a subsidiary of Embraer, has demonstrated a full-scale prototype of an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) air taxi named Eve Air Mobility. The design includes eight rotors for vertical takeoff and one tail rotor for horizontal flight after reaching altitude. There are also two electric engines providing high performance and system reliability. Eve Air Mobility is designed for flights up to 100 kilometers and can carry up to four passengers and one pilot.


July 30, 2024

Chinese man coughed endlessly for two years

A Chinese man coughed endlessly for two years. Doctors could do nothing, and it turned out he had a pepper stuck in his lung. The man thought he had cancer, and everything the doctors did didn't help. Eventually, a scan revealed a tumor. After the operation, it turned out it was just a piece of chili. When the Chinese man learned about it, he remembered that he choked on food and coughed violently two years ago.


July 30, 2024

Scientists Find Oxygen Source at Depth of 4000 Meters

Scientists have found an oxygen source at a depth of 4000 meters - previously this was considered impossible as there is no light and no photosynthesis occurs. At first, it was attributed to a sensor error, but 10 years of research confirmed the hypothesis - at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean lie rocks capable of converting water into oxygen. This discovery completely changes everything we know about life on Earth, and possibly on other planets.


July 30, 2024