Larry Ellison on AI Surveillance Systems

Oracle founder and multi-billionaire Larry Ellison cheerfully claims that an extensive artificial intelligence-based surveillance system can guarantee the 'best behavior of citizens' and ensure control over disobedient populations. Autonomous drones could provide not only the escorting of offenders but also constant surveillance combined with other AI means for those whose behavior is or could potentially be threatening. By the way, Larry Ellison has surpassed Amazon owner Jeff Bezos to become the second richest person in the world with a fortune of $206.5 billion.


September 18, 2024

Bhutan has accumulated over $750 million in Bitcoin

The Kingdom of Bhutan has accumulated over $750 million in Bitcoins, analysts from Arkham have found. The country with a population of less than 1 million people has ranked 4th in terms of state crypto holdings. Unlike other countries, Bhutan's Bitcoins come not from asset confiscation but from mining.


September 18, 2024

China Surpasses USA in Growth of Ultra-Rich

China has surpassed the USA in the growth of the number of ultra-rich, according to analysts from Henley & Partners. The number of centimillionaires, i.e., individuals with assets over $100 million, has increased by 54% over the past ten years to 29,350 people, primarily Chinese and Americans. Relatively few centimillionaires are found in Britain, Germany, and France. One third of all the ultra-rich live in 50 key cities around the world, with the most in New York, the Bay Area (California), and Los Angeles.


September 18, 2024

Calculators are now helping with exams

Calculators have learned to help during exams. Tech YouTuber ChromaLock has integrated ChatGPT into a graphing calculator to create the ultimate cheating tool. The gadget looks like an ordinary school device, but now it contains an all-knowing neural network that answers any question.


September 17, 2024

AI Begins Predicting Crimes

In South Korea, a system has been developed to recognize potential criminals. Dejaview, created by scientists at the ETRI institute, monitors people through surveillance cameras and predicts based on their behavior whether someone will break the law.


September 17, 2024

Estonian Slackliner Crosses Bosphorus on a Slackline

Estonian slackliner Jaan Roose was the first in the world to walk on a slackline across the Bosphorus Strait between Europe and Asia. The 1074-meter-long slackline was stretched between the 165-meter-high towers of the Martyrs' Bridge in Istanbul. It took the extreme sportsman 47 minutes to complete the crossing. Incidentally, just a couple of months ago, Jaan attempted to walk a 3.6-kilometer slackline in Italy, setting a new world record, but it was not counted due to a fall just before the finish.


September 17, 2024

Dolphins Tease Pufferfish for Fun

Dolphins tease pufferfish for fun – they ram them with their noses, hold them in their mouths, and even throw them to each other. Scientists explain that this behavior is caused by the toxin contained in pufferfish. In large doses, it is lethal, but in small amounts, it causes a feeling of euphoria in dolphins.


September 17, 2024

Singaporean Scientists Develop a Smart Mouthguard

Singaporean scientists have developed a smart mouthguard. With its help, devices can be controlled through the mouth. It reads tongue movements and transmits commands to devices. One can type text, receive calls, and control a wheelchair. The gadget is intended to help people with disabilities.


September 17, 2024

UFC 306 Tournament with Special Effects in Las Vegas

The UFC 306 tournament took place in a spherical arena in Las Vegas. 'Fights of the Future' were equipped with so many special effects that the event became the highest-grossing in the history of the fighting promotion - organizers earned $22 million in ticket sales.


September 16, 2024

First Space Tourists Conduct Spacewalk and Return Safely

The first space tourists in history to perform a spacewalk have successfully returned to Earth - the SpaceX spacecraft landed normally in the Gulf of Mexico. During the mission, which lasted five days, the team reached a record altitude of 1400 km (farther than anyone has flown since Apollo 17 in 1972) and conducted several experiments in orbit, including studying the effects of cosmic radiation on the human body.


September 16, 2024

Tesla Semi Catches Fire on California Road

In California, a Tesla Semi electric truck caught fire on the road. Firefighters needed 189,000 liters of water to extinguish it. The incident was resolved only after 16 hours, and firefighters even had to deploy a plane.


September 16, 2024

The 34th Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony at MIT

The 34th Ig Nobel Prize ceremony was held at MIT - a humorous analog to the Nobel Prize for unusual and amusing research. The chemistry prize went to Dutch scientists for devising a method to separate drunk worms from sober ones; the physiology prize went to Japanese researchers who discovered that many mammals can breathe through their anus; and the physics prize went to an American for studying the swimming capability of a dead trout. The probability theory prize was awarded for proving that a coin lands on the same side it started on in 51% of cases after being flipped 350,757 times.


September 16, 2024

China Developing its Own Reusable Rockets

Reusable space rockets like those of Elon Musk will soon be available in China. Several local startups are developing similar models. Recently, a successful test of one such rocket by Landspace took place - it reached a height of 10 km and then gently landed back. It is promised that the rocket will be able to carry up to 21 tons of cargo into orbit, and the first full launches are expected to start next year.


September 16, 2024

Doctors Performed Surgery from 9300 Kilometers Away

Scientists from Switzerland performed surgery on a live pig that was 9300 km away from them - the pig was located in Hong Kong. Surgeons were able to work in real-time because the communication delay was no more than 300 ms. Using PS controllers, the doctors performed an endoscopy and a stomach wall biopsy.


September 16, 2024

Tesla Launches Gigafactory Train

Tesla has launched its electric Gigafactory Train. It will run from Erkner station east of Berlin to Tesla South, 32 km away. The train's capacity is 500 people. It transports not only Tesla employees but also ordinary passengers for free. Up to 4500 employees (considering three 8-hour shifts) are planned to be transported on the Giga Train. According to forecasts, the Giga Train will save 50 tons of carbon dioxide emissions compared to other trains.


September 16, 2024

World's First Manga Hotel Opens in Tokyo

The world's first manga hotel has opened in Tokyo, where you can rent a bed and read your favorite Japanese comics. The hotel has a huge manga library and offers peace and quiet.


September 15, 2024

Human and Dog Brains Synchronize

Scientists from China have discovered that humans and dogs 'think on the same wavelength' during communication. In the experiment, researchers paired an unfamiliar man with a dog and monitored their brain activities. A week later, similar electrical impulses appeared in the brains of both.


September 15, 2024

Washington Engineers Present Blaze Barrier

Engineers from Washington have introduced Blaze Barrier - a line of defense against wildfires. It is a chain of mini-extinguishers that explode when flames approach. It can be used to encircle an area, buying time for evacuation or entirely extinguishing the fire.


September 14, 2024

A paint for rented apartments invented in Colombia

The revolutionary product Unpaint from the startup Glasst is applied just like regular wall paint, but after 24 hours it turns into an elastic film. At the desired moment, all you need to do is pull an edge, and the entire layer peels off.


September 14, 2024

Dutch Startup Unveils 'Smart' Apartment Garden

A Dutch startup has unveiled a 'smart' garden for apartments that takes over 99% of plant care tasks. According to the developers, the owner only needs to change the water and fertilizers once a month, and the device does everything else: it turns on the lights when needed, adjusts the water and nutrient levels, manages the climate, etc. You can grow onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, and other greens, as well as flowers. The price is €1799.


September 14, 2024