On the far side of the moon

The Chinese station has successfully landed on the far side of the Moon - it is set to be the first in history to extract soil there and bring it back to Earth. The mission is expected to take two days, after which the samples will be loaded into the returning module, which will touch down in Inner Mongolia on June 25. Scientists believe that the delivered rocks will help better understand the history of the Moon's formation and other celestial bodies.


June 5, 2024

Feline vaccine for kidney disease

Japanese scientist Toru Miyazaki is close to completing a vaccine for kidney disease in animals, which may allow cats to live up to 30 years. The development has taken him a whole 25 years, but the determined Japanese researcher wanted to defeat the most common cause of death in cats. Clinical trials are currently underway, and if successful, the vaccine could be available on the market as early as 2025.


June 5, 2024

Scientists develop a second thumb

Scientists have developed a second thumb. You have definitely seen it before, but now it is closer than ever to a mass release. It is attached to the wrist at the bottom of the palm. A recent large-scale test was conducted, with 98% of the 3596 participants quickly mastering its control and embracing the additional thumb. The most astonishing thing is that, at the end of the tests, every second person felt incomplete without the sixth finger.


June 5, 2024

Naver's Innovative Office

Starbucks at the South Korean company Naver's office is like no other - it is staffed with a hundred robots. These machines deliver drinks and food to employees across the 36 floors of the headquarters. Thanks to their connection to the building's servers, they can open doors, ride elevators, and know exactly where and to whom the orders should be delivered. Interestingly, these robots have been created by Naver themselves. According to the team, the office serves as an excellent testing ground to try out their developments firsthand and promptly address any issues.


June 5, 2024

Sleep Shopping

An Englishwoman has accumulated a substantial amount of debt due to a rare condition - she opens her phone and makes online purchases while asleep. It may sound like a joke, but the woman suffers from a unique form of sleepwalking called sleep shopping. No matter how much she tries to hide, remove, or lock away her phone, she always manages to find it during her sleep and continues her shopping spree.


June 4, 2024

Edible candle

British Papa John's has created an edible candle that allows you to dip your pizza while the flame slowly melts the sauce. Those who have tried it are thrilled with this new innovation.


June 4, 2024

Unusual wine Onkyo Direct

Startup Onkyo Direct has released wine that was aged for several years under the soundtrack of Nier: Automata. The range includes two types of wine, 2B and 9S, each of which listened to its own set of songs. The cost of one bottle is 12,000 yen.


June 4, 2024

Mammoths Found in Austrian Wine Cellar

Three mammoths have been found at the bottom of a wine cellar in Austria. According to scientists, approximately 150 years ago, stone artifacts, charcoal, and fossils were found in a neighboring wine cellar, which allowed them to determine the probable age of the mammoths. However, it is unclear whether these animal remains are related to the Stone Age settlement. It is possible that the animals died a natural death, but they may have also fallen into a trap set by humans.


June 3, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Surpasses Humans in Theory of Mind Tests

Artificial intelligence has surpassed humans in theory of mind tests. Theory of mind tests assess whether a person is capable of analyzing nonverbal signals, putting themselves in someone else's shoes, and imagining the world from a different perspective. In general, large linguistic models performed as well as, if not better than, humans in answering these questions. GPT-4 demonstrated the best results across all question types.


June 3, 2024

Two 17-year-old students developed a method to filter microplastics from water and won $50,000

Two 17-year-old students in the USA have developed a method to filter microplastics from water using ultrasound and have won a $50,000 prize. To understand the importance of this development: a study was released this week that found traces of microplastics in the testicles of all the male participants. This is one of the most significant environmental pollution problems that has long been severely impacting human health. However, in this context, a $50,000 prize for saving humanity seems too small.


June 3, 2024

Billionaire to Sail to Titanic on a Submarine

A billionaire will embark on a journey to the Titanic on a submarine. Just like last summer when a submarine was controlled by a gamepad and burst due to pressure. The wealthy American wants to prove that such voyages are safe. He will invest $20 million in it.


June 3, 2024

The USA reinvents the coffee machine into an alcohol machine

In the USA, the coffee machine has been reinvented into an alcohol machine. Instead of coffee capsules, there are now capsules with cocktails, and instead of water, there is alcohol. The machine is capable of mixing 60 cocktails, and you can adjust the strength yourself.


June 3, 2024

French President and Paris Mayor Swim in Seine to Promote River Safety for Olympic Triathlon

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that on June 23, he will swim in the Seine River alongside Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to demonstrate the river's safety for hosting Olympic triathlon competitions. However, French citizens disagree with the President's opinion and have launched the hashtag #IWillPooInTheSeine on social media. Users are posting humorous images and calculating the perfect timing to relieve themselves in different regions of the country, with the goal of sending a message to Paris on June 23. The Seine is considered the dirtiest river in Europe, as confirmed by the environmental organization Surfrider Foundation, and the residents of Paris themselves describe it as dangerous and smelly.


June 3, 2024

Short-haired cat Baо Zhi sets a world record on a skateboard

Short-haired cat Baо Zhi, nicknamed Bao Zhi, has set a world record by riding a skateboard for 10 meters in 12.85 seconds. Bao Zhi and his trainer, Li Jiangtao, were honored by the Guinness World Records. According to Li Jiangtao, Bao Zhi showed a natural interest in skateboarding and quickly developed the necessary skills.


June 3, 2024

Interview with the First Person Chipped by Neuralink: Mind-Controlled Social Media, Online Shopping, and Gaming

The interview with the first person chipped by Neuralink has been released. The guy is completely paralyzed below the neck, but it is the result of a swimming accident in the past. After the initial installation, the chip fell out for the first time because scientists did not take into account that the brain moves within a radius of one millimeter. A reinstallation was performed. By the power of his mind, he scrolls through social media feeds, makes online purchases, and even plays computer games. His chip connects to a computer via Bluetooth through the special Neuralink application. The chip in his head is not felt or painful.


June 1, 2024

Norway mandates labeling of retouched advertising

Norway has recently required all advertisements to be labeled with a special warning if the model's photo has been retouched or photoshopped even slightly. It is said that even plastic surgeries should be marked. In this way, the government is fighting against unrealistic beauty standards.


June 1, 2024

The Rise of Sleep Tourism

Sleep tourism is gaining popularity. Instead of sightseeing, tourists choose comfortable beds for a proper rest. Research shows that nearly half of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation and seek ways to get enough sleep even while traveling. Hotels have caught onto this trend by offering luxurious sleep services, including smart beds with artificial intelligence that can be adjusted for firmness. Sleeping recovery suites offer meditation, soothing soundscape, and music. Additionally, sleep-promoting dishes and drinks are available, along with free books for bedtime reading.


June 1, 2024

Astronomers Discover Closest Rocky Exoplanet to Earth - Gliese 12b

Astronomers have discovered the closest rocky exoplanet to Earth - Gliese 12b. It has been preliminarily determined that it may have a climate suitable for the emergence of life. The exoplanet is located in the constellation Pisces at a distance of 39.6 light-years from Earth. The planet completes one orbit around its star in just 13 days. The average surface temperature is 40 degrees Celsius. The calm nature of the nearby star, which does not produce a large number of X-ray flare, makes Gliese 12b particularly interesting for study.


June 1, 2024

Famous Home from Home Alone Goes Up for Sale

The famous McCallister family house from the movie Home Alone is being put up for sale. It is located near Chicago, in the small village of Winnetka. Inside, there is a home theater, a two-story basketball court (on the basement and 1st floors), as well as five bedrooms and six bathrooms. The total area is 840m². Such a return to childhood is priced at $5.25 million.


May 30, 2024

Introducing Chill Out: Japan's New Relaxing Beverage

Japan has started producing a relaxing drink that is the complete opposite of energy drinks. 'Anti-energy' drinks are gaining popularity in Japan, and one such drink that is in high demand is Chill Out. The beverage contains theanine (a derivative of green tea), gamma-aminobutyric acid, hops extracts, and... cannabis. People who have tried it say that after a few sips, you feel a pleasant fatigue and don't want to do anything.


May 30, 2024