Giant Catapult Developed in California to Launch Satellites into Space

In California, a giant catapult is being developed to launch satellites into space without using fuel. Inside the structure, the satellites will be spun up to a speed of 8,000 km/h and then simply thrown into a low Earth orbit. According to calculations, they will travel six times faster than the speed of sound. The company has already conducted numerous successful tests and has started the construction of a full-scale catapult.


June 23, 2024

Environmental activists reached Stonehenge

Ecological activists from Just Stop Oil have painted several stones of Stonehenge with orange powder paint. The monument is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With this performance, the activists demand that the UK government abandon fossil fuels by 2030. The police have arrested two individuals on suspicion of damaging the ancient monument.


June 23, 2024

Sony Buys Queen's Entire Catalog for £1 Billion, Making It the Most Expensive Deal in Music History

Sony has acquired the entire catalog of the iconic band Queen for £1 billion, making it the most expensive agreement of its kind in the history of music. Other notable catalog purchases include Michael Jackson: $600 million; Bruce Springsteen: $500 million; Tina Turner: $300 million; David Bowie: $250 million; Justin Timberlake: $100 million.


June 22, 2024

World's First Off-Road Vehicle with an In-Car Pizza Oven

Lexus has created the world's first off-road vehicle with a pizza oven in the cabin. The oven can actually cook pizzas, pies, and bread. Additionally, the car features a refrigerator, freezer, ice press, glass storage case, and a folding table.


June 22, 2024

Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus Reveals Surprising Resemblance to Marge Simpson

On the lid of a sarcophagus that is 3,500 years old, archaeologists found an image of a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Marge Simpson. Scientists believe that the artist depicted the goddess of the sky, Nut, in this way. She has the same tall blue hair, green dress, and four toes as Marge.


June 22, 2024

Cafe in Bangkok offers adorable boat tours with kittens

A cafe in Bangkok organizes the sweetest boat tours with kittens. This unique excursion includes a cruise through the most picturesque places in the city, while fluffy cats jump from one boat to another and allow themselves to be petted.


June 22, 2024

Artificial intelligence at McDonald's

McDonald's has proven that artificial intelligence is not yet capable of taking jobs away from humans. Neural networks were tested in a hundred American restaurants since 2021, but the project ended in failure and will be shut down this summer. The system often got confused and made mistakes, such as adding bacon to ice cream, presenting enormous bills for nuggets, or even ending every sentence with a question, preventing customers from completing their orders.


June 22, 2024

Ema Kavakami

9-year-old skateboarder from Japan, Ema Kavakami, has become the first person in the world to successfully land a triple 900 - three consecutive spins at 900 degrees. Legendary Tony Hawk applauds in awe. Back in 1999, Hawk was the first and one of the few to accomplish this trick, and he did it again at the age of 48.


June 21, 2024

Sea Urchins and their Fancy Hats

Sea urchins love wearing hats. In reality, they use makeshift tools to shield themselves from the sun's rays. But marine biologists decided to take advantage of this and started printing small hats on 3D printers. And the sea urchins happily wear them.


June 21, 2024

Giant Hammerhead Sharks Attack Tourists in Spain

Giant hammerhead sharks measuring 3 meters in length have been attacking tourists off the coast of Gran Canaria. Three beaches are cordoned off, drones and lifeguards are on duty, and scientists are intrigued by the aggression of these sharks, as the hammerhead species is generally considered harmless to humans.


June 21, 2024

Edible Robots: A Revolutionary Innovation from Switzerland

Scientists in Switzerland are developing edible robots. This is no joke, as the project is being funded by the EU. Currently, researchers are searching for edible alternatives to common materials such as starch or tannin instead of glue, and gelatin instead of rubber. They have already assembled a drone that is 50% edible, with its wings made from rice crackers. It's difficult to say exactly what this is for, but using the drone as an example, it could be used to search for a missing person, who could then eat it immediately to satisfy their hunger in an emergency.


June 21, 2024

Morinaga Drink

In Japan, a drink called Morinaga has been created, which turns into jelly in the stomach and induces a sense of fullness. The drink has become a hit and is instantly sold out. It seems that people are eager to save time and/or money on lunch breaks.


June 21, 2024

Modular Torch: The Ultimate Multifunctional Gadget

An interesting Kickstarter novelty, a modular torch that can be transformed into a speaker, fan, pump, and even a mosquito repellent. Inside, there is a 5000 mAh battery that powers various modules and can also charge a smartphone or anything else via a cable. The entire set is available for pre-order at $89.


June 19, 2024

Taobao Offers $125,000 Yearly Salary for a Cool Cat

Taobao will pay a Chinese citizen $125,000 per year for having an awesome cat. The platform is looking for a furry partner. According to the competition rules, participants need to upload a photo of their pet on the website and wait for a response. In case of winning, the cat will become Alibaba's first employee, appearing in advertisements and a feature film. Additionally, the cat will receive a year's supply of food and even health insurance.


June 19, 2024

SiiPet Startup Releases AI-Powered Pet Camera that Detects Diseases

Startup SiiPet has released a camera with AI that can detect diseases in your pet. The camera analyzes the behavior of your dog or cat and immediately notifies you of any deviations, allowing for the treatment of any diseases, even the most serious ones, at an early stage. It also has the capability to take photos with your pet.


June 19, 2024

Largest Solar Power Plant Launched in China

The largest solar power plant in the world was launched in northwest China recently. The system, covering an area of 13.3 thousand hectares, will generate over 6 billion kWh annually, which is comparable to the consumption of a small country like Armenia or Latvia. The construction took just under a year, and the project is estimated to cost ¥15.5 billion.


June 19, 2024

Louis Vuitton Introduces High-End Chocolate Spread Pricier Than Nutella

Louis Vuitton has officially revealed their own luxury chocolate spread, which is more expensive than Nutella. The official price for a jar is only $32, but resellers are selling it for a whopping $500-800.


June 18, 2024

Israeli scientists invent self-healing glass

Israeli scientists have discovered an amazing property of a short aromatic tripeptide YYY, which led to the creation of self-assembling and self-healing glass. This breakthrough occurred accidentally while researchers were studying the properties of other proteins. The research team believes that further experiments could lead to a wide range of applications for this new type of glass. A significant advantage of this innovative material is that its production requires much less energy compared to traditional glass manufacturing methods. This discovery has the potential to greatly impact various industries, from construction to optics, and can serve as a more environmentally friendly alternative to modern materials.


June 18, 2024

The Stunning Zhuyi Bridge in Zhejiang Province

The incredibly beautiful two-tier Zhuyi Bridge in the Zhejiang province of China is not only known for its wavy design, but also for its glass sections in the floor that allow visitors to gaze down into the 140-meter abyss below. The scenery is especially breathtaking during the spring bloom, when the valley is painted in shades of violet and pink.


June 18, 2024

Samsung creates smart sneakers to control your smartphone

Samsung has invented smart sneakers that can control your smartphone. The Samsung Shortcut shoes have sensors in the soles that recognize your dance moves and send commands to your smartphone. For example, you can make a call by tapping your shoes together.


June 18, 2024