Lunar and Solar Eclipse Corridor in September and Its Features

The autumn eclipse corridor will start on September 18, 2024, with a total lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces and will end on October 2 with an annular solar eclipse. Thus, the eclipse corridor will last 15 days, and this period is considered special for creativity, self-development, and spiritual growth. It is important to act consciously, as words and actions during this time have long-term consequences.


September 12, 2024

Period Highlights

1. Romantic Relationships: This period is favorable for restoring and strengthening romantic connections. However, any quarrels may have fatal consequences for relationships, so it's best to avoid conflicts. 2. Work and Finance: Until September 25th, you can actively engage in financial issues, professional matters, and career - this time is favorable for financial deals and growth. 3. Family and Leisure: Starting from September 26th until the end of the period, it is recommended to spend more time with family, rest, and emotional recovery.


September 12, 2024

What Not to Do During the Corridor of Eclipses

The period between eclipses is usually accompanied by heightened emotions and risks. It's a time when conflicts, arguments, hysterics can intensify, and the likelihood of injuries increases. To avoid trouble, it is recommended to be especially careful. Recommended: 1. Avoid conflicts and provocations. 2. Do not brag or draw excessive attention to yourself. 3. Do not trust strangers and avoid dubious situations. 4. Do not make major decisions, such as moving or changing jobs. 5. Refrain from taking out loans and large financial obligations. This period requires calmness and balance to avoid possible negative consequences in the future.


September 12, 2024

What to Do During the Eclipse Corridor

The eclipse corridor is an excellent time for spiritual practices and self-development. It is a favorable period to: 1. Complete unfinished business, especially those that have been postponed for a long time. 2. Overcome fears and get rid of bad habits. 3. Learn to control emotions and develop inner harmony. 4. Make new acquaintances and restore old relationships. 5. Rest and travel, especially in good company, bringing emotional recovery. The eclipse corridor of 2024 is a time when you can direct your energy toward positive changes in life, but it is important to act cautiously and thoughtfully.


September 12, 2024

Horoscope for September 12

Capricorn: Favorable conditions will be created for a serious conversation with a close person. Disagreements that have arisen recently will be easily resolved if you give each other the opportunity to speak out. Aquarius: An unfamiliar person will help you solve an important, most likely professional issue. Despite the fact that you barely communicate, he will have the necessary information – listen to him. Pisces: Today, or at least the evening, the stars urge you to devote to a loved one. Arrange a romantic dinner or at least a walk in the park, you may hear a confession you have been waiting for.


September 12, 2024

Horoscope for September 12

Libra: The stars advise you to pay attention to a person who has recently appeared in your circle. The current friendly and unobtrusive relationships may develop into something more serious over time. Scorpio: A day when doing good deeds is especially important. They will bring not only gratitude from those for whom they are done, but also moral satisfaction for you, which is also no less important. And remember: the selflessly done good will definitely be returned to you. Sagittarius: Despite the weekday, it is desirable to devote at least some part of it to your favorite activity. The pleasant emotions it brings will not only improve the mood but also replenish the reserves of physical and moral strength.


September 12, 2024

Horoscope for September 12

Cancer: You should not pry information from another person that is very important for you to find out. Out of a sense of contradiction, they will not tell you anything. Pretend that it is absolutely uninteresting to you, and they will spill everything themselves. Leo: The day is favorable for any endeavors, so if you have had a project in your plans for a long time that you have been hesitant to start, you will not find a better time. Don't miss the lucky chance. Virgo: You must not tell unfamiliar people about strictly personal aspects of your life. It is unknown how they will handle the knowledge they receive – they may tell everyone about what you would like to keep secret.


September 12, 2024

Horoscope for September 12

Aries: Approach financial matters with caution. A mistake made at this time, even a minor one, can have serious negative impacts on your financial situation. Taurus: A day when you can and should win back the favor of a person you've had a recent argument with. Try to explain to them that you did not mean to offend - you simply overdid it with your arguments. Gemini: A day when you should not only prepare but also drink teas and infusions made from medicinal herbs. They will gain special strength and can both alleviate existing illnesses and prevent new ones.


September 12, 2024

Horoscope for September 11

Capricorn: The day is unfavorable for financial operations. Even if they seem insignificant to you, remember that a small loss instead of a profit can spoil your mood for the whole day. Do not listen to advice today; rely only on your own opinion. Aquarius: Do not waste time talking to friends on the phone and in messengers today: after these conversations, you will feel tired and empty - not the best state for a day off. Pisces: You will see for yourself that there's truth in the old saying 'everything happens for the best.' An event that you perceive today as a misfortune will soon lead to a chain of lucky occurrences.


September 11, 2024

Horoscope for September 11

Libra: The day is favorable for organizing documents. It's not yet time to start something new; it's better to pay attention to your loved ones. The management will deliver some unpleasant news, but don't provoke a conflict because of it. Scorpio: Don't mistake a bad mood for a premonition of unpleasant or even dangerous events. They are no more than the negative influence of the Moon, which will weaken tomorrow and dissipate by evening. Sagittarius: Don't expect gratitude for good deeds – do them from the heart. Then higher powers will appreciate it. It's better to limit physical exertion. Due to decreased immunity, chronic illnesses may worsen or new ones may appear.


September 11, 2024

Horoscope for September 11

Cancer: It is advisable to refrain from active, especially professional activities, despite the peak of the work week. Do only what is absolutely necessary, putting off the rest for later. Try not to succumb to emotions and prove nothing to anyone. Leo: Today you are lucky in your personal life. If you go on a date, it will go wonderfully. Do not let yourself be drawn into a dubious adventure. In business, you can start projects and conduct negotiations. Virgo: Treat your close ones with maximum patience today. Their unfriendly outbursts will be dictated by the Moon, so do not hold it against them.


September 11, 2024

Horoscope for September 11

Aries: The dreams you might have tonight, no matter how unpleasant or even disturbing they are, are not prophetic. Therefore, there is no need to worry about them. There will be an opportunity for additional income. Taurus: It is advisable not to pay attention to hostile attacks from others. It's best to ignore them completely if you have the patience; why waste your nerves unnecessarily? Despite everything, you will manage to defend your interests. Gemini: It is important to pay special attention to unclear situations that will arise from time to time. Through them, Fate may be giving you signals that are important clues. A significant hint might also come in dreams.


September 11, 2024

Horoscope for September 10

Capricorn: The day will require more energy from you than usual. Work tasks will be the priority, but try not to forget about personal matters. You might need help from close ones. In the evening, you will have the opportunity to relax and divert yourself from worries. Aquarius: A busy day, especially in the professional sphere. You may be asked to help with additional tasks, and your participation will determine the team's success. Try not to delay resolving personal issues. Pisces: You should focus on yourself and your needs. At work, there will be a need to complete tasks that require concentration. Don't hesitate to ask for help from colleagues. The evening will be favorable for engaging in creative activities or relaxing practices like yoga.


September 10, 2024

Horoscope for September 10

Libra: You may feel the desire to review your diet or add physical exercises to your schedule. Your personal life will be calm, and the evening will pass in a cozy home atmosphere. Scorpio: The day will bring you new ideas, especially regarding work or hobbies. You may want to start a small project related to creativity or self-development. However, remember to rest; otherwise, fatigue may affect your mood. Spend the evening in the company of loved ones. Sagittarius: There will be a chance to strengthen relationships with colleagues through joint work. The day is also favorable for handling minor household matters like buying needed items or doing home repairs. In the evening, dedicate time to reading or meditation.


September 10, 2024

Horoscope for September 10

Cancer: This day will be a good time to solve domestic issues. You may need to help your loved ones with tasks or tidy up the house. News related to work is also expected. Keep your phone handy so you don't miss an important message or call. Leo: You should pay attention to family matters. Relatives may need support, and your involvement in solving their problems will be important. Virgo: The day will be filled with routine tasks, which may cause slight tension. However, if you can organize your work process, everything will go smoothly. There may be minor purchases that will be useful in daily life.


September 10, 2024

Horoscope for September 10

Aries: It is necessary to prioritize work tasks. You may need to reconsider your schedule to complete several tasks simultaneously. In the evening, you will feel the desire to engage in something creative. Taurus: This day will bring a lot of communication. You may have to address issues related to finances or household matters. In the evening, you will want to take some time for yourself – take a break to relax, for example, with your favorite TV show. Gemini: You will have several important meetings, both work-related and personal. Try to organize your time so that you can manage everything. Be prepared for plans to change and adapt to the circumstances. Pay attention to your health – it might be worth reconsidering your daily routine.


September 10, 2024

Horoscope for September 9

Capricorn: A difficult day. At the workplace, you will be overwhelmed with tasks, and there are also challenges in the family. A close person will be your solace, not burdening you with problems but distracting you and making you laugh at all the tough moments. Aquarius: Household issues will be unavoidable, so attend to domestic chores right after work. A period of financial prosperity is coming, so you can focus entirely on family matters without being distracted by work assignments. Pisces: You will end relationships that weigh you down. The initiative will come from you, so praise yourself. You have finally found the courage to put things in order and let go of a person who doesn't value you.


September 10, 2024

Horoscope for September 9

Libra: The new work week will require new knowledge from you, so you will need to study. Do not refuse if someone wants to share their experience with you. It will be only for the best. Scorpio: Family concerns occupy all your thoughts, so it will be impossible to concentrate on work matters. Perhaps colleagues will help solve family contradictions, but do not trust everyone with your secrets, otherwise, a mountain of problems will arise at work too. Sagittarius: Do not pay attention to minor misunderstandings, just close your eyes to the mistakes of your loved ones, as they do not carry any critical significance. Sometimes you make a mountain out of a molehill and create problems for yourself. Be simpler and allow your loved ones to be so too.


September 9, 2024

Horoscope for September 9

Cancer: You are slow and distracted today. It is better to lie low and not attract attention to yourself. By Tuesday, you will be in a fighting mood, and then you can start fulfilling work tasks and public duties. Leo: You have become overly sensitive. You probably already notice this and suffer from it. Therefore, don’t pay attention to the reactions and actions of others. You have your own life. And only it interests you. Virgo: A difficult day. Not everything will work out the first time. You will have to go back, redo, and correct mistakes. This will affect your mood. Irritability will be inevitable. Some Virgos will be categorical in their remarks.


September 9, 2024

Horoscope for September 9

Aries: You should not start this Monday with serious conversations and responsible decisions. It is difficult for you to concentrate on important moments, so you will make mistakes and create conflict situations. Taurus: The whole week will be successful. However, there may be problems in relationships with family members. You will have to listen to whims and fulfill others' wishes. But this is your family. And this cannot be avoided. Gemini: The day will pass easily and calmly, although stressful situations are inevitable. Your boss will make you nervous. They want to “dump” additional tasks on you, but the management does not want to pay for your efforts. Discuss all controversial points in advance so that later there will be someone to hold accountable.


September 9, 2024