Tire dust is 1,000 times more harmful than exhaust fumes
Tire dust is 1,000 times more harmful than exhaust fumes - students at the Imperial College London College of Art have solved the problem. A team of four students created a device that attaches to a car tire and uses the electrostatic and aerodynamic properties of a spinning wheel to collect tire dust as it forms.
May 8, 2022
The neural network has learned to create drug formulas from chemical waste
An international team of scientists has created the Alchemy platform, which, using neural networks, offers options for the synthesis of approximately 300 drugs from 200 types of chemical waste. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to close some production chains in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries. The Alchemy computer system now does this for them. She studies the composition of complex waste and, on its basis, builds options for the synthesis of new substances - they are called routes. With widespread use, the platform is expected to help reduce toxic waste
May 8, 2022
How to quickly and effectively learn anything?
American business coach Josh Kaufman mastered six new skills in a year: he studied programming and wrote two programs in Ruby, relearned touch typing from one layout to another, started practicing yoga, learned to play "Chinese chess" Go and the ukulele, and mastered windsurfing. He wrote a book about this, “The First 20 Hours. How to quickly learn ... anything. This book is worth reading.
May 7, 2022
How to become smarter?
Being literate in our time is very useful, but, alas, not everyone understands this. Start small: 1. Disable autocorrect on your phone When autocorrect is enabled, we often don't even pay attention to how the word is spelled. 2. Read more Yes, it’s trite, but it’s also very useful, because with regular reading of absolutely any literature, the brain remembers the most complex words, expressions and grammatical constructions.
May 7, 2022
In Milan, the facade of the hospital was updated and nicknamed "Iceberg". The ribs on the façade work like blinds, partially cutting off the direct rays of the sun, which interfere with doctors. And the titanium dioxide facade coating breaks down smog particles and retains heat. An admission to the hospital costs from $450, and about 50,000 surgeries are performed per year.
May 7, 2022
The Chinese have taught a swarm of drones to fly through bamboo thickets.
Chinese engineers taught a swarm of drones to move through the forest and demonstrated this by flying through bamboo thickets as an example. The drones constantly exchange information and fly as a single unit, but at the same time they can slightly deviate from the general trajectory if there is an obstacle in the way. Drone swarms can come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, they have already been used as a distributed set of sensors, which helped to find the location of a gas leak.
May 6, 2022
SUV for people with disabilities.
The American company Outrider USA introduced the lightest all-wheel drive electric SUV in history. Cougar is designed specifically for people with disabilities to help them travel, hunt or fish in nature. Portability was a key design goal of the SUV: it folds up and fits easily into the trunk of a car, and the total weight is just 59kg. The control system combines a pair of hand levers that can be tilted to control power and braking. The Coyote's top speed is 45 km/h, but users can set their own driving speed. The price for the basic version of the SUV is $14,000, and the all-wheel drive is $20,000.
May 6, 2022
Japan is one step closer to flying cars.
SkyDrive-05 has reached an agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure. And very soon, in Japan it will be possible to fly them officially. This two-seat flying car allows you to do at speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour, and can be in flight for 30 minutes.
May 6, 2022
From the lunar soil, oxygen and fuel can be synthesized
Chinese scientists analyzed recently brought samples and said that the materials necessary for human work can be produced directly on the moon. There is everything needed for the synthesis of oxygen and rocket fuel, and energy can be taken from the sun's rays.
May 6, 2022
Shower for gamers
Irish Spring, which sells shampoos and shower gels, has presented a very unusual invention for gamers - Gamer Shower. The futuristic device allows you to wash and play at the same time. The shower for gamers is quite real, it is unlikely to go into mass production and is only part of the Irish Spring advertising campaign.
May 6, 2022
The impact of COVID-19 on the brain was compared with aging for 20 years
In the course of the study, scientists studied the data of 46 patients with a severe form of coronavirus infection aged 28 to 83 years. Six months after the illness, patients were asked to undergo a test that revealed cognitive parameters (memory, attention, anxiety, reaction speed, the likelihood of developing depression and post-traumatic disorder). When the results were compared with the average of 66,000 people, it turned out that the speed and accuracy of responses suffered in those who had coronavirus. In addition, their IQ scores dropped, and the overall decline in cognitive function was equivalent to brain aging from 50 to 70 years.
May 6, 2022
The birthplace of figure skating.
Holland is considered the birthplace of figure skating. It was there, in the 13th-14th centuries, that the first iron skates appeared. The appearance of a new type of skates gave a powerful impetus to the development of figure skating, which at that time consisted in the ability to draw intricate figures on the ice and maintain a beautiful pose at the same time.
May 5, 2022
The most extreme market in the world
Not far from the city of Samut in Thailand, right on the railway track, commuter train No. 4382 from Mai Klong to Ban Laem passes eight times during the day. Stubborn merchants and extreme buyers are not at all embarrassed by such a neighborhood.
May 5, 2022
New about smartphones
The smartphone adjusted the interface to the position of the finger by its reflection in the eyes. Japanese developers have taught smartphones to adjust the interface to the location of the finger, even if it does not touch the screen. It turned out that the resolution of cameras in modern smartphones is enough to recognize the finger, the screen and their relative position by reflection in the eyes.
May 5, 2022
Bees can recognize numbers
In Australia, scientists have found that honey bees can distinguish between even and odd numbers. As part of the study, the experts divided the bees into several groups. One group was taught to associate even numbers with sweet water with sugar, and odd numbers with water with quinine, which made the liquid bitter. At the same time, another group was taught the opposite associations with water. Subsequently, the scientists showed the bees cards with even and odd numbers. In 80 percent of the cases, the insects correctly determined the number. When they were shown cards they had not previously used, their accuracy rates dropped but remained at 70 percent.
May 5, 2022
Smart bed
Xiaomi launches 8H Feel Leather Smart Electric Bed X Pro smart electric bed. The bed evaluates sleep quality by monitoring the sleeper's heart rate, breathing rate, and the number of movements of the sleeper. It also helps fight snoring. When snoring is detected, the device automatically raises the backrest by 15 degrees without disturbing the user's sleep. When the snoring stops, the bed returns to its original state. The Miracle Bed is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem, so you can program different smart home scenarios. For example, to turn off the light when falling asleep, and open the curtains when waking up. The price of new items is about $1.120.
May 5, 2022
Copper wires
It turned out that copper wires can provide Internet access at speeds up to 3 gigabits per second. The most common copper telephone wires are familiar to everyone who made the era of the early Internet. It was very slow, and until fiber came along, good internet speeds weren't available to the masses. However, scientists from Cambridge decided to test the capabilities of old copper cables. And they came to a funny conclusion - with a cheap revision, they can transfer data at gigabit speeds. And the funny thing is that, according to scientists, no one simply checked the potential of old cables - everyone simply switched to fiber optics and lost interest in improving existing lines.
May 4, 2022
Climate change and pandemics
A relationship has been found between climate change and the emergence of new pandemics that spread from animals to humans. As the Earth's climate continues to get warmer, experts believe that wildlife will be forced to move to regions with more people, drastically increasing the risk of a viral surge and could lead to the next pandemic. For now, experts suggest paying more attention to wildlife disease surveillance and real-time research into environmental changes.
May 4, 2022
Fight against brutes
China's largest social network Weibo plans to show the location of rude and arrogant Internet users causing controversy. According to the announcement, Weibo thus plans to establish a healthy atmosphere on the service without unnecessary kinks. After all, when the address of the person who inflicts it is visible under the insult, it is possible that he will change his mind about being rude.
May 4, 2022
In England, the world's first vertiport was launched
The world's first vertiport for flying taxis and drones has been launched in the English city of Coventry. The complex as a whole is similar to a regular airport with a lounge area, gates and a take-off area. The vertiport has been named Air One and will soon become the base for electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles.
May 4, 2022