India has developed nanobots that destroy bacteria inside the teeth.

The idea is that iron-coated silicon dioxide helical structures can change position and move in space under the influence of magnetic fields. More importantly, they can be either inserted into living tissues or removed after a treatment session. Toothbots can penetrate into the dentinal tubules to a depth of up to 2000 micrometers, after which a change in the parameters of the magnetic field causes them to heat up. The excess heat destroys the bacteria, then the nanobots are removed. Experiments on individual teeth were successful, and now Indian scientists are working to create a new special tool for dentists based on their technology.


May 21, 2022

In early 2023, SpaceX will launch the heaviest satellite in history into orbit.

Jupiter-3 weighs 9.2 tons, making it the heaviest in orbit. This is a communications satellite that will provide speeds of 500 gigabits per second to residents of North and Central America.


May 21, 2022

The Israelis have created a smart bee hive that can prevent the global extinction of bees

To neutralize the threat, the Israelis proposed a prototype of the "smart beehive" Beehome. The hive is equipped with precise robotic systems, computer vision and artificial intelligence. This allows you to follow the bees and their needs in real time. About the same thing beekeepers have been doing for the last 150 years. A smart hive instantly detects possible threats to the bee family (for example, the presence of pesticides or pests) and immediately activates defense mechanisms.


May 21, 2022

After the legalization of cannabis, Americans began to drink and smoke less.

In Washington State, after the legalization of cannabis, young people are less likely to drink, smoke, and misuse opioid painkillers. At the same time, they began to buy electronic cigarettes more often. These conclusions were made by scientists in the course of a study involving 12.5 thousand people aged 18-25.


May 21, 2022

For bicycles, a radar with a camera and fixing an accident has been developed.

Garmin has introduced a bicycle light with radar warning of approaching vehicles from behind and a camera. It starts filming the moment a car is detected and protects the video from being deleted if it detects a collision or a fall.


May 21, 2022

Gene editing has made hamsters aggressive and overly sociable

The researchers wanted to use gene editing to change the social behavior of angry hamsters to make them kinder and shyer. It turned out the opposite - the rodents became hyper-aggressive and too sociable. The biology of social behavior is more complex than they thought, scientists say. This means that such experiments on humans are still far away.


May 20, 2022

Scientists have collected the largest database of pictures of animals in the Amazon.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has donated 57,000 images from camera traps in the Amazon to an international team of scientists. Now the total database contains 120,000 images taken in the river basin on the territory of eight countries. From 2001 to 2020, 289 species were captured by the lens. There are jaguars, anteaters, tapirs, toucans, cougars, spectacled (Andean) bears in the pictures. They live on an area of ​​8.5 million square kilometers. This largest photo archive will help scientists track and document habitat loss, climate change and species behavior.


May 20, 2022

The first operation to restore hearing was carried out 5.3 thousand years ago.

In Burgos, the remains of a woman aged 5.3 thousand years were found. On her skull, traces of a surgical operation to restore hearing were found - the very first of all documented. A patient with an ear infection underwent two mastoidectomy and survived. This is evidenced by traces of tissue regeneration around the surgical openings in the skull.


May 20, 2022

In Norway, they came up with a road surface that absorbs carbon dioxide

Carbon Crusher has developed an environmentally friendly road surface made from biomaterials. It absorbs CO₂ and reduces the carbon footprint of trail repairs. The Norwegians replaced the bitumen with the organic polymer lignin. It remains as waste after paper production. When using this technology, 3.5 times less carbon is emitted into the atmosphere in a section of 30 meters than usual.


May 20, 2022

The study showed that environmental pollution kills nine million people every year.

Most of them are Africans. The damage to the global economy from environmental degradation is estimated at 4.6 trillion dollars a year. The top 10 affected countries include Chad, Central African Republic, Niger, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, North Korea, Lesotho, Bulgaria and Burkina Faso.


May 20, 2022

British startup Air Company makes vodka from carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon dioxide is collected from the air near industrial facilities. It is then combined with hydrogen produced by electrolysis, a process in which electricity is used to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. After further fusion of CO2 and hydrogen, ethanol is obtained, which, in combination with water, becomes vodka. A bottle of Air Vodka will cost $65.


May 19, 2022

In the USA, eye drops have been developed that will provide sharp vision without glasses for 6 hours

The Vuity tool helps to compensate for age-related visual impairment. Eye drops return visual acuity for 6 hours. They replace the wearing of glasses and contact lenses. The drug leads to a forced change in the shape of the lens. So, as if you try to squint and look at the subject up close.


May 19, 2022

Bacteria 830 million years old have been found in salt crystals.

They may still be alive. Rock salt lay at a depth of 1.2 kilometers. It probably formed during the sedimentation of saline surface waters. During growth, liquid with particles of the environment could capture the crystals - this is how microorganisms appeared in them. Scientists suggest that among them there are bacteria, unicellular algae, spores of bacteria or fungi. Geologists believe that if life ever existed on Mars, it could also survive to this day in the sediments of former salt lakes.


May 19, 2022

Researchers at MIT have created an artificial intelligence capable of analyzing X-rays of people.

To their surprise, in addition to medical data, artificial intelligence incredibly accurately predicted the race of a person from a picture. The highlight is that this was considered impossible - doctors and scientists now do not understand how a neural network does this at all.


May 19, 2022

Microchip for parmesan.

In the Netherlands and the USA, a casein mark and a silicone microchip have been developed, the presence of which will guarantee the authenticity of Parmesan. The silicone microchip from P-Chip Corporation will serve as a "digital anchor" for physical products that is nearly impossible to fake or copy. This micro transponder is resistant to extreme heat and various chemicals, including solvents.


May 19, 2022

Scientists have figured out why octopuses destroy themselves after mating.

Octopuses are doomed to be orphans from a very young age. The males of these cephalopods die shortly after mating, while the females keep for several months - they lay and protect eggs, but do not eat, mutilate themselves and age rapidly. In the end, they too die.


May 19, 2022

When people want to emphasize someone's cowardice, they say "hiding the head in the sand."

In fact, they do not hide it anywhere. The head of an ostrich is small and fragile. If he had thought of sticking it into the dry, rocky earth, he would have received at least a concussion.


May 18, 2022

Apple "Black Diamond"

They are grown in the mountains of Tibet at an altitude of 3.5 thousand meters. Why is it this color? It's all about the extreme conditions in which it grows. Sharp diurnal temperature changes and strong ultraviolet radiation led to the darkening of its peel.


May 18, 2022

Astronomers are sounding the alarm - the peak of solar activity began earlier than expected

The Sun is currently in its 25th cycle. It began in 2019 and will last until about 2030. Logically, the Sun will be at its most active somewhere in the middle - in 2025. However, new data shows that the star is ahead of schedule. The sun is very active now, and it is difficult to imagine what will happen in the next two years.


May 18, 2022

Artificial intelligence will build a dam in China

The future structure will be called the Yangqu Dam and will be located on the Tibetan Plateau. A minimum of people will be involved in the construction - process control will be entrusted to artificial intelligence. At his disposal will be all the necessary construction equipment with a variety of sensors, and he will be able to manage it as he sees fit. From people, in turn, a minimum is required - the supply of resources and checking the operation of systems. In fact, the system for building the Yangqu Dam will be the world's largest 3D printer. Construction is planned to be completed by 2024.


May 18, 2022