China's Highest Waterfall Turns Out to Be a Pipe

China's highest waterfall, Yuntai Waterfall, has been revealed to be a pipe, thanks to a tourist who accidentally discovered it and captured it on camera. Yuntai Waterfall is considered as the main tourist attraction in the north-central province of Henan, China. But no one had suspected such a deception there. Authorities claim that this helps the actual waterfall when it runs dry.


June 8, 2024

Metal successfully printed on 3D printer for the first time on the ISS

For the first time, metal has been successfully printed on a 3D printer aboard the ISS. European scientists, in collaboration with Airbus, achieved this significant milestone. Soon, astronauts will be able to independently print station parts.


June 8, 2024

AI learns to understand dogs

AI has learned to understand dogs. The neural network can distinguish between aggressive barking and plaintive and playful barking. It can also determine the breed and gender of a dog. Soon, AI will even be able to understand the meaning behind a dog's barking. The relationship with pets will change forever.


June 8, 2024

Astronomers Discover a Sugary World in Space

Astronomers have found a sugar world in space. We are talking about the asteroid Arrokoth - the farthest space object visited by a human probe. Scientists have discovered that under the influence of radiation, familiar sugars - glucose and ribose - have formed there. And this sugary paradise is only 6.5 billion kilometers away.


June 7, 2024

Australian Scientists Create Night Vision Film

Scientists from Australia have developed a night vision film. It can be applied to any glasses, enabling vision in the dark. With this film, it is easy to distinguish objects and even safely drive a car. The technology is based on lithium niobate crystals that capture both visible and infrared light.


June 7, 2024

Solar Panels to Power Valencia's Cemeteries

Under the Requiem in Power project, more than 6,600 solar panels will be installed in Valencia's cemeteries. These panels will generate over 440,000 kilowatts per year, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 140 tons and providing energy to municipal buildings and thousands of households. About 800 solar panels have already been placed in three cemeteries. The authorities in Valencia hope to confirm their status as the green capital of Europe. According to the plans, the city is expected to receive 27% of its energy from renewable sources in the coming years.


June 7, 2024

Classical music on guard

In Finland, the police are deterring teenagers from beaches by playing classical music. At the end of the school year, young people like to hang out at the beaches and leave behind garbage, make noise, and so on. The police have found a solution to the problem: in the evenings, they loudly play classical music in such places. And the method works.


June 7, 2024

Botanists Discover New DNA Length Record Holder Among Living Organisms

Botanists have discovered a new record holder for the longest DNA among living organisms. It is the fern Tmesipteris oblanceolata, found in New Caledonia and neighboring archipelagos. The genome of this plant consists of 160.45 billion base pairs, which is 7% more than the previous record holder, the Japanese horseshoe crab, and more than 50 times larger than that of humans.


June 6, 2024

The Geneva Auto Show: An End of an Era

There will no longer be an auto show in Geneva. This was one of the oldest and most prestigious car exhibitions, held since 1905. The main reasons cited were the decline in interest from car brands and tough competition from other shows. At its peak of popularity, hundreds of companies would come to Geneva, but this year only nine attended: Renault, Dacia, and a few Chinese brands.


June 6, 2024

Adelaide's O-Bahn Busway: A Unique Transportation System

Adelaide, a city in Australia, boasts a unique busway system called O-Bahn, which resembles a railway rather than traditional roads. This system was constructed to ensure that buses wouldn't get stuck in traffic and could efficiently bypass congested areas of the route. With a length of 12 km and a maximum speed of 100 km/h, the O-Bahn busway allows buses to seamlessly transition from regular roads without slowing down. Equipped with guiding wheels, the buses also prevent their tires from scraping against curbs.


June 6, 2024

Real Bodies Museum in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, there is a museum where real human bodies donated to science are displayed. The main idea of the museum is to demonstrate how the human body works, how it functions, and what happens to it in the end. By the way, anyone can bequeath their body to this museum.


June 6, 2024

The billionaire canceled a tourist flight around the moon

Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa has canceled the first tourist flight around the Moon on SpaceX Starship. He says it has become unclear when the rocket will be able to go into space. Maezawa purchased all the seats back in 2018, expecting a launch in 2023, but it is now known that it will not happen until 2024. Reminder, all test flights of Starship have ended in rocket destruction so far. The fourth attempt to launch it is planned for today - June 5th. We are awaiting news.


June 5, 2024

French Vodka Infused with Meteorite: A Unique Cosmic Flavor

A vodka infused with a meteorite has been released in France. Over the course of a year, the drink is kept in terracotta barrels with pieces of the celestial body suspended in the middle, resulting in the partial dissolution of the space rock and imparting the unparalleled taste of chondrite.


June 5, 2024

MrBeast becomes the most popular YouTube channel worldwide

MrBeast has become the most popular YouTube channel in the world, surpassing the Indian music label T-Series. Jimmy Donaldson's channel has already gained over 267 million subscribers. No blogger or label has been able to reach such a high number until today.


June 5, 2024

On the far side of the moon

The Chinese station has successfully landed on the far side of the Moon - it is set to be the first in history to extract soil there and bring it back to Earth. The mission is expected to take two days, after which the samples will be loaded into the returning module, which will touch down in Inner Mongolia on June 25. Scientists believe that the delivered rocks will help better understand the history of the Moon's formation and other celestial bodies.


June 5, 2024

Feline vaccine for kidney disease

Japanese scientist Toru Miyazaki is close to completing a vaccine for kidney disease in animals, which may allow cats to live up to 30 years. The development has taken him a whole 25 years, but the determined Japanese researcher wanted to defeat the most common cause of death in cats. Clinical trials are currently underway, and if successful, the vaccine could be available on the market as early as 2025.


June 5, 2024

Scientists develop a second thumb

Scientists have developed a second thumb. You have definitely seen it before, but now it is closer than ever to a mass release. It is attached to the wrist at the bottom of the palm. A recent large-scale test was conducted, with 98% of the 3596 participants quickly mastering its control and embracing the additional thumb. The most astonishing thing is that, at the end of the tests, every second person felt incomplete without the sixth finger.


June 5, 2024

Naver's Innovative Office

Starbucks at the South Korean company Naver's office is like no other - it is staffed with a hundred robots. These machines deliver drinks and food to employees across the 36 floors of the headquarters. Thanks to their connection to the building's servers, they can open doors, ride elevators, and know exactly where and to whom the orders should be delivered. Interestingly, these robots have been created by Naver themselves. According to the team, the office serves as an excellent testing ground to try out their developments firsthand and promptly address any issues.


June 5, 2024

Sleep Shopping

An Englishwoman has accumulated a substantial amount of debt due to a rare condition - she opens her phone and makes online purchases while asleep. It may sound like a joke, but the woman suffers from a unique form of sleepwalking called sleep shopping. No matter how much she tries to hide, remove, or lock away her phone, she always manages to find it during her sleep and continues her shopping spree.


June 4, 2024

Edible candle

British Papa John's has created an edible candle that allows you to dip your pizza while the flame slowly melts the sauce. Those who have tried it are thrilled with this new innovation.


June 4, 2024