China will protect the Earth from asteroids
China is going to create an effective system of ground and space-based, which will notify in advance of objects that pose a danger to our planet. At the same time, Chinese experts plan to develop technologies that can prevent the approach of such celestial bodies. “We will try by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), or in 2025-2026, to start testing technologies for close-range observation of any asteroid that poses a threat to the Earth. With their help, we will carry out a collision, as a result of which this celestial body will be displaced from its orbit,” said Wu Yanhua, deputy head of the China National Space Administration.
April 26, 2022
Well, how can you resist?
That is why it is impossible to resist the gaze of dogs. One of the discoveries of the scientific event Experimental Biology 2022 was the study of the guys from Pittsburgh. They studied the evolution of dogs, and came to the conclusion that, unlike wolves, evolution added special muscles to the face of dogs to create that very kind dog look. So, dogs were able to establish a productive relationship with people.
April 26, 2022
Why 100% humidity is not water?
Because we are talking about the relative humidity of the air. When the air humidity is 100%, this means that the maximum possible amount of water vapor is in the air and the air cannot take more. In other words, the evaporation of water under these conditions is impossible. The lower the relative humidity of the air (that is, not 100%, but, say, 23%), the more water can pass into steam and the higher the rate of evaporation.
April 25, 2022
The most popular surnames in Sweden
There are more than 200,000 Karlssons in Sweden. The familiar surname Karlsson is quite popular in Sweden. It takes the honorable 3rd place among the most common surnames: it is worn by more than 200,000 people. But in the 1st place is the name Anderson: it belongs to almost 240,000 people.
April 25, 2022
Hand made of "liquid metal"
American scientists from Binghamton University have created a hand from "liquid metal" like the Terminator! The product consists of a Fields alloy, which includes bismuth, indium and tin, and a rubber-like elastomer frame has been stretched over it. Thanks to these tricks, the structure can be deformed as you like, and after heating it returns to its original state.
April 25, 2022
The most expensive fountain
The construction of the most expensive fountain on Earth, which is located in Dubai, cost $ 218 million. The Dubai Fountain also entered the Guinness Book of Records as the largest of its kind.
April 25, 2022
Danger of marijuana for pets
Pets have become even more likely to be poisoned with cannabis after its legalization in Canada. This conclusion was reached by a team of researchers after analyzing the results of a survey of 251 veterinarians from Canada and the United States. Most often, animals fell ill due to the fact that, through an oversight, they ate dried marijuana or products with it. Although most of the affected individuals were quickly cured, sixteen deaths were reported by veterinarians.
April 25, 2022
Cementless eco-concrete
In Canada, they came up with cementless eco-concrete from waste. The new material is 30% stronger than the classic counterpart. The manufacturer uses steel slag and carbon dioxide from the surrounding air instead of cement. As a result of their contact, calcium carbonates are formed. The pilot project provides for the production of 450 tons of concrete per day, which is 25,000 bricks. With such volumes, the new technology will allow capturing about 20 tons of carbon dioxide per day.
April 25, 2022
The Large Hadron Collider is up and running again
The world's most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, has returned to work after a three-year hiatus for repairs and upgrades and has begun its third run. Today, beams of protons at an energy of 450 gigaelectronvolts began to circulate in the LHC ring for the first time. In the future, scientists plan to conduct experiments at collision energies of 13.6 teraelectronvolts.
April 25, 2022
Smart lenses
The timing of the appearance of smart lenses is predicted. The authors of the material noted that many forecasts for the 2040s say that smart lenses will appear on the market of the future. With their help, people will be able to receive information and collect data on medical indicators. Thus, experts predicted the approximate timing of the appearance of smart lenses on the market - the authors believe that this will happen no earlier than in 20 years. The main players in the smart optics market will be Google, Samsung and Sony
April 22, 2022
James Webb telescope
The James Webb telescope has become one of the coldest objects in space. The temperature of the main MIRI instrument reached -266.75 degrees Celsius. This is only 6 degrees warmer than absolute zero, at which the molecules stop moving. The telescope is almost ready to start shooting deep-sky objects
April 22, 2022
The most expensive fruit?
Yubari melon is a hybrid of two cantaloupes, the taste of which combines pungency and sweetness, spice, juiciness and sugar content of watermelon pulp, light but long pineapple aftertaste. Fruit price - $22.872
April 22, 2022
Ticket to Mars
Elon Musk said that everyone can buy a ticket to Mars - it will cost only $100,000. The main goal is to make travel to Mars reasonably affordable. To build a city on Mars, you need to attract about 1 million people. The businessman wants to show the red planet to anyone who wants it. He claims that anyone can work or take out a loan to accumulate a notional amount of $100,000.
April 22, 2022
Nile crocodile
The Nile crocodile is very experienced and successful in swimming. It usually dives for 2-3 minutes, but can stay underwater for up to 2 hours. It submerges completely and silently under the water, forcing the air out of its large lungs. The Nile crocodile swims very fast underwater. The tail helps to develop speed in water up to 30 km / h.
April 20, 2022
Interesting facts about dolphins
The communication system of dolphins is so developed that each dolphin has its own name, which he calls out to when relatives address him. They have about the same number of levels of organization of sounds as a person: six. That is: sound, syllable, word, phrase, paragraph, context. There are also dialects. In nature, only two species of mammals have sex for pleasure - humans and dolphins.
April 20, 2022
The largest venomous snake
The king cobra is the largest venomous snake. It is a common misconception that this is one of the most venomous snakes in the world (although this is McCoy's taipan of the genus taipans, with poison 180 times more potent than cobra venom, and some other species)
April 20, 2022
Interesting facts about corn flakes
Corn flakes were invented as a cure for sex drive. Corn flakes were created in the 19th century by Dr. John Kellogg to reduce the sex drive in men. They were not sweet and were served for several years for breakfast at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Later, the doctor's brother realized that the masturbation cure didn't work, added sugar to them, and sold them commercially, creating the first cereal company.
April 20, 2022
Guinness book record
In Argentina, they baked a 5-meter pancake. At the pancake and tortilla festival in the city of Mercedes, a pancake was prepared that can claim the Guinness world record as the largest. Cooks spent 1199 kg of flour and 1599 kg of melted fat
April 20, 2022
Creative fishing
A guy from Shanghai decided to get creative with the issue of subsistence during the lockdown and caught an ornamental carp from an artificial pond with the help of a drone. Recall that a hard lockdown has now been introduced in China. Therefore, the inhabitants had problems with food.
April 19, 2022
News from Tesla
Tesla has installed a new 360MWh Megapack worth over $135 million 30km south of Las Vegas. The facility consists of 528,084 solar panels generating more than 500,000 MWh of energy per year, avoiding 400,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year. In this way, Megapack will help power 60,000 homes.
April 19, 2022